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Catalog v2


Economy v2 is now Generally Available. For support and feedback, go to the PlayFab Forum.

Creator Entity Type & ID

Besides creating Catalog items at the Title level via Game Manager or the API, you can also create them on behalf of a player. You need the Title player account ID (not the Master Player Account ID, which is cross-title).

  "Item": {
    "CreatorEntity": {
      "Type": "title_player_account",
      "Id": "74657374696E6731"
    "Type": "catalogItem",
    "Title": {
      "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword!"
    "Description": {
      "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword! (It's really cool)"
    "ContentType": "Game Item",
    "AlternateIds": [
          "Type": "FriendlyId",
          "Value": "fire_sword"
  "Publish": false


Keywords are lists of localized strings that are meant to be user-searchable. They're useful for users searching for relevant items in an in-game store.

  • Keywords are index by localization keys.
  • Keywords are optional for any item.
  • An item can contain any number of the listed keywords.
  • Example:
    "NEUTRAL": { "Values": ["fire", "weapon"] },
    "de-DE": { "Values": ["feuer", "klingenwaffen"] },
    "en-US": { "Values": ["fire", "weapon"] },
    "fr-FR": { "Values":["enflammé","arme"] }


The description field is a list of localized strings meant for display on each item.

  • Localization keys are used as the indexes.
  • Descriptions are optional for any item.
  • Example:
    "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword! (It's really cool)",
    "de-DE": "Feuer Schwert! (Es ist wirklich cool)",
    "en-US": "Fire Sword! (It's really cool)",
    "fr-FR": "Épée de feu! (C'est vraiment cool)"

Content Types

Configure custom content types to organize your items in ⚙️ > Title settings > Economy (V2) > Catalog (V2).

  • Content types exist as a performant filter when searching and make it easier to group items.
  • While Content Types can be any string, you can only have one per item.
  • Some examples of Content Types include:
    • weapon
    • armor
    • gem
    • pet
    • lootbox
    • appstorebundle
    • playerattribute

Alternate IDs

Alternate IDs make it easier to work with Catalog v2 items in code or with third party APIs. Some alternate IDs include the Friendly ID or the Marketplace ID.

Friendly ID

Friendly ID is the "machine name" of the item - the name that makes it easier to reference in code. Friendly IDs are optional for all items and must be unique within the catalog.

  "Item": {
    "Type": "catalogItem",
    "Title": {
      "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword!"
    "Description": {
      "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword! (It's really cool)"
    "ContentType": "Game Item",
    "AlternateIds": [
          "Type": "FriendlyId",
          "Value": "fire_sword"
  "Publish": false

Marketplace IDs

The alternate ID is how the various marketplaces identify your product. Since each marketplace has its own set of restrictions and policies, you need to set them according to how your store items are configured per platform.

PlayFab comes with several marketplaces. In order to work with the correct Marketplace Add-on, the marketplace must be in the following values:

  • Apple = "AppleAppStore"
  • Google Play = "GooglePlay"
  • Nintendo = "NintendoEShop"
  • Microsoft = "MicrosoftStore"
  • PlayStation = "PlayStationStore"
  • Steam = "Steam"

Here are some examples of how to configure the alternate IDs for each platform:

  • Apple App Store: product_id, example com.companyname.productname
  • Google Play: productId, example com.companyname.productname
  • Microsoft Store: productId, example 9NBLGGH42CFD
  • Nintendo E-Shop: item_id, example nintendo700100
  • PlayStation Store: id, example PLAYFAB00000CUSA
  • Steam: itemdefid, example 100
  "Item": {
    "Type": "catalogItem",
    "Title": {
      "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword!"
    "Description": {
      "NEUTRAL": "Fire Sword! (It's really cool)"
    "ContentType": "Game Item",
    "AlternateIds": [
          "Type": "FriendlyId",
          "Value": "fire_sword"
          "Type": "MicrosoftStore",
          "Value": "9NBLGGH42CFD"
          "Type": "AppleAppStore",
          "Value": "com.companyname.productname"
          "Type": "GooglePlay",
          "Value": "com.companyname.productname"
          "Type": "NintendoEShop",
          "Value": "nintendo700100"
          "Type": "PlayStationStore",
          "Value": "PLAYFAB00000CUSA"
          "Type": "Steam",
          "Value": "100"
  "Publish": false


Custom platforms are added and configured in the v2 Catalog Settings under Platform. You can use platforms as configuration data for deep links or other custom properties.


A list of tags can be set by providing a list of valid strings. Tags are optional for any item and an item can contain any number of the listed tags.

  • Items can have Tags
    • Use tags for text metadata that is consistent and applies to multiple items, such as damage types.
    • Tags exist as a search filter.
    • You can have multiple Tags per item.
    • Tags are independently organized between Catalog Items, UGC Items, Files, and Images.
  • Some examples of tags:
    • firedamage
    • icedamage
    • bluntdamage
    • slashingdamage
    • piercingdamage
    • lightarmor
    • heavyarmor


Display Properties are custom item properties that can be added to all items in your catalog. Certain properties can be set in the Display property mappings section to be used searches, filters, and orderings when using the SearchItems API.

  • Items can have Display properties with configured field types
    • Use Display properties for metadata that varies between items, such as lore text
    • Display properties are queryable (indexed, fast query) or searchable (slower text query)
    • You can configure up to five of each type of field to be indexed
  • Example:
  "game-model": "//models/weapon/fire_sword.fbx",
  "durability-default": "9001"

When you add a field to DisplayProperties, it creates a new index for you in the database. Only documents added or updated after index creation are included. If the Display Property should apply to all items, you need to republish the entire catalog.

DateTime, Double, and Queryable String display properties are queryable, these properties can be used in Filter and OrderBy statements.

Searchable String display properties are searchable; these properties are queried with fuzzy search against the Search field. Searchable properties can't be used in Filter and OrderBy statements

Titles are limited to five display properties of each type. For more information, see Limits.


Display property mappings are stored as an indexed list of key-value pairs. Deleting existing display property mappings can shift indexes and break the behavior of all remaining properties. It's suggested to add an additional property rather than deleting or editing an existing one and you should avoid deleting property mappings unless absolutely necessary


Prices allow you to assign in-game currency costs to items. They're optional, but allow players to use the PurchaseItem API to purchase items with in-game currency.

  • Multiple prices can be set per item.
  • Prices can be set in any existing currency.
  • Example:
"PriceOptions": {
  "Prices": [
      "Amounts": [
          "Id": "{{CurrencyID}}",
          "Amount": 15

Files and Images

These fields use File Storage instead of Config Storage. File storage is meant for game assets that are frequently updated or modified such as icons or asset game engine metadata. For more information on what sorts of files PlayFab handles, see Limits.