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Compare EF Core & EF6

EF Core

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.

EF Core works with SQL Server/Azure SQL Database, SQLite, Azure Cosmos DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and many more databases through a database provider plugin model.


Entity Framework 6 (EF6) is an object-relational mapper designed for .NET Framework but with support for .NET Core. EF6 is a stable, supported product, but is no longer being actively developed.

Feature comparison

EF Core offers new features that won't be implemented in EF6. However, not all EF6 features are currently implemented in EF Core.

The following tables compare the features available in EF Core and EF6. This is a high-level comparison and doesn't list every feature or explain differences between the same feature in different EF versions.

The EF Core column indicates the product version in which the feature first appeared.

Creating a model

Feature EF6.4 EF Core
Basic class mapping Yes 1.0
Constructors with parameters 2.1
Property value conversions 2.1
Mapped types with no keys 2.1
Conventions Yes 1.0
Custom conventions Yes 7.0
Data annotations Yes 1.0
Fluent API Yes 1.0
Inheritance: Table per hierarchy (TPH) Yes 1.0
Inheritance: Table per type (TPT) Yes 5.0
Inheritance: Table per concrete class (TPC) Yes 7.0
Shadow state properties 1.0
Alternate keys 1.0
Many-to-many navigations Yes 5.0
Many-to-many without join entity Yes 5.0
Key generation: Database Yes 1.0
Key generation: Client 1.0
Complex/owned types Yes 2.0
Spatial data Yes 2.2
Model format: Code Yes 1.0
Create model from database: Command line Yes 1.0
Update model from database Partial On the backlog (#831)
Global query filters 2.0
Table splitting Yes 2.0
Entity splitting Yes 7.0
Database scalar function mapping Poor 2.0
Database table valued function mapping Poor 5.0
Field mapping 1.1
Nullable reference types (C# 8.0) 3.0
Graphical visualization of model Yes No support planned (1)
Graphical model editor Yes No support planned (1)
Model format: EDMX (XML) Yes No support planned (1)
Create model from database: VS wizard Yes No support planned (1)

Querying data

Feature EF6.4 EF Core
LINQ queries Yes 1.0
Readable generated SQL Poor 1.0
GroupBy translation Yes 2.1
Loading related data: Eager Yes 1.0
Loading related data: Eager loading for derived types 2.1
Loading related data: Lazy Yes 2.1
Loading related data: Explicit Yes 1.1
Raw SQL queries: Entity types Yes 1.0
Raw SQL queries: Keyless entity types Yes 2.1
Raw SQL queries: Composing with LINQ 1.0
Explicitly compiled queries Poor 2.0
await foreach (C# 8.0) 3.0
Text-based query language (Entity SQL) Yes No support planned (1)

Saving data

Feature EF6.4 EF Core
Change tracking: Snapshot Yes 1.0
Change tracking: Notification Yes 1.0
Change tracking: Proxies Yes 5.0
Accessing tracked state Yes 1.0
Optimistic concurrency Yes 1.0
Transactions Yes 1.0
Batching of statements 1.0
Stored procedure mapping Yes 7.0
Disconnected graph low-level APIs Poor 1.0
Disconnected graph End-to-end 1.0 (partial; #5536)

Other features

Feature EF6.4 EF Core
Migrations Yes 1.0
Database creation/deletion APIs Yes 1.0
Seed data Yes 2.1
Connection resiliency Yes 1.1
Interceptors Yes 3.0
Events Yes 3.0 (partial; #626)
Simple Logging (Database.Log) Yes 5.0
DbContext pooling 2.0

Database providers (2)

Feature EF6.4 EF Core
SQL Server Yes 1.0
MySQL Yes 1.0
PostgreSQL Yes 1.0
Oracle Yes 1.0
SQLite Yes 1.0
SQL Server Compact Yes 1.0 (3)
DB2 Yes 1.0
Firebird Yes 2.0
Jet (Microsoft Access) 2.0 (3)
Azure Cosmos DB 3.0
In-memory (for testing) 1.0

1 Some EF6 features will not be implemented in EF Core. These features either depend on EF6's underlying Entity Data Model (EDM) and/or are complex features with relatively low return on investment. We always welcome feedback, but while EF Core enables many things not possible in EF6, it is conversely not feasible for EF Core to support all the features of EF6.

2 EF Core database providers implemented by third-parties may be delayed in updating to new major versions of EF Core. See Database Providers for more information.

3 The SQL Server Compact and Jet providers only work on .NET Framework (not on .NET Core).

Supported platforms

EF Core 3.1 runs on .NET Core and .NET Framework, through the use of .NET Standard 2.0. However, EF Core 5.0 does not run on .NET Framework. See Platforms for more details.

EF6.4 runs on .NET Core and .NET Framework, through multi-targeting.

Guidance for new applications

Use EF Core on .NET Core for all new applications unless the app needs something that is only supported on .NET Framework.

Guidance for existing EF6 applications

EF Core is not a drop-in replacement for EF6. Moving from EF6 to EF Core will likely require changes to your application.

When moving an EF6 app to .NET Core:

  • Keep using EF6 if the data access code is stable and not likely to evolve or need new features.
  • Port to EF Core if the data access code is evolving or if the app needs new features only available in EF Core.
  • Porting to EF Core is also often done for performance. However, not all scenarios are faster, so do some profiling first.

See Porting from EF6 to EF Core for more information.