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CControlBar Class

The base class for the control-bar classes CStatusBar, CToolBar, CDialogBar, CReBar, and COleResizeBar.


class CControlBar : public CWnd


Protected Constructors

Name Description
CControlBar::CControlBar Constructs a CControlBar object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CControlBar::CalcDynamicLayout Returns the size of a dynamic control bar as a CSize object.
CControlBar::CalcFixedLayout Returns the size of the control bar as a CSize object.
CControlBar::CalcInsideRect Returns the current dimensions of the control bar area; including the borders.
CControlBar::DoPaint Renders the borders and gripper of the control bar.
CControlBar::DrawBorders Renders the borders of the control bar.
CControlBar::DrawGripper Renders the gripper of the control bar.
CControlBar::EnableDocking Allows a control bar to be docked or floating.
CControlBar::GetBarStyle Retrieves the control bar style settings.
CControlBar::GetBorders Retrieves the border values of the control bar.
CControlBar::GetCount Returns the number of non- HWND elements in the control bar.
CControlBar::GetDockingFrame Returns a pointer to the frame to which a control bar is docked.
CControlBar::IsFloating Returns a nonzero value if the control bar in question is a floating control bar.
CControlBar::OnUpdateCmdUI Calls the Command UI handlers.
CControlBar::SetBarStyle Modifies the control bar style settings.
CControlBar::SetBorders Sets the border values of the control bar.
CControlBar::SetInPlaceOwner Changes the in-place owner of a control bar.

Public Data Members

Name Description
CControlBar::m_bAutoDelete If nonzero, the CControlBar object is deleted when the Windows control bar is destroyed.
CControlBar::m_pInPlaceOwner The in-place owner of the control bar.


A control bar is a window that is usually aligned to the left or right of a frame window. It may contain child items that are either HWND-based controls, which are windows that generate and respond to Windows messages, or non- HWND-based items, which are not windows and are managed by application code or framework code. List boxes and edit controls are examples of HWND-based controls; status-bar panes and bitmap buttons are examples of non- HWND-based controls.

Control-bar windows are usually child windows of a parent frame window and are usually siblings to the client view or MDI client of the frame window. A CControlBar object uses information about the parent window's client rectangle to position itself. It then informs the parent window as to how much space remains unallocated in the parent window's client area.

For more information on CControlBar, see:

Inheritance Hierarchy






Header: afxext.h


The framework calls this member function to calculate the dimensions of a dynamic toolbar.

virtual CSize CalcDynamicLayout(
    int nLength,
    DWORD nMode);


The requested dimension of the control bar, either horizontal or vertical, depending on dwMode.

The following predefined flags are used to determine the height and width of the dynamic control bar. Use the bitwise-OR (|) operator to combine the flags.

Layout mode flags What it means
LM_STRETCH Indicates whether the control bar should be stretched to the size of the frame. Set if the bar is not a docking bar (not available for docking). Not set when the bar is docked or floating (available for docking). If set, LM_STRETCH ignores nLength and returns dimensions based on the LM_HORZ state. LM_STRETCH works similarly to the bStretch parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member function for more information about the relationship between stretching and orientation.
LM_HORZ Indicates that the bar is horizontally or vertically oriented. Set if the bar is horizontally oriented, and if it is vertically oriented, it is not set. LM_HORZ works similarly to the bHorz parameter used in CalcFixedLayout; see that member function for more information about the relationship between stretching and orientation.
LM_MRUWIDTH Most Recently Used Dynamic Width. Ignores nLength parameter and uses the remembered most recently used width.
LM_HORZDOCK Horizontal Docked Dimensions. Ignores nLength parameter and returns the dynamic size with the largest width.
LM_VERTDOCK Vertical Docked Dimensions. Ignores nLength parameter and returns the dynamic size with the largest height.
LM_LENGTHY Set if nLength indicates height (Y-direction) instead of width.
LM_COMMIT Resets LM_MRUWIDTH to current width of floating control bar.

Return Value

The control bar size, in pixels, of a CSize object.


Override this member function to provide your own dynamic layout in classes you derive from CControlBar. MFC classes derived from CControlBar, such as CToolbar, override this member function and provide their own implementation.


Call this member function to calculate the horizontal size of a control bar.

virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(
    BOOL bStretch,
    BOOL bHorz);


Indicates whether the bar should be stretched to the size of the frame. The bStretch parameter is nonzero when the bar is not a docking bar (not available for docking) and is 0 when it is docked or floating (available for docking).

Indicates that the bar is horizontally or vertically oriented. The bHorz parameter is nonzero if the bar is horizontally oriented and is 0 if it is vertically oriented.

Return Value

The control bar size, in pixels, of a CSize object.


Control bars such as toolbars can stretch horizontally or vertically to accommodate the buttons contained in the control bar.

If bStretch is TRUE, stretch the dimension along the orientation provided by bHorz. In other words, if bHorz is FALSE, the control bar is stretched vertically. If bStretch is FALSE, no stretch occurs. The following table shows the possible permutations, and resulting control-bar styles, of bStretch and bHorz.

bStretch bHorz Stretching Orientation Docking/Not docking
TRUE TRUE Horizontal stretching Horizontally oriented Not docking
TRUE FALSE Vertical stretching Vertically oriented Not docking
FALSE TRUE No stretching available Horizontally oriented Docking
FALSE FALSE No stretching available Vertically oriented Docking


The framework calls this function to calculate the client area of the control bar.

virtual void CalcInsideRect(
    CRect& rect,
    BOOL bHorz) const;


Contains the current dimensions of the control bar; including the borders.

Indicates that the bar is horizontally or vertically oriented. The bHorz parameter is nonzero if the bar is horizontally oriented and is 0 if it is vertically oriented.


This function is called before the control bar is painted.

Override this function to customize the rendering of the borders and gripper bar of the control bar.


Constructs a CControlBar object.



Called by the framework to render the borders and gripper bar of the control bar.

virtual void DoPaint(CDC* pDC);


Points to the device context to be used for rendering the borders and gripper of the control bar.


Override this function to customize the drawing behavior of the control bar.

Another customization method is to override the DrawBorders and DrawGripper functions and add custom drawing code for the borders and gripper. Because these methods are called by the default DoPaint method, an override of DoPaint is not needed.


Called by the framework to render the borders of the control bar.

virtual void DrawBorders(
    CDC* pDC,
    CRect& rect);


Points to the device context to be used for rendering the borders of the control bar.

A CRect object containing the dimensions of the control bar.


Override this function to customize the appearance of the control bar borders.


Called by the framework to render the gripper of the control bar.

virtual void DrawGripper(
    CDC* pDC,
    const CRect& rect);


Points to the device context to be used for rendering the control bar gripper.

A CRect object containing the dimensions of the control bar gripper.


Override this function to customize the appearance of the control bar gripper.


Call this function to enable a control bar to be docked.

void EnableDocking(DWORD dwDockStyle);


Specifies whether the control bar supports docking and the sides of its parent window to which the control bar can be docked, if supported. Can be one or more of the following:

  • CBRS_ALIGN_TOP Allows docking at the top of the client area.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM Allows docking at the bottom of the client area.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT Allows docking on the left side of the client area.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT Allows docking on the right side of the client area.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_ANY Allows docking on any side of the client area.

  • CBRS_FLOAT_MULTI Allows multiple control bars to be floated in a single mini-frame window.

If 0 (that is, indicating no flags), the control bar will not dock.


The sides specified must match one of the sides enabled for docking in the destination frame window, or the control bar cannot be docked to that frame window.


Call this function to determine which CBRS_ (control bar styles) settings are currently set for the control bar.

DWORD GetBarStyle();

Return Value

The current CBRS_ (control bar styles) settings for the control bar. See CControlBar::SetBarStyle for the complete list of available styles.


Does not handle WS_ (window style) styles.


Returns the current border values for the control bar.

CRect GetBorders() const;

Return Value

A CRect object that contains the current width (in pixels) of each side of the control bar object. For example, the value of the left member, of CRect object, is the width of the left hand border.


Returns the number of non- HWND items on the CControlBar object.

int GetCount() const;

Return Value

The number of non- HWND items on the CControlBar object. This function returns 0 for a CDialogBar object.


The type of the item depends on the derived object: panes for CStatusBar objects, and buttons and separators for CToolBar objects.


Call this member function to obtain a pointer to the current frame window to which your control bar is docked.

CFrameWnd* GetDockingFrame() const;

Return Value

A pointer to a frame window if successful; otherwise NULL.

If the control bar is not docked to a frame window (that is, if the control bar is floating), this function will return a pointer to its parent CMiniFrameWnd.


For more information about dockable control bars, see CControlBar::EnableDocking and CFrameWnd::DockControlBar.


Call this member function to determine whether the control bar is floating or docked.

BOOL IsFloating() const;

Return Value

Nonzero if the control bar is floating; otherwise 0.


To change the state of a control bar from docked to floating, call CFrameWnd::FloatControlBar.


If nonzero, the CControlBar object is deleted when the Windows control bar is destroyed.

BOOL m_bAutoDelete;


m_bAutoDelete is a public variable of type BOOL.

A control-bar object is usually embedded in a frame-window object. In this case, m_bAutoDelete is 0 because the embedded control-bar object is destroyed when the frame window is destroyed.

Set this variable to a nonzero value if you allocate a CControlBar object on the heap and you do not plan to call delete.


The in-place owner of the control bar.

CWnd* m_pInPlaceOwner;


This member function is called by the framework to update the status of the toolbar or status bar.

virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(
    CFrameWnd* pTarget,
    BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler) = 0;


Points to the main frame window of the application. This pointer is used for routing update messages.

Flag that indicates whether a control that has no update handler should be automatically displayed as disabled.


To update an individual button or pane, use the ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI macro in your message map to set an update handler appropriately. See ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI for more information about using this macro.

OnUpdateCmdUI is called by the framework when the application is idle. The frame window to be updated must be a child window, at least indirectly, of a visible frame window. OnUpdateCmdUI is an advanced overridable.


Call this function to set the desired CBRS_ styles for the control bar.

void SetBarStyle(DWORD dwStyle);


The desired styles for the control bar. Can be one or more of the following:

  • CBRS_ALIGN_TOP Allows the control bar to be docked to the top of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM Allows the control bar to be docked to the bottom of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT Allows the control bar to be docked to the left side of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT Allows the control bar to be docked to the right side of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_ALIGN_ANY Allows the control bar to be docked to any side of the client area of a frame window.

  • CBRS_BORDER_TOP Causes a border to be drawn on the top edge of the control bar when it would be visible.

  • CBRS_BORDER_BOTTOM Causes a border to be drawn on the bottom edge of the control bar when it would be visible.

  • CBRS_BORDER_LEFT Causes a border to be drawn on the left edge of the control bar when it would be visible.

  • CBRS_BORDER_RIGHT Causes a border to be drawn on the right edge of the control bar when it would be visible.

  • CBRS_FLOAT_MULTI Allows multiple control bars to be floated in a single mini-frame window.

  • CBRS_TOOLTIPS Causes tool tips to be displayed for the control bar.

  • CBRS_FLYBY Causes message text to be updated at the same time as tool tips.

  • CBRS_GRIPPER Causes a gripper, similar to that used on bands in a CReBar object, to be drawn for any CControlBar-derived class.


Does not affect the WS_ (window style) settings.


Call this function to set the size of the control bar's borders.

void SetBorders(
    int cxLeft = 0,
    int cyTop = 0,
    int cxRight = 0,
    int cyBottom = 0);

void SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect);


The width (in pixels) of the control bar's left border.

The height (in pixels) of the control bar's top border.

The width (in pixels) of the control bar's right border.

The height (in pixels) of the control bar's bottom border.

A pointer to a CRect object that contains the current width (in pixels)of each border of the control bar object.


The following code example sets the top and bottom borders of the control bar to 5 pixels, and the left and right borders to 2 pixels:

CControlBar &m_myControlBar = m_Rebar;
m_myControlBar.SetBorders(2, 5, 2, 5);


Changes the in-place owner of a control bar.

void SetInPlaceOwner(CWnd* pWnd);


A pointer to a CWnd object.


See also

CWnd Class
Hierarchy Chart
CToolBar Class
CDialogBar Class
CStatusBar Class
CReBar Class