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CustomCommandsConfig Class


Contains configurations for a dialog service connector.

public sealed class CustomCommandsConfig : Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.Dialog.DialogServiceConfig
type CustomCommandsConfig = class
    inherit DialogServiceConfig
Public NotInheritable Class CustomCommandsConfig
Inherits DialogServiceConfig


See also: Integrate with a client application using Speech SDK



Custom Commands application identifier.


Specifies the name of the language to be used, in BCP-47 format.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)


FromAuthorizationToken(String, String, String)

Creates an instance of the dialog service config with the specified Custom Commands application id, authorization token and region.

FromSubscription(String, String, String)

Creates an instance of the dialog service configuration with the specified Custom Commands application id, subscription and region.


Searches for the property named with the given PropertyId value.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)

Searches for the property based on the given string name.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)
SetProperty(PropertyId, String)

Sets a property using a PropertyId value.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)
SetProperty(String, String)

Sets the property by name.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)
SetProxy(String, Int32, String, String)

Sets proxy configuration.

Note: Proxy functionality is not available on macOS. This method will have no effect on the macOS platform.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)
SetProxy(String, Int32)

Sets proxy configuration.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)
SetServiceProperty(String, String, ServicePropertyChannel)

Enables preview of new service features.

(Inherited from DialogServiceConfig)

Applies to