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Adding ratings to your content


Economy v2 is now Generally Available. For support and feedback, go to the PlayFab Forum.

This guide will go through the API calls that can be used to add a ratings and review system to your game.

Review an item

A rating or review can be attached to an item by calling the ReviewItem API from a client. In order for an item to be reviewed, it must be visible in the public catalog for all players. Ratings and reviews are attached to the player calling the API and only a single review per player can be associated with an item. The creator of an item can't submit a review for their own item. The review is updated every time ReviewItem is called. The following data is required for the call:

  • Id: The unique ID of item that to be reviewed.
  • Rating: A numeric rating the form of a 1 to 5 scale.

In addition, optional parameters can also be added:

  • Title: The title for the review.
  • ReviewText: A free text field for reviews.
  • IsInstalled: A flag to indicate if the reviewer has the item.
  • ItemVersion: The version number for the item being reviewed.
  "Review": {
    "ItemVersion": "2.4.1",
    "Rating": 5,
    "Title": "Best Game Ever",
    "ReviewText": "I play this game every day. It's my favorite game yet.",
    "IsInstalled": true
  "Id": "3f5dd8d4-4ee1-4748-8855-56a8a0277bf9"

A Submitted timestamp is automatically populated and updated when a review is submitted.

Get a player's review for an item

You can get a player's review for an item by calling the GetEntityItemReview API from a client. An item Id or AlternateId must be provided. A specific ReviewId associated with review will be returned.

    "code": 200,
    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "Review": {
            "ReviewId": "730de69c-d6af-f313-4653-09fb14bedeef",
            "ItemId": "3f5dd8d4-4ee1-4748-8855-56a8a0277bf9",
            "ReviewerId": "title_player_account!218870DE55036998",
            "ItemVersion": "2.4.1",
            "Title": "Best Game Ever",
            "ReviewText": "I play this game every day. It's my favorite game yet.",
            "Rating": 5,
            "IsInstalled": true,
            "Locale": "NEUTRAL",
            "HelpfulnessVotes": 0,
            "HelpfulPositive": 0,
            "HelpfulNegative": 0,
            "Submitted": "2021-08-09T06:44:22.569Z"

Calling GetEntityItemReview from a player who hasn't made a review returns a Review object with zeroed values:

    "code": 200,
    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "Review": {
            "ReviewId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "Rating": 0,
            "IsInstalled": false,
            "HelpfulnessVotes": 0,
            "HelpfulPositive": 0,
            "HelpfulNegative": 0,
            "Submitted": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Get reviews for an item

You can access all the reviews containing text for an item by calling the GetItemReviews API. An item Id or AlternateId must be provided. Optional parameters can be added:

  • ContinuationToken: An opaque token used to retrieve the next page of items, if any are available.
  • Count: Number of items to retrieve. Maximum page size is 200. If not specified, defaults to 10.
  • OrderBy: An OData orderBy used to order the results of the query. Possible values are Helpfulness, Rating, and Submitted.
  "Count": 2,
  "Id": "3f5dd8d4-4ee1-4748-8855-56a8a0277bf9",
  "OrderBy": "Submitted desc"

Submit a helpfulness vote for a review

Players can submit a helpfulness vote for a review by calling the SubmitItemReviewVote API. Submitting a new helpfulness vote will increment HelpfulPositive or HelpfulNegative depending on the boolean value for the Vote parameter.

  "ReviewId": "730de69c-d6af-f313-4653-09fb14bedeef",
  "Vote": "Helpful/UnHelpful"

Report a review

Players can report a review by calling the ReportItemReview API from a client. A ReviewId must be provided. An optional ConcernCategory parameter can be added.

  "ReviewId": "730de69c-d6af-f313-4653-09fb14bedeef",
  "ConcernCategory": "OffensiveContent"

If not specified, ConcernCategory will default to None. The valid ConcernCategory values are as follows:

  • None
  • OffensiveContent
  • ChildExploitation
  • MalwareOrVirus
  • PrivacyConcerns
  • MisleadingApp
  • PoorPerformance
  • ReviewResponse
  • SpamAdvertising
  • Profanity

Calling the ReportItemReview will only fire a PlayStream event under the Event Name, item_reported. Query using the Data Explorer in the Game Manager. Example queries can be seen below:

The following query returns The total number of reports by ConcernCategory per ItemId in the last 3 days

| where Timestamp > ago (3d)
| where FullName_Name == "review_reported"
| project ReviewId = tostring(EventData.Payload.ReviewId), ConcernCategory = tostring(EventData.Payload.ConcernCategory)
| summarize TotalReportCount = count() by ReviewId, ConcernCategory
| sort by TotalReportCount desc
| render columnchart kind=stacked

Takedown a review

You can submit a request to takedown one or more reviews using the TakedownItemReviews API. This API can only be called by the title entity. The call takes in a set of reviews that is to be taken down.

  "Reviews": [
      "ItemId": "3f5dd8d4-4ee1-4748-8855-56a8a0277bf9",
      "ReviewId": "730de69c-d6af-f313-4653-09fb14bedeef"


There can be a delay of up to 24 hours until a review is taken down due to the request processing

Ratings design and caching

We have two methods for getting ratings. The difference between the two paths is whether you're interacting with the review directly or the catalog item.

  1. We provide ratings directly (via GetItemReviews, etc.)
  2. We provide ratings aggregates in the catalog items (via SearchItems, etc.)

Both routes are asynchronous and have timing delays that are important to understand.

Direct Ratings (GetItemReviews, etc.)

All these ratings and reviews are served directly. There are two categories of latency here.

  1. Individual Reviews - Near Real Time
    Individual reviews won't be available immediately, but should show up within a few seconds. We expect that retrying with a back-off will be sufficient for reading a brand-new review.
  2. Aggregate Ratings - Under 15 minutes There's a cache for aggregates

Catalog Item Ratings (SearchItems, etc.)

All these ratings are served as part of the catalog item from our published catalog.

  1. Aggregate Ratings - Under 8 hours
    The system aggregates the ratings and pushes updates into the catalog. Updates can take 4 to 8 hours.