
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:


Update Compliance - This event acts as an individual device's record, containing data like the current build installed, device's name, the OS Edition, active hours (quantitative), and so on.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories -
Solutions LogManagement, WaaSUpdateInsights
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries -


Column Type Description
AzureADDeviceId string A GUID corresponding to the AAD Tenant to which the device belongs.
AzureADTenantId string A GUID corresponding to this device's AAD Device ID.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
City string The last-reported location of device (city), based on IP address.
Country string The last-reported location of device (country), based on IP address. Shown as country code.
DeviceFamily string The device family e.g. PC, Phone.
DeviceFormFactor string The device form factor e.g. Notebook, Desktop, Phone.
DeviceManufacturer string The device OEM Manufacturer e.g. Hewlett-Packard.
DeviceModel string The device's OEM model e.g. HP7420 Workstation.
DeviceName string The Device given name.
GlobalDeviceId string Microsoft internal Global Device Identifier.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
IsDeviceHotpatchEligible bool Specifies whether a device meets the necessary criteria to receive windows security updates without requiring a restart.
IsDeviceHotpatchEnrolled bool Indicates whether the device has been enrolled to receive windows security updates without requiring a restart.
IsDeviceVBSEnabled bool Whether Virtual Based Security (VBS) is enabled on the device. Enabling VBS is a prerequisite for devices to recieve windows security updates without a restart.
IsVirtual bool Whether device is a Virtual Device.
LastCensusScanTime datetime The last time this device performed a successful Census Scan, if any.
LastHotpatchEnrolledTime datetime The last time when device was enrolled to receive security updates without restart.
LastWUScanTime datetime The last time this device performed a successful WU Scan, if any.
OSArchitecture string The architecture of the Operating System e.g. x86.
OSBuild string The currently-installed Windows 10 Build in the format 'Major'.'Revision'. 'Major' corresponds to which Feature Update the device is on, whereas 'Revision' corresponds to which quality update the device is on. Mappings between Feature release and Major, as well as Revision and KBs, are available
OSBuildNumber int An integer value for the revision number of the currently-installed Windows 10 OSBuild on the device.
OSEdition string The Windows 10 Edition or SKU.
OSFeatureUpdateComplianceStatus string Whether or not the device is on the latest Feature Update being Offered by WUfB DS, else NotApplicable.
OSFeatureUpdateEOSTime datetime The end of service date of the Feature Update currently installed on the device.
OSFeatureUpdateReleaseTime datetime The release date of the Feature Update currently installed on the device.
OSFeatureUpdateStatus string Whether or not the device is on the latest available Feature Update.
OSQualityUpdateComplianceStatus string Whether or not the device is on the latest Quality Update being Offered by WUfB DS, else NotApplicable.
OSQualityUpdateReleaseTime datetime The release date of the Quality Update currently installed on the device.
OSQualityUpdateStatus string Whether or not the device is on the latest available Quality Update, for its Feature Update.
OSRevisionNumber int An integer value for the revision number of the currently-installed Windows 10 OSBuild on the device.
OSSecurityUpdateComplianceStatus string Whether or not the device is on the latest Security update (QU, Classification==Security) being offered by WUfB DS, else NotApplicable.
OSSecurityUpdateStatus string Whether or not the device is on the latest available Security Update, for its Feature Update.
OSServicingChannel string The elected Windows 10 Servicing Channel of the device.
OSVersion string The version of Windows 10 as is organized on
PrimaryDiskFreeCapacityMb int Free disk capacity of the primary disk in Megabytes.
SCCMClientId string A GUID corresponding to the SCCM Client ID on the device.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TimeGenerated datetime The time the snapshot generated this specific record.
Type string The name of the table
UpdateConnectivityLevel string Whether or not this device is maintaining a sufficiently cumulative and continuous connection to Windows Update so the update can progress optimally.
WUAutomaticUpdates int CSP: AllowAutoUpdate &'AuOptions' Enables the IT admin to manage automatic update behavior to scan, download, and install updates.
WUDeadlineNoAutoRestart int CSP:ConfigureDeadlineNoAutoReboot. Devices will not automatically restart outside of active hours until the deadline is reached, 1 - Enabled 0 (default) - Disabled
WUDODownloadMode string The WU DO DownloadMode configuration, brought over from Update Compliance.
WUFeatureDeadlineDays int CSP: ConfigureDeadlineForFeatureUpdatesThe WU Feature Update deadline configuration in days. -1 indicates not configured, 0 indicates configured but set to 0. Values >0 indicate the deadline in days.
WUFeatureDeferralDays int CSP: DeferFeatureUpdates. The WU Feature Update Deferral configuration in days. -1 indicates not configured, 0 indicates configured but set to 0. Values >0 indicate the policy setting.
WUFeatureGracePeriodDays int The WU grace period for feature update in days. -1 indicates not configured, 0 indicates configured and set to 0. Values greater than 0 indicate the Grace Period in days.
WUFeaturePauseEndTime datetime CSP:PauseFEatureUpdatesEndTime The time WU Feature Update Pause will end, if activated, else null.
WUFeaturePauseStartTime datetime CSP: PauseFeatureUpdatesStartTime. The time WU Feature Update Pause was activated, if activated, else null.eature Updates will be paused for 35 days from the specified start date.
WUFeaturePauseState string Indicates pause status of device for FU, possible values are Paused, NotPaused, NotConfigured.
WUNotificationLevel int CSP: UpdateNotificationLevel. This policy allows you to define what Windows Update notifications users see. 0 (default) Use the default Windows Update notifications. 1 Turn off all notifications, excluding restart warnings. 2 Turn off all notifications, including restart warnings
WUPauseUXDisabled int CSP: SetDisablePauseUXAccess. This policy allows the IT admin to disable the Pause Updates feature. When this policy is enabled, the user cannot access the Pause updates" feature. Supported values 0, 1.
WUQualityDeadlineDays int CSP: ConfigureDeadlineForQualityUpdates The WU Qualty Update deadline configuration in days. -1 indicates not configured, 0 indicates configured but set to 0. Values >0 indicate the deadline in days.
WUQualityDeferralDays int CSP: DeferQualityUpdatesThe WU Quality Update Deferral configuration in days. -1 indicates not configured, 0 indicates configured but set to 0. Values >0 indicate the policy setting.
WUQualityGracePeriodDays int The WU grace period for quality update in days. -1 indicates not configured, 0 indicates configured and set to 0. Values greater than 0 indicate the Grace Period in days.
WUQualityPauseEndTime datetime CSP:PauseQualityUpdatesEndTimeThe time WU Quality Update Pause will end, if activated, else null.
WUQualityPauseStartTime datetime CSP:PauseQualityUpdatesStartTime The time WU Quality Update Pause was activated; if activated; else null.
WUQualityPauseState string Indicates pause status of device for QU, possible values are Paused, NotPaused, NotConfigured.
WURestartNotification int CSP: AutoRestartRequiredNotificationDismissal. Allows the IT Admin to specify the method by which the auto-restart required notification is dismissed.The following list shows the supported values: 1 (default) = Auto Dismissal. 2 User Dismissal.
WUServiceURLConfigured string CSP:UpdateServiceUrl. The following list shows the supported values: Not configured. The device checks for updates from Microsoft Update. Set to a URL, such as http://abcd-srv:8530. The device checks for updates from the WSUS server at the specified URL. Not configured. The device checks for updates from Microsoft Update. Set to a URL, such as http://abcd-srv:8530. The device checks for updates from the WSUS server at the specified URL.
WUUXDisabled int CSP:SetDisableUXWUAccess.This policy allows the IT admin to remove access to scan Windows Update. When this policy is enabled, the user cannot access the Windows Update scan, download, and install features. Default is 0. Supported values 0, 1.