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ServiceClientAdapter Class


Adapter for service client to communicate with the backend service

public class ServiceClientAdapter
type ServiceClientAdapter = class
Public Class ServiceClientAdapter



AzureContext based ctor





Resource provider namespace that this adapter uses to communicate with the backend service.


CancelJob(String, String, String)

Cancels a job

CheckBackupStatus(String, String, String, String)

Checks backup status for a given resource

CreateOrUpdateProtectedItem(String, String, ProtectedItemResource, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Creates a new protected item or updates an already existing protected item

CreateOrUpdateProtectedItem(String, String, ProtectedItemResource)
CreateOrUpdateProtectionIntent(String, ProtectionIntentResource, String, String)

Creates a new protection intent or updates an already existing protection intent

CreateOrUpdateProtectionPolicy(String, ProtectionPolicyResource, String, String, String, Boolean)

Creates a new policy or updates an already existing policy

CreateOrUpdateProtectionPolicy(String, ProtectionPolicyResource)
CreateResourceGuardMapping(String, String, String, ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource, String)

Method to create resource guard proxy.

DeleteProtectedItem(String, String, String, String, String, String)

Deletes a protected item

DeleteProtectedItem(String, String)
DeleteProtectionIntent(String, String, String)

Deletes a protection intent

DeleteResourceGuardMapping(String, String, String, String)

Method to delete resource guard proxy.

GetAADProperties(String, String)

Method to get secondary region AAD properties


Get azure resource

GetBackupUsageSummary(String, String, ODataQuery<BMSBackupSummariesQueryObject>)

Gets Backup Usage Summary - registered containers/items within the vault

GetCancelJobOperationResult(String, String, String)

Gets result of the cancel operation on the job using the operation ID

GetContainer(String, String, String)

Fetches a particular protection container in the vault

GetContainerRefreshOrInquiryOperationResult(String, String, String)

Gets result of the refresh operation on the protection container using the operation ID

GetCRRAccessToken(AzureRecoveryPoint, String, String, String, String)

Gets the access token for CRR operation

GetCRRJobDetails(String, CrrJobRequest)

Gets CRR job details

GetCrrJobs(String, String, String, String, DateTime, DateTime, String, String)
GetCrrOperationStatus(String, String)

Gets status of a generic operation on the protected item using the operation ID

GetDataMoveOperationStatus(String, String, String)

Gets status of prepare data move operation on the source vault

GetJob(String, String, String)

Gets a job

GetJobOperationStatus(String, String, String, String)

Gets the job operation status

GetJobOperationStatus(String, String)
GetJobs(String, String, String, DateTime, DateTime, String, String, String, String)

Lists jobs according to the parameters

GetJobs(String, String, String, DateTime, DateTime, String, String)
GetMoveRecommendedRecoveryPoints(String, String, ListRecoveryPointsRecommendedForMoveRequest, String, String)

Lists recovery points recommended for Archive move

GetPrepareDataMoveOperationResult(String, String, String)

Gets correlationId result of prepare data move operation on the source vault

GetProtectedItem(String, String, ODataQuery<GetProtectedItemQueryObject>, String, String)

Gets a protected item

GetProtectedItem(String, String, ODataQuery<GetProtectedItemQueryObject>)
GetProtectedItemOperationStatus(String, String, String)

Gets result of a generic operation on the protected item using the operation ID

GetProtectionPolicy(String, String, String)

Gets a protection policy given the name

GetProtectionPolicyOperationStatus(String, String, String, String)

Gets result of a generic operation on the protection policy using the operation ID

GetProtectionPolicyOperationStatus(String, String)
GetQueryObject(String, DateTime, DateTime, String, String, String)

Constructs the query object based on the input parameters

GetQueryObjectCrr(String, DateTime, DateTime, String, String, String)

Constructs the query object based on the input parameters

GetRecoveryPointDetails(String, String, String, String, String)

Gets detail about the recovery point identified by the input parameters

GetRecoveryPointDetails(String, String, String)
GetRecoveryPointDetailsFromSecondaryRegion(String, String, String, String, String)

Gets detail about the recovery point from Secondary region for CRR

GetRecoveryPoints(String, String, ODataQuery<BmsrpQueryObject>, String, String)

Lists recovery points according to the input parameters

GetRecoveryPoints(String, String, ODataQuery<BMSRPQueryObject>)
GetRecoveryPointsFromSecondaryRegion(String, String, ODataQuery<BmsrpQueryObject>, String, String)

Lists recovery points from Secondary region for CRR

GetRegisterContainerOperationResult(String, String, String, String)

Gets result of the refresh operation on the protection container using the operation ID

GetResourceGuardMapping(String, String, String)

Method to fetch resource guard proxy.

GetStorageAccountResource(String, String)

Get storage accounts according to the query params

GetVault(String, String)

Method to get Recovery Services Vault.

GetVaultEncryptionConfig(String, String)

Method to Get Azure Recovery Services Vault Encryption Properties

GetVaultProperty(String, String)
GetVaultStorageType(String, String)

Method to Get Azure Recovery Services Vault Backup Properties

InquireContainer(String, ODataQuery<BMSContainersInquiryQueryObject>, String, String)

Inquire protection containers in the vault according to the query params


Returns whether Archive smart tiering is enabled on the current subscription

ListBackupEngines(ODataQuery<BMSBackupEnginesQueryObject>, String, String)

Fetches backup engines in the vault according to the query params

ListContainers(ODataQuery<BMSContainerQueryObject>, String, String, String)

Fetches protection containers in the vault according to the query params

ListContainers(ODataQuery<BMSContainerQueryObject>, String)
ListProtectableItem(ODataQuery<BmspoQueryObject>, String, String, String)

Lists protectable items according to the query filter and the pagination params

ListProtectableItem(ODataQuery<BMSPOQueryObject>, String)
ListProtectedItem(ODataQuery<ProtectedItemQueryObject>, String, String, String)

List protected items protected by the Recovery Services vault according to the query params and pagination params.

ListProtectedItem(ODataQuery<ProtectedItemQueryObject>, String)
ListProtectedItemCrr(ODataQuery<ProtectedItemQueryObject>, String, String, String)

List protected items protected from secondary region by the Recovery Services vault according to the query params and pagination params.

ListProtectionIntent(ODataQuery<ProtectionIntentQueryObject>, String, String, String)

List protection intents

ListProtectionPolicy(ODataQuery<ProtectionPolicyQueryObject>, String, String, String)

Lists protection policies according to the input query filter

ListProtectionPolicy(ODataQuery<ProtectionPolicyQueryObject>, String)
ListResourceGuardMapping(String, String)

Method to fetch resource guard proxy list.

ListUnregisteredContainers(ODataQuery<BMSContainerQueryObject>, String, String)

Fetches unregistered containers in the vault according to the query params

ListWorkloadItem(String, ODataQuery<BMSWorkloadItemQueryObject>, String, String, String)

Lists workload items according to the query filter and the pagination params

MoveRecoveryPoint(String, String, MoveRPAcrossTiersRequest, String, String, String)

Lists recovery points recommended for Archive move

PrepareDataMove(String, String, PrepareDataMoveRequest)

This method prepares the source vault for Data Move operation.

ProvisioninItemLevelRecoveryAccess(String, String, String, ILRRequest, String, String)

provision item level recovery connection identified by the input parameters

ProvisioninItemLevelRecoveryAccess(String, String, String, ILRRequest)
RefreshContainers(String, String, ODataQuery<BMSRefreshContainersQueryObject>)

Triggers refresh of container catalog in service

RegisterContainer(String, ProtectionContainerResource, String, String)

Triggers register of container in service

RemoveProtectionPolicy(String, String, String)

Deletes protection policy from the vault specified by the name

RestoreDisk(AzureRecoveryPoint, String, RestoreRequestResource, String, String, String, String, Boolean)

Restores the disk based on the recovery point and other input parameters

RestoreDisk(AzureVmRecoveryPoint, String, String, String, Boolean)
RestoreDiskSecondryRegion(AzureRecoveryPoint, CrossRegionRestoreRequest, String, String)

Restores the disk to the secondaryRegion based on the recovery point and other input parameters

RevokeItemLevelRecoveryAccess(String, String, String, String, String)

Revoke access for item level recovery connection identified by the input parameters

RevokeItemLevelRecoveryAccess(String, String, String)
SetVaultProperty(String, String, BackupResourceVaultConfigResource, String, Boolean)
TriggerBackup(String, String, BackupRequestResource, String, String)

Triggers backup on the specified item

TriggerBackup(String, String, Nullable<DateTime>)
TriggerDataMove(String, String, TriggerDataMoveRequest)

This method triggers the Data Move operation on Target vault.

UnregisterContainers(String, String, String)

Triggers unregister of a container in service

UnregisterWorkloadContainers(String, String, String)

Triggers unregister of a workload container in service

UpdateRSVault(String, String, PatchVault)

Method to create or update Recovery Services Vault.

UpdateVaultEncryption(String, String, BackupResourceEncryptionConfigResource)

Method to Update Azure Recovery Services Vault Encryption Properties

UpdateVaultEncryptionConfig(String, String, BackupResourceEncryptionConfigResource)

Method to Update Azure Recovery Services Vault Encryption Properties

Applies to