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Ram's Blog

SharePoint, Windows Azure, PowerShell, Windows RT development

New site

I’ve moved my blog to All the posts from this blog has been moved to my...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 06/17/2014

Targeting windows 8 platform when developing windows store apps using VS2013 + Win 8.1

Like most of the developers who always like to run on latest and greatest Microsoft software, I too...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 01/03/2014

Sending email from windows store apps using SendGrid Web Api and HTTP Client

One of the things you will notice when working on windows store applications is that there isn’t any...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 10/19/2013

Annoying experience with TFS Online

Hope this post doesn’t come across as a rant but just wanted to share the experience I had with...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 10/16/2013

List of windows store app bar button styles

By default when you create Windows Store Application using the Visual Studio project templates,...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 09/19/2013

HOW-TO: Generate hash in windows store apps

This post shows how to generate hash using SHA1 algorithm in windows store apps, useful if your app...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 07/10/2013

When typing PowerShell ISE in start screen opens in PowerShell command line and not PowerShell ISE

I recently encountered a windows 8 bug that took me a bit to figure out the exact root cause,...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 07/03/2013

Recovering data from an unattached content database using PowerShell

One of the really nice IT Pro features in SharePoint, introduced back in SharePoint Server 2010 is a...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 04/04/2013

When Service Account Password in AD and SharePoint Gets out of sync

This can happen sometimes when service account passwords are changed in AD and Managed Account...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 03/27/2013

PowerShell for adding zone user policy for a web application

Sharing a PowerShell script that I wrote for adding zone user policy for a web application. Function...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 03/08/2013

Creating and re-using custom virtual machine images in Windows Azure

Windows Azure provides a set of gallery images for us to use when provisioning virtual machines, but...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 03/02/2013

Scripting provisioning & tear down of SharePoint farms in Windows Azure

Windows azure provides a feature called Virtual Machines, basically it allows us to provision the...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 02/25/2013

Implementing CDN based caching for SharePoint internet sites

Why Implement CDN for Internet Sites built on SharePoint Keeps the content close to end users who...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 02/19/2013

Setting SharePoint content databases offline via Script

Body: If you followed the TechNet documentation for Set-SPContentDatabase and try to take SharePoint...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 05/09/2012

Setting Description to null when creating custom SP Groups via code can cause search crawler to fail

Body: Recently was pulled into troubleshooting a search issue at a customer which prompted me to...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 05/08/2012

ADFS Auto Certificate Rollover and Impact on SharePoint 2010 Claims Web Application

Body: ADFS has a feature called Auto Certificate Roll Over which generate a new certificate when the...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 02/08/2012

Issue regarding Installing SharePoint 2010 prerequisites from network share

Body: I came across an issue while installing SharePoint 2010 for a customer which prompted this...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 12/12/2011

Using LINQ to retrieve list of external lists in current web

Body: This one is a short little post, I was looking for a way to use LINQ to query list of external...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 10/09/2011

Updating “safecontrol” entries after a namespace rename for web part

Body: I have had couple of developers tell me the steps they take to update the safecontrol entry in...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 09/01/2011

Aggregating recycle bin items using PowerShell

Body: I’ve always wished since recycle bin was first introduced in SharePoint 2007 that It would be...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/27/2011

Cross Site Collection List using OData and Business Connectivity Services

Body: In the article I will walk through how to use OData, Business Connectivity Services to create...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/18/2011

Blast from the past… No I’m not talking about the movie

Body: Back about four years ago while working at a customer gig, I created a client side Java Script...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/12/2011

SharePoint 2010 User Profile Properties Disabled when editing from Profile Page

Body: This one is a bit overdue post. I came across following error when editing profile properties...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/08/2011

Slides from my SharePointFest Session “Understanding Authentication options in Business Connectivity Services”

Body: Thanks for everyone who came out to my session “Understanding Authentication Options in...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/04/2011

Body: Quick Links like Site Directory is deprecated, statements like it was overlooked by product...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/01/2011

Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Feature in SharePoint 2010

Body: SharePoint 2010 introduces a very nice feature called Multilingual User Interface (MUI). This...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 06/14/2011

Configuring ADFS with Host Name Site Collections

Body: In this post I will walk through additional steps required for getting host named site...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 06/14/2011

Blog Moving

********* This Blog is moving **************** Please visit

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 12/24/2010

Downloading BLOBS from content database using PowerShell

If you ever wanted to backup documents stored inside of SharePoint with out really backing up...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 12/15/2010

PowerShell Script to auto create External Lists for all ECT’s defined in your BDC Model

If you are looking to auto create External Lists for all the ECTs defined in your BDC Model, I...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 12/11/2010

Default SharePoint 2010 Groups, Permissions, Permission Levels

As you are planning security for your SharePoint sites its important to understand the default...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 12/11/2010

SharePoint 2010 Service Accounts, Permissions and Security Settings

  I recently had to provide our infrastructure and security team information regarding...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 12/01/2010

Integrating SPG Application settings manager into build process to update environment specific application settings

Pretty much every enterprise application uses configuration settings of some sort, managing these...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 11/25/2010

bit old news, better late than never

  This one is a bit overdue post, if you have been following me on twitter...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 11/05/2010

Tagging and Social Bookmarking External Sites in SharePoint 2010

  I’m amazed how many people don’t know you have social tagging and bookmarking external sites...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 10/28/2010

Adding word document save as functionality to your SharePoint 2010 site

Word automation services in SharePoint 2010 provides you a “Save-As” experience on the server which...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 10/21/2010

Integrating sandcastle into build process to generate MSDN style documentation

A well documented code is always a good thing especially when it comes to maintaining it. I’d like...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 10/09/2010

Claims Picker Error

The other day I ran across an error in the new Claims Picker Dialog for a SharePoint 2010 web...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/17/2010

Automating SharePoint 2010 Install on Windows 7

Couple of weeks ago I was tasked with helping the infrastructure team at my current client to build...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/08/2010

“ImportModelReceiver” Feature Receiver in “Microsoft.Office.SharePoint.ClientExtensions” assembly

I’m wondering why on earth “ImportModelReceiver” class is defined in...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/07/2010

Business Connectivity Services Error “Edit form not found” or “New Form not found”

I recently came across an issue while working with Business Connectivity Services. When developing...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 07/19/2010

Things you should know when you are planning deploying office web applications with SharePoint 2010

Office Web Applications is one of the coolest features available with Office 2010 and SharePoint...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 05/12/2010

Using Resource Files in BDC model

Business Data Connectivity Service in SharePoint 2010 supports two types of files Model (contains...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 02/09/2010

Using Camtasia on Windows 2008 Server

I recently installed Camtasia on windows server 2008 r2 instance and ran into an error when ever I...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 02/09/2010

SharePoint Saturday Phoenix – Building an enterprise taxonomy solution in MOSS 2007 session slides

Last week I had the privilege of presenting at SharePoint Saturday event in Phoenix, If you don’t...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 11/23/2009

I’m sure you guys can probably relate to this, you check in a fix and tester comes back to you and...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 11/06/2009

Things you should know when using silverlight in SP2010

We have been using Silverlight heavily in my current SP2010 project and here are the things you...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 11/06/2009

Supported way of replacing application pages in layouts directory

In SharePoint 2010 the CustomPages dictionary allows you to replace AccessDenied, Confirmation,...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 11/05/2009

Native VHD BOOT ISSuE “Application missing”

So I ran into an issue while setting up native VHD boot into a windows server 2008 r2 server, native...

Author: Ram Gopinathan Date: 08/30/2009
