Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

TokenKind Enum


The specific kind of token.

public enum class TokenKind
public enum TokenKind
type TokenKind = 
Public Enum TokenKind


Ampersand 28

The invocation operator '&'.

And 53

The logical and operator '-and'.

AndAnd 26

The (unimplemented) operator '&&'.

As 94

The type conversion operator '-as'.

Assembly 165

The 'assembly' keyword

AtCurly 23

The opening token of a hash expression '@{'.

AtParen 22

The opening token of an array expression '@('.

Band 56

The bitwise and operator '-band'.

Base 168

The 'base' keyword

Begin 119

The 'begin' keyword.

Bnot 52

The bitwise not operator '-bnot'.

Bor 57

The bitwise or operator '-bor'.

Break 120

The 'break' keyword.

Bxor 58

The bitwise exclusive or operator '-xor'.

Catch 121

The 'catch' keyword.

Ccontains 87

The case sensitive contains operator '-ccontains'.

Ceq 76

The case sensitive equal operator '-ceq'.

Cge 78

The case sensitive greater than or equal operator '-cge'.

Cgt 79

The case sensitive greater than operator '-cgt'.

Cin 89

The case sensitive in operator '-cin'.

Class 122

The 'class' keyword.

Cle 81

The case sensitive less than or equal operator '-cle'.

Clean 170

The 'clean' keyword.

Clike 82

The case sensitive like operator '-clike'.

Clt 80

The case sensitive less than operator '-clt'.

Cmatch 84

The case sensitive match operator '-cmatch'.

Cne 77

The case sensitive not equal operator '-cne'.

Cnotcontains 88

The case sensitive not contains operator '-cnotcontains'.

Cnotin 90

The case sensitive not in operator '-notin'.

Cnotlike 83

The case sensitive notlike operator '-cnotlike'.

Cnotmatch 85

The case sensitive not match operator '-cnotmatch'.

Colon 99

The PS class base class and implemented interfaces operator ':'. Also used in base class ctor calls.

ColonColon 34

The static member access operator '::'.

Comma 30

The unary or binary array operator ','.

Command 166

The 'command' keyword

Comment 10

A single line comment, or a delimited comment.

Configuration 155

The "configuration" keyword

Continue 123

The 'continue' keyword.

Creplace 86

The case sensitive replace operator '-creplace'.

Csplit 91

The case sensitive split operator '-csplit'.

Data 124

The 'data' keyword.

Default 169

The 'default' keyword

Define 125

The (unimplemented) 'define' keyword.

Divide 38

The division operator '/'.

DivideEquals 46

The division assignment operator '/='.

Do 126

The 'do' keyword.

DollarParen 24

The opening token of a sub-expression '$('.

Dot 35

The instance member access or dot source invocation operator '.'.

DotDot 33

The range operator '..'.

DynamicKeyword 156

The token kind for dynamic keywords

Dynamicparam 127

The 'dynamicparam' keyword.

Else 128

The 'else' keyword.

ElseIf 129

The 'elseif' keyword.

End 130

The 'end' keyword.

EndOfInput 11

Marks the end of the input script or file.

Enum 161

The 'enum' keyword

Equals 42

The assignment operator '='.

Exclaim 36

The logical not operator '!'.

Exit 131

The 'exit' keyword.

Filter 132

The 'filter' keyword.

Finally 133

The 'finally' keyword.

For 134

The 'for' keyword.

Foreach 135

The 'foreach' keyword.

Format 50

The string format operator '-f'.

From 136

The (unimplemented) 'from' keyword.

Function 137

The 'function' keyword.

Generic 7

A token that is only valid as a command name, command argument, function name, or configuration name. It may contain characters not allowed in identifiers. Tokens with this kind are always instances of StringLiteralToken or StringExpandableToken if the token contains variable references or subexpressions.

HereStringExpandable 15

A double quoted here string literal. Tokens with this kind are always instances of StringExpandableToken. even if there are no nested tokens to expand.

HereStringLiteral 14

A single quoted here string literal. Tokens with this kind are always instances of StringLiteralToken.

Hidden 167

The 'hidden' keyword

Icontains 71

The case insensitive contains operator '-icontains' or '-contains'.

Identifier 6

A simple identifier, always begins with a letter or '', and is followed by letters, numbers, or ''.

Ieq 60

The case insensitive equal operator '-ieq' or '-eq'.

If 138

The 'if' keyword.

Ige 62

The case insensitive greater than or equal operator '-ige' or '-ge'.

Igt 63

The case insensitive greater than operator '-igt' or '-gt'.

Iin 73

The case insensitive in operator '-iin' or '-in'.

Ile 65

The case insensitive less than or equal operator '-ile' or '-le'.

Ilike 66

The case insensitive like operator '-ilike' or '-like'.

Ilt 64

The case insensitive less than operator '-ilt' or '-lt'.

Imatch 68

The case insensitive match operator '-imatch' or '-match'.

In 139

The 'in' keyword.

Ine 61

The case insensitive not equal operator '-ine' or '-ne'.

InlineScript 154

The 'InlineScript' keyword

Inotcontains 72

The case insensitive notcontains operator '-inotcontains' or '-notcontains'.

Inotin 74

The case insensitive notin operator '-inotin' or '-notin'

Inotlike 67

The case insensitive not like operator '-inotlike' or '-notlike'.

Inotmatch 69

The case insensitive not match operator '-inotmatch' or '-notmatch'.

Interface 160

The 'interface' keyword

Ireplace 70

The case insensitive replace operator '-ireplace' or '-replace'.

Is 92

The type test operator '-is'.

IsNot 93

The type test operator '-isnot'.

Isplit 75

The case insensitive split operator '-isplit' or '-split'.

Join 59

The join operator '-join'.

Label 5

A label token - always begins with ':', followed by the label name. Tokens with this kind are always instances of LabelToken.

LBracket 20

The opening square brace token '['.

LCurly 18

The opening curly brace token '{'.

LineContinuation 9

A line continuation (backtick followed by newline).

LParen 16

The opening parenthesis token '('.

Minus 41

The subtraction operator '-'.

MinusEquals 44

The subtraction assignment operator '-='.

MinusMinus 31

The pre-decrement operator '--'.

Module 163

The 'module' keyword

Multiply 37

The multiplication operator '*'.

MultiplyEquals 45

The multiplication assignment operator '*='.

Namespace 162

The 'namespace' keyword

NewLine 8

A newline (one of '\n', '\r', or '\r\n').

Not 51

The logical not operator '-not'.

Number 4

Any numerical literal token. Tokens with this kind are always instances of NumberToken.

Or 54

The logical or operator '-or'.

OrOr 27

The (unimplemented) operator '||'.

Parallel 152

The 'parallel' keyword.

Param 140

The 'param' keyword.

Parameter 3

A parameter to a command, always begins with a dash ('-'), followed by the parameter name. Tokens with this kind are always instances of ParameterToken.

Pipe 29

The pipe operator '|'.

Plus 40

The addition operator '+'.

PlusEquals 43

The addition assignment operator '+='.

PlusPlus 32

The pre-increment operator '++'.

PostfixMinusMinus 96

The post-decrement operator '--'.

PostfixPlusPlus 95

The post-increment operator '++'.

Private 158

The 'private' keyword

Process 141

The 'process' keyword.

Public 157

The 'public' keyword

QuestionDot 103

The null conditional member access operator '?.'.

QuestionLBracket 104

The null conditional index access operator '?[]'.

QuestionMark 100

The ternary operator '?'.

QuestionQuestion 102

The null coalesce operator '??'.

QuestionQuestionEquals 101

The null conditional assignment operator '??='.

RBracket 21

The closing square brace token ']'.

RCurly 19

The closing curly brace token '}'.

RedirectInStd 49

The (unimplemented) stdin redirection operator '<'.

Redirection 48

A redirection operator such as '2>&1' or '>>'.

Rem 39

The modulo division (remainder) operator '%'.

RemainderEquals 47

The modulo division (remainder) assignment operator '%='.

Return 142

The 'return' keyword.

RParen 17

The closing parenthesis token ')'.

Semi 25

The statement terminator ';'.

Sequence 153

The 'sequence' keyword.

Shl 97

The shift left operator.

Shr 98

The shift right operator.

SplattedVariable 2

A splatted variable token, always begins with '@' and followed by the variable name. Tokens with this kind are always instances of VariableToken.

Static 159

The 'static' keyword

StringExpandable 13

A double quoted string literal. Tokens with this kind are always instances of StringExpandableToken even if there are no nested tokens to expand.

StringLiteral 12

A single quoted string literal. Tokens with this kind are always instances of StringLiteralToken.

Switch 143

The 'switch' keyword.

Throw 144

The 'throw' keyword.

Trap 145

The 'trap' keyword.

Try 146

The 'try' keyword.

Type 164

The 'type' keyword

Unknown 0

An unknown token, signifies an error condition.

Until 147

The 'until' keyword.

Using 148

The (unimplemented) 'using' keyword.

Var 149

The (unimplemented) 'var' keyword.

Variable 1

A variable token, always begins with '$' and followed by the variable name, possibly enclose in curly braces. Tokens with this kind are always instances of VariableToken.

While 150

The 'while' keyword.

Workflow 151

The 'workflow' keyword.

Xor 55

The logical exclusive or operator '-xor'.

Applies to