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utc_clock class

A clock for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is sometimes popularly referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu time. Local time is adjusted from UTC time depending on your time zone.


class utc_clock; // C++20


This clock measures time since 00:00:00 UTC on Thursday, January 1, 1970. This clock accounts for leap seconds and is the basis for civil time around the world.

The rate of UTC time is based on International Atomic Time (TAI) which uses atomic clocks to track time. However, a leap second is occasionally added to UTC time to keep the difference between UTC time and UT1 (solar time) within +- 0.9 seconds.

There's a discrepancy between the time kept by atomic clocks, and the time kept by tracking the rotation of the earth. That's because the earth's rotation speed is irregular, and in general is slowing down over time by about one second every 1.5 years (although sometimes the earth's rotation speed increases). A leap second adjustment keeps UTC tracking time within a second of the average length of a day.

As of this writing, 27 leap seconds have been added since the practice of inserting leap seconds began in 1972. The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) determines when a leap second will be added. Adding a leap second is referred to as a "leap second insertion". When a leap second is inserted, the time, as it nears midnight, proceeds from 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds to 23 hours 59 minutes 60 seconds (the inserted leap second), and then to 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (midnight). Historically, leap seconds have been added on June 30 or December 31.

UTC time, by definition, starts out 10 seconds behind TAI (atomic time). 10 seconds were added in 1972 to TAI time to accommodate for the leap seconds that had accumulated by that point. Given the insertion of another 27 leap seconds since then, UTC time is currently 37 seconds behind TAI (atomic clock) time.


Name Description
from_sys Static. Converts a sys_time to a utc_time.
now Static. Returns the current time.
to_sys Static. Converts a utc_time to a sys_time.


Name Description
from_stream Parse a utc_time from the given stream using the specified format.
get_leap_second_info Gets a leap_second_info that indicates whether the supplied time specifies a time when a leap second was inserted. It also includes the sum of all the leap seconds between January 1, 1970 and the specified duration.
operator<< Output a utc_time to the given stream.

Convenience type aliases

Name Description
utc_clock::duration In Microsoft's implementation, it's a synonym for duration<system_clock::rep, system_clock::period>. It represents a duration of time measured in units of 100 nanoseconds.
utc_clock::period Microsoft's implementation defines this as a synonym for system_clock::period. It represents the time in seconds (100 nanoseconds) between each tick in the duration.
utc_clock::rep A synonym for the type (long long) used to represent the integral units in this clock's utc_clock::duration.
utc_clock::time_point A synonym for time_point<utc_clock>. Used to represent a time_point for this clock.


Name Description
utc_seconds A synonym for using utc_seconds = utc_time<seconds>;
utc_time A synonym for template<class Duration> using utc_time = time_point<utc_clock, Duration>;Represents a time_point for a utc_clock. You specify the duration. Defined in std::chrono

Public Constants

Name Description
[utc_clock::is_steady constant](#is_steady_constant) Indicates whether the clock type is steady. Its value is false.


Header: <chrono> (since C++20)

Namespace: std::chrono

Compiler Option: /std:c++latest


Static method that converts a sys_time to a utc_time.

template<class Duration>
static utc_time<common_type_t<Duration, seconds>>
from_sys(const sys_time<Duration>& t);


The sys_time to convert.

Return value

A utc_time set to the time that most closely approximates the sys_time t. If a direct mapping doesn't exist, the time_point during a leap second insertion and the last representable value of sys_time before the insertion of the leap second, is returned.


Static method that converts a utc_time to a sys_time.

template<class Duration>
static sys_time<common_type_t<Duration, seconds>>
to_sys(const utc_time<Duration>& t);


The utc_time to convert.

Return Value

The sys_time set to the equivalent point in time as t. If a direct mapping doesn't exist, it's the last representable value before the insertion of a leap second in the case that t represents a point in time when a leap second was inserted. Adding a leap second is referred to as a "leap second insertion". When a leap second is inserted, the time as it nears midnight proceeds from 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds to 23 hours 59 minutes 60 seconds (the inserted leap second), and then to 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (midnight). In the past, leap seconds have been added either on June 30 or December 31.


Static value that specifies whether the clock type is steady. In Microsoft's implementation, is_steady_constant is false. Because the utc_clock isn't steady, you can't reliably use this clock to take the time before an event, the time after an event, and subtract them to get the duration of the event because the clock may be adjusted during that time.

static const bool is_steady = false;


Static method that returns the current UTC time. The returned time includes leap seconds.

static time_point now() noexcept;

Return Value

A time_point object that represents the current time. The returned time point is effectively from_sys(system_clock::now()).

See also

file_clock class
gps_clock class
local_t struct
steady_clock struct
system_clock struct
tai_clock class
Header Files Reference