Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

AssemblyIdentity.GetDisplayName(Boolean) Method


Returns the display name of the assembly identity.

public string GetDisplayName (bool fullKey = false);
member this.GetDisplayName : bool -> string
Public Function GetDisplayName (Optional fullKey As Boolean = false) As String



True if the full public key should be included in the name. Otherwise public key token is used.


The display name.


Characters ',', '=', '"', '\'', '\' occurring in the simple name are escaped by backslash in the display name. Any character '\t' is replaced by two characters '\' and 't', Any character '\n' is replaced by two characters '\' and 'n', Any character '\r' is replaced by two characters '\' and 'r', The assembly name in the display name is enclosed in double quotes if it starts or ends with a whitespace character (' ', '\t', '\r', '\n').

Applies to