Get a summary of runs for a specified time period. Because the amount of runs returned by the List API call can be overwhelming, this summary allows the administrator to get a quick overview based on counts.
Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.
In delegated scenarios with work or school accounts, the signed-in user must be assigned a supported Microsoft Entra role or a custom role with a supported role permission. Global Reader and Lifecycle Workflows Administrator are the least privileged roles supported for this operation.
HTTP request
GET /identityGovernance/lifecycleWorkflows/workflows/{workflowId}/runs/summary(startDateTime={timestamp},endDateTime={timestamp})
Function parameters
In the request URL, provide the following query parameters with values.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// To initialize your graphClient, see
var result = await graphClient.IdentityGovernance.LifecycleWorkflows.Workflows["{workflow-id}"].Runs.MicrosoftGraphIdentityGovernanceSummaryWithStartDateTimeWithEndDateTime(DateTimeOffset.Parse("{endDateTime}"),DateTimeOffset.Parse("{startDateTime}")).GetAsync();
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v1.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk ""
// To initialize your graphClient, see
startDateTime , err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "{startDateTime}")
endDateTime , err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "{endDateTime}")
microsoftGraphIdentityGovernanceSummary, err := graphClient.IdentityGovernance().LifecycleWorkflows().Workflows().ByWorkflowId("workflow-id").Runs().MicrosoftGraphIdentityGovernanceSummaryWithStartDateTimeWithEndDateTime(&startDateTime, &endDateTime).Get(context.Background(), nil)
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
var result = graphClient.identityGovernance().lifecycleWorkflows().workflows().byWorkflowId("{workflow-id}").runs().microsoftGraphIdentityGovernanceSummaryWithStartDateTimeWithEndDateTime(OffsetDateTime.parse("{endDateTime}"), OffsetDateTime.parse("{startDateTime}")).get();
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
# To initialize your graph_client, see
result = await graph_client.identity_governance.lifecycle_workflows.workflows.by_workflow_id('workflow-id').runs.microsoft_graph_identity_governance_summary_with_start_date_time_with_end_date_time("{endDateTime}","{startDateTime}").get()