Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

Útmutató: Biztonságos munkamenetek letiltása WSFederationHttpBindingen

Egyes szolgáltatásokhoz összevont hitelesítő adatok szükségesek, de nem támogatják a biztonságos munkameneteket. Ebben az esetben le kell tiltania a biztonságos munkamenet funkciót. A szolgáltatással való kommunikáció során az WSHttpBindingWSFederationHttpBinding osztály nem biztosít módot a biztonságos munkamenetek letiltására. Ehelyett létre kell hoznia egy egyéni kötést, amely lecseréli a biztonságos munkamenet beállításait egy bootstrapre.

Ez a témakör bemutatja, hogyan módosíthatja a kötéselemeket egy WSFederationHttpBinding egyéni kötés létrehozásához. Az eredmény megegyezik azzal a WSFederationHttpBinding kivételel, hogy nem használ biztonságos munkameneteket.

Egyéni összevont kötés létrehozása biztonságos munkamenet nélkül

  1. Hozzon létre egy példányt a WSFederationHttpBinding kódban, vagy töltsön be egyet a konfigurációs fájlból.

  2. Klónozza a WSFederationHttpBindingCustomBinding.

  3. Keresse meg a SecurityBindingElementCustomBinding.

  4. Keresse meg a SecureConversationSecurityTokenParametersSecurityBindingElement.

  5. Cserélje le az eredetit SecurityBindingElement a rendszerindító biztonsági kötés elemére a SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters.


Az alábbi példa egy egyéni összevont kötést hoz létre biztonságos munkamenet nélkül.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens;

namespace Samples
    public sealed class CustomBindingCreator
        // This method creates a CustomBinding based on a WSFederationHttpBinding which does not use secure conversation.
        public static CustomBinding CreateFederationBindingWithoutSecureSession(WSFederationHttpBinding inputBinding)
            // This CustomBinding starts out identical to the specified WSFederationHttpBinding.
            CustomBinding outputBinding = new CustomBinding(inputBinding.CreateBindingElements());
            // Find the SecurityBindingElement for message security.
            SecurityBindingElement security = outputBinding.Elements.Find<SecurityBindingElement>();
            // If the security mode is message, then the secure session settings are the protection token parameters.
            SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters secureConversation;
            if (WSFederationHttpSecurityMode.Message == inputBinding.Security.Mode)
                SymmetricSecurityBindingElement symmetricSecurity = security as SymmetricSecurityBindingElement;
                secureConversation = symmetricSecurity.ProtectionTokenParameters as SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters;
            // If the security mode is message, then the secure session settings are the endorsing token parameters.
            else if (WSFederationHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential == inputBinding.Security.Mode)
                TransportSecurityBindingElement transportSecurity = security as TransportSecurityBindingElement;
                secureConversation = transportSecurity.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing[0] as SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters;
                throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unhandled security mode {0}.", inputBinding.Security.Mode));
            // Replace the secure session SecurityBindingElement with the bootstrap SecurityBindingElement.
            int securityIndex = outputBinding.Elements.IndexOf(security);
            outputBinding.Elements[securityIndex] = secureConversation.BootstrapSecurityBindingElement;
            // Return modified binding.
            return outputBinding;
        // It is a good practice to create a private constructor for a class that only
        // defines static methods.
        private CustomBindingCreator() { }
        static void Main()
            // Code not shown.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Channels
Imports System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Public NotInheritable Class CustomBindingCreator

    ' This method creates a CustomBinding based on a WSFederationHttpBinding which does not use secure conversation.
    Public Shared Function CreateFederationBindingWithoutSecureSession(ByVal inputBinding As WSFederationHttpBinding) As CustomBinding
        ' This CustomBinding starts out identical to the specified WSFederationHttpBinding.
        Dim outputBinding As New CustomBinding(inputBinding.CreateBindingElements())
        ' Find the SecurityBindingElement for message security.
        Dim security As SecurityBindingElement = outputBinding.Elements.Find(Of SecurityBindingElement)()
        ' If the security mode is message, then the secure session settings are the protection token parameters.
        Dim secureConversation As SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters
        If WSFederationHttpSecurityMode.Message = inputBinding.Security.Mode Then
            Dim symmetricSecurity As SymmetricSecurityBindingElement = CType(security, SymmetricSecurityBindingElement)
            secureConversation = CType(symmetricSecurity.ProtectionTokenParameters, SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters)
            ' If the security mode is message, then the secure session settings are the endorsing token parameters.
        ElseIf WSFederationHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential = inputBinding.Security.Mode Then
            Dim transportSecurity As TransportSecurityBindingElement = CType(security, TransportSecurityBindingElement)
            secureConversation = CType(transportSecurity.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing(0), SecureConversationSecurityTokenParameters)
            Throw New NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unhandled security mode {0}.", inputBinding.Security.Mode))
        End If
        ' Replace the secure session SecurityBindingElement with the bootstrap SecurityBindingElement.
        Dim securityIndex As Integer = outputBinding.Elements.IndexOf(security)
        outputBinding.Elements(securityIndex) = secureConversation.BootstrapSecurityBindingElement
        ' Return modified binding.
        Return outputBinding

    End Function

    ' It is a good practice to create a private constructor for a class that only 
    ' defines static methods.
    Private Sub New()

    End Sub

    Shared Sub Main()

    End Sub
End Class

A kód összeállítása

  • A példakód fordításához hozzon létre egy projektet, amely a System.ServiceModel.dll szerelvényre hivatkozik.

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