
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

summarize operator

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

Produces a table that aggregates the content of the input table.


T | summarize [ SummarizeParameters ] [[Column =] Aggregation [, ...]] [by [Column =] GroupExpression [, ...]]

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
Column string The name for the result column. Defaults to a name derived from the expression.
Aggregation string ✔️ A call to an aggregation function such as count() or avg(), with column names as arguments.
GroupExpression scalar ✔️ A scalar expression that can reference the input data. The output will have as many records as there are distinct values of all the group expressions.
SummarizeParameters string Zero or more space-separated parameters in the form of Name = Value that control the behavior. See supported parameters.


When the input table is empty, the output depends on whether GroupExpression is used:

  • If GroupExpression is not provided, the output will be a single (empty) row.
  • If GroupExpression is provided, the output will have no rows.

Supported parameters

Name Description
hint.num_partitions Specifies the number of partitions used to share the query load on cluster nodes. See shuffle query
hint.shufflekey=<key> The shufflekey query shares the query load on cluster nodes, using a key to partition data. See shuffle query
hint.strategy=shuffle The shuffle strategy query shares the query load on cluster nodes, where each node will process one partition of the data. See shuffle query


The input rows are arranged into groups having the same values of the by expressions. Then the specified aggregation functions are computed over each group, producing a row for each group. The result contains the by columns and also at least one column for each computed aggregate. (Some aggregation functions return multiple columns.)

The result has as many rows as there are distinct combinations of by values (which may be zero). If there are no group keys provided, the result has a single record.

To summarize over ranges of numeric values, use bin() to reduce ranges to discrete values.


  • Although you can provide arbitrary expressions for both the aggregation and grouping expressions, it's more efficient to use simple column names, or apply bin() to a numeric column.
  • The automatic hourly bins for datetime columns is no longer supported. Use explicit binning instead. For example, summarize by bin(timestamp, 1h).

Default values of aggregations

The following table summarizes the default values of aggregations:

Operator Default value
count(), countif(), dcount(), dcountif(), count_distinct(), sum(), sumif(), variance(), varianceif(), stdev(), stdevif() 0
make_bag(), make_bag_if(), make_list(), make_list_if(), make_set(), make_set_if() empty dynamic array ([])
All others null


When applying these aggregates to entities that include null values, the null values are ignored and don't factor into the calculation. For examples, see Aggregates default values.


Summarize price by fruit and supplier.

Unique combination

The following query determines what unique combinations of State and EventType there are for storms that resulted in direct injury. There are no aggregation functions, just group-by keys. The output will just show the columns for those results.

| where InjuriesDirect > 0
| summarize by State, EventType


The following table shows only the first 5 rows. To see the full output, run the query.

State EventType
TEXAS Thunderstorm Wind
TEXAS Flash Flood
TEXAS Winter Weather
TEXAS High Wind
... ...

Minimum and maximum timestamp

Finds the minimum and maximum heavy rain storms in Hawaii. There's no group-by clause, so there's just one row in the output.

| where State == "HAWAII" and EventType == "Heavy Rain"
| project Duration = EndTime - StartTime
| summarize Min = min(Duration), Max = max(Duration)


Min Max
01:08:00 11:55:00

Distinct count

The following query calculates the number of unique storm event types for each state and sorts the results by the number of unique storm types:

| summarize TypesOfStorms=dcount(EventType) by State
| sort by TypesOfStorms


The following table shows only the first 5 rows. To see the full output, run the query.

State TypesOfStorms
... ...


The following example calculates a histogram storm event types that had storms lasting longer than 1 day. Because Duration has many values, use bin() to group its values into 1-day intervals.

| project EventType, Duration = EndTime - StartTime
| where Duration > 1d
| summarize EventCount=count() by EventType, Length=bin(Duration, 1d)
| sort by Length


EventType Length EventCount
Drought 30.00:00:00 1646
Wildfire 30.00:00:00 11
Heat 30.00:00:00 14
Flood 30.00:00:00 20
Heavy Rain 29.00:00:00 42
... ... ...

Aggregates default values

When the input of summarize operator has at least one empty group-by key, its result is empty, too.

When the input of summarize operator doesn't have an empty group-by key, the result is the default values of the aggregates used in the summarize For more information, see Default values of aggregations.

| summarize any_x=take_any(x), arg_max_x=arg_max(x, *), arg_min_x=arg_min(x, *), avg(x), buildschema(todynamic(tostring(x))), max(x), min(x), percentile(x, 55), hll(x) ,stdev(x), sum(x), sumif(x, x > 0), tdigest(x), variance(x)


any_x arg_max_x arg_min_x avg_x schema_x max_x min_x percentile_x_55 hll_x stdev_x sum_x sumif_x tdigest_x variance_x
NaN 0 0 0 0

The result of avg_x(x) is NaN due to dividing by 0.

| summarize  count(x), countif(x > 0) , dcount(x), dcountif(x, x > 0)


count_x countif_ dcount_x dcountif_x
0 0 0 0
| summarize  make_set(x), make_list(x)


set_x list_x
[] []

The aggregate avg sums all the non-nulls and counts only those which participated in the calculation (won't take nulls into account).

range x from 1 to 4 step 1
| extend y = iff(x == 1, real(null), real(5))
| summarize sum(y), avg(y)


sum_y avg_y
15 5

The regular count will count nulls:

range x from 1 to 2 step 1
| extend y = iff(x == 1, real(null), real(5))
| summarize count(y)


range x from 1 to 2 step 1
| extend y = iff(x == 1, real(null), real(5))
| summarize make_set(y), make_set(y)


set_y set_y1
[5.0] [5.0]