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Init Only Setters


This article is a feature specification. The specification serves as the design document for the feature. It includes proposed specification changes, along with information needed during the design and development of the feature. These articles are published until the proposed spec changes are finalized and incorporated in the current ECMA specification.

There may be some discrepancies between the feature specification and the completed implementation. Those differences are captured in the pertinent language design meeting (LDM) notes.

You can learn more about the process for adopting feature speclets into the C# language standard in the article on the specifications.


This proposal adds the concept of init only properties and indexers to C#. These properties and indexers can be set at the point of object creation but become effectively get only once object creation has completed. This allows for a much more flexible immutable model in C#.


The underlying mechanisms for building immutable data in C# haven't changed since 1.0. They remain:

  1. Declaring fields as readonly.
  2. Declaring properties that contain only a get accessor.

These mechanisms are effective at allowing the construction of immutable data but they do so by adding cost to the boilerplate code of types and opting such types out of features like object and collection initializers. This means developers must choose between ease of use and immutability.

A simple immutable object like Point requires twice as much boiler plate code to support construction as it does to declare the type. The bigger the type the bigger the cost of this boiler plate:

struct Point
    public int X { get; }
    public int Y { get; }

    public Point(int x, int y)
        this.X = x;
        this.Y = y;

The init accessor makes immutable objects more flexible by allowing the caller to mutate the members during the act of construction. That means the object's immutable properties can participate in object initializers and thus removes the need for all constructor boilerplate in the type. The Point type is now simply:

struct Point
    public int X { get; init; }
    public int Y { get; init; }

The consumer can then use object initializers to create the object

var p = new Point() { X = 42, Y = 13 };

Detailed Design

init accessors

An init only property (or indexer) is declared by using the init accessor in place of the set accessor:

class Student
    public string FirstName { get; init; }
    public string LastName { get; init; }

An instance property containing an init accessor is considered settable in the following circumstances, except when in a local function or lambda:

  • During an object initializer
  • During a with expression initializer
  • Inside an instance constructor of the containing or derived type, on this or base
  • Inside the init accessor of any property, on this or base
  • Inside attribute usages with named parameters

The times above in which the init accessors are settable are collectively referred to in this document as the construction phase of the object.

This means the Student class can be used in the following ways:

var s = new Student()
    FirstName = "Jared",
    LastName = "Parosns",
s.LastName = "Parsons"; // Error: LastName is not settable

The rules around when init accessors are settable extend across type hierarchies. If the member is accessible and the object is known to be in the construction phase then the member is settable. That specifically allows for the following:

class Base
    public bool Value { get; init; }

class Derived : Base
    public Derived()
        // Not allowed with get only properties but allowed with init
        Value = true;

class Consumption
    void Example()
        var d = new Derived() { Value = true };

At the point an init accessor is invoked, the instance is known to be in the open construction phase. Hence an init accessor is allowed to take the following actions in addition to what a normal set accessor can do:

  1. Call other init accessors available through this or base
  2. Assign readonly fields declared on the same type through this
class Complex
    readonly int Field1;
    int Field2;
    int Prop1 { get; init ; }
    int Prop2
        get => 42;
            Field1 = 13; // okay
            Field2 = 13; // okay
            Prop1 = 13; // okay

The ability to assign readonly fields from an init accessor is limited to those fields declared on the same type as the accessor. It cannot be used to assign readonly fields in a base type. This rule ensures that type authors remain in control over the mutability behavior of their type. Developers who do not wish to utilize init cannot be impacted from other types choosing to do so:

class Base
    internal readonly int Field;
    internal int Property
        get => Field;
        init => Field = value; // Okay

    internal int OtherProperty { get; init; }

class Derived : Base
    internal readonly int DerivedField;
    internal int DerivedProperty
        get => DerivedField;
            DerivedField = 42;  // Okay
            Property = 0;       // Okay
            Field = 13;         // Error Field is readonly

    public Derived()
        Property = 42;  // Okay 
        Field = 13;     // Error Field is readonly

When init is used in a virtual property then all the overrides must also be marked as init. Likewise it is not possible to override a simple set with init.

class Base
    public virtual int Property { get; init; }

class C1 : Base
    public override int Property { get; init; }

class C2 : Base
    // Error: Property must have init to override Base.Property
    public override int Property { get; set; }

An interface declaration can also participate in init style initialization via the following pattern:

interface IPerson
    string Name { get; init; }

class Init
    void M<T>() where T : IPerson, new()
        var local = new T()
            Name = "Jared"
        local.Name = "Jraed"; // Error

Restrictions of this feature:

  • The init accessor can only be used on instance properties
  • A property cannot contain both an init and set accessor
  • All overrides of a property must have init if the base had init. This rule also applies to interface implementation.

Readonly structs

init accessors (both auto-implemented accessors and manually-implemented accessors) are permitted on properties of readonly structs, as well as readonly properties. init accessors are not permitted to be marked readonly themselves, in both readonly and non-readonly struct types.

readonly struct ReadonlyStruct1
    public int Prop1 { get; init; } // Allowed

struct ReadonlyStruct2
    public readonly int Prop2 { get; init; } // Allowed

    public int Prop3 { get; readonly init; } // Error

Metadata encoding

Property init accessors will be emitted as a standard set accessor with the return type marked with a modreq of IsExternalInit. This is a new type which will have the following definition:

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    public sealed class IsExternalInit

The compiler will match the type by full name. There is no requirement that it appear in the core library. If there are multiple types by this name then the compiler will tie break in the following order:

  1. The one defined in the project being compiled
  2. The one defined in corelib

If neither of these exist then a type ambiguity error will be issued.

The design for IsExternalInit is futher covered in this issue


Breaking changes

One of the main pivot points in how this feature is encoded will come down to the following question:

Is it a binary breaking change to replace init with set?

Replacing init with set and thus making a property fully writable is never a source breaking change on a non-virtual property. It simply expands the set of scenarios where the property can be written. The only behavior in question is whether or not this remains a binary breaking change.

If we want to make the change of init to set a source and binary compatible change then it will force our hand on the modreq vs. attributes decision below because it will rule out modreqs as a solution. If on the other hand this is seen as a non-interesting then this will make the modreq vs. attribute decision less impactful.

Resolution This scenario is not seen as compelling by LDM.

Modreqs vs. attributes

The emit strategy for init property accessors must choose between using attributes or modreqs when emitting during metadata. These have different trade offs that need to be considered.

Annotating a property set accessor with a modreq declaration means CLI compliant compilers will ignore the accessor unless it understands the modreq. That means only compilers aware of init will read the member. Compilers unaware of init will ignore the set accessor and hence will not accidentally treat the property as read / write.

The downside of modreq is init becomes a part of the binary signature of the set accessor. Adding or removing init will break binary compatbility of the application.

Using attributes to annotate the set accessor means that only compilers which understand the attribute will know to limit access to it. A compiler unaware of init will see it as a simple read / write property and allow access.

This would seemingly mean this decision is a choice between extra safety at the expense of binary compatibility. Digging in a bit the extra safety is not exactly what it seems. It will not protect against the following circumstances:

  1. Reflection over public members
  2. The use of dynamic
  3. Compilers that don't recognize modreqs

It should also be considered that, when we complete the IL verification rules for .NET 5, init will be one of those rules. That means extra enforcement will be gained from simply verifying compilers emitting verifiable IL.

The primary languages for .NET (C#, F# and VB) will all be updated to recognize these init accessors. Hence the only realistic scenario here is when a C# 9 compiler emits init properties and they are seen by an older toolset such as C# 8, VB 15, etc ... C# 8. That is the trade off to consider and weigh against binary compatibility.

Note This discussion primarily applies to members only, not to fields. While init fields were rejected by LDM they are still interesting to consider for the modreq vs. attribute discussion. The init feature for fields is a relaxation of the existing restriction of readonly. That means if we emit the fields as readonly + an attribute there is no risk of older compilers mis-using the field because they would already recognize readonly. Hence using a modreq here doesn't add any extra protection.

Resolution The feature will use a modreq to encode the property init setter. The compelling factors were (in no particular order):

  • Desire to discourage older compilers from violating init semantics
  • Desire to make adding or removing init in a virtual declaration or interface both a source and binary breaking change.

Given there was also no significant support for removing init to be a binary compatible change it made the choice of using modreq straight forward.

init vs. initonly

There were three syntax forms which got significant consideration during our LDM meeting:

// 1. Use init 
int Option1 { get; init; }
// 2. Use init set
int Option2 { get; init set; }
// 3. Use initonly
int Option3 { get; initonly; }

Resolution There was no syntax which was overwhelmingly favored in LDM.

One point which got significant attention was how the choice of syntax would impact our ability to do init members as a general feature in the future. Choosing option 1 would mean that it would be difficult to define a property which had an init style get method in the future. Eventually it was decided that if we decided to go forward with general init members in future, we could allow init to be a modifier in the property accessor list as well as a short hand for init set. Essentially the following two declarations would be identical.

int Property1 { get; init; }
int Property1 { get; init set; }

The decision was made to move forward with init as a standalone accessor in the property accessor list.

Warn on failed init

Consider the following scenario. A type declares an init only member which is not set in the constructor. Should the code which constructs the object get a warning if they failed to initialize the value?

At that point it is clear the field will never be set and hence has a lot of similarities with the warning around failing to initialize private data. Hence a warning would seemingly have some value here?

There are significant downsides to this warning though:

  1. It complicates the compatibility story of changing readonly to init.
  2. It requires carrying additional metadata around to denote the members which are required to be initialized by the caller.

Further if we believe there is value here in the overall scenario of forcing object creators to be warned / error'd about specific fields then this likely makes sense as a general feature. There is no reason it should be limited to just init members.

Resolution There will be no warning on consumption of init fields and properties.

LDM wants to have a broader discussion on the idea of required fields and properties. That may cause us to come back and reconsider our position on init members and validation.

Allow init as a field modifier

In the same way init can serve as a property accessor it could also serve as a designation on fields to give them similar behaviors as init properties. That would allow for the field to be assigned before construction was complete by the type, derived types, or object initializers.

class Student
    public init string FirstName;
    public init string LastName;

var s = new Student()
    FirstName = "Jarde",
    LastName = "Parsons",

s.FirstName = "Jared"; // Error FirstName is readonly

In metadata these fields would be marked in the same way as readonly fields but with an additional attribute or modreq to indicate they are init style fields.

Resolution LDM agrees this proposal is sound but overall the scenario felt disjoint from properties. The decision was to proceed only with init properties for now. This has a suitable level of flexibility as an init property can mutate a readonly field on the declaring type of the property. This will be reconsidered if there is significant customer feedback that justifies the scenario.

Allow init as a type modifier

In the same way the readonly modifier can be applied to a struct to automatically declare all fields as readonly, the init only modifier can be declared on a struct or class to automatically mark all fields as init. This means the following two type declarations are equivalent:

struct Point
    public init int X;
    public init int Y;

// vs. 

init struct Point
    public int X;
    public int Y;

Resolution This feature is too cute here and conflicts with the readonly struct feature on which it is based. The readonly struct feature is simple in that it applies readonly to all members: fields, methods, etc ... The init struct feature would only apply to properties. This actually ends up making it confusing for users.

Given that init is only valid on certain aspects of a type, we rejected the idea of having it as a type modifier.



The init feature is designed to be compatible with existing get only properties. Specifically it is meant to be a completely additive change for a property which is get only today but desires more flexbile object creation semantics.

For example consider the following type:

class Name
    public string First { get; }
    public string Last { get; }

    public Name(string first, string last)
        First = first;
        Last = last;

Adding init to these properties is a non-breaking change:

class Name
    public string First { get; init; }
    public string Last { get; init; }

    public Name(string first, string last)
        First = first;
        Last = last;

IL verification

When .NET Core decides to re-implement IL verification, the rules will need to be adjusted to account for init members. This will need to be included in the rule changes for non-mutating acess to readonly data.

The IL verification rules will need to be broken into two parts:

  1. Allowing init members to set a readonly field.
  2. Determining when an init member can be legally called.

The first is a simple adjustment to the existing rules. The IL verifier can be taught to recognize init members and from there it just needs to consider a readonly field to be settable on this in such a member.

The second rule is more complicated. In the simple case of object initializers the rule is straight forward. It should be legal to call init members when the result of a new expression is still on the stack. That is until the value has been stored in a local, array element or field or passed as an argument to another method it will still be legal to call init members. This ensures that once the result of the new expression is published to a named identifier (other than this) then it will no longer be legal to call init members.

The more complicated case though is when we mix init members, object initializers and await. That can cause the newly created object to be temporarily hoisted into a state machine and hence put into a field.

var student = new Student() 
    Name = await SomeMethod()

Here the result of new Student() will be hoised into a state machine as a field before the set of Name occurs. The compiler will need to mark such hoisted fields in a way that the IL verifier understands they're not user accessible and hence doesn't violate the intended semantics of init.

init members

The init modifier could be extended to apply to all instance members. This would generalize the concept of init during object construction and allow types to declare helper methods that could partipate in the construction process to initialize init fields and properties.

Such members would have all the restricions that an init accessor does in this design. The need is questionable though and this can be safely added in a future version of the language in a compatible manner.

Generate three accessors

One potential implementation of init properties is to make init completely separate from set. That means that a property can potentially have three different accessors: get, set, and init.

This has the potential advantage of allowing the use of modreq to enforce correctness while maintaining binary compatibility. The implementation would roughly be the following:

  1. An init accessor is always emitted if there is a set. When not defined by the developer it is simply a reference to set.
  2. The set of a property in an object initializer will always use init if present but fall back to set if it's missing.

This means that a developer can always safely delete init from a property.

The downside of this design is that is only useful if init is always emitted when there is a set. The language can't know if init was deleted in the past, it has to assume it was and hence the init must always be emitted. That would cause a significant metadata expansion and is simply not worth the cost of the compatibility here.