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Login component in Microsoft Graph Toolkit

A Login component is a button and flyout control to facilitate Microsoft identity platform authentication. It provides two states:

  • When user is not signed in, the control is a simple button to initiate the sign in process.
  • When user is signed in, the control displays the current signed in user name, profile image, and email. When clicked, a flyout is opened with a command to sign out.

You can also allow signing in with multiple accounts. This lists all your signed in accounts and give you an option to sign in with other new accounts.


The following example shows the mgt-login component with a signed-in user.

Using the control without an authentication provider

The component works with a provider and Microsoft Graph out of the box. However, if you want to provide your own logic and authentication, you can use the userDetails property to set the signed in user's details.

Attribute Property Description
login-view loginView Determines the view style to apply to the logged in user. Options are 'full', 'compact', 'avatar', defaults to 'full'
show-presence showPresence Determines whether the presence indicator for the current user on the mgt-person control is shown with an authenticated user. Default is false.
user-details userDetails Allows setting the user object details that the component will display.

The following example sets the person details.

let loginControl = document.getElementById("myLoginControl");
loginControl.userDetails = {
  displayName: "Nikola Metulev",
  mail: "",
  personImage: "url to the image",

Setting userDetails to null goes to the signed out state.

CSS custom properties

The mgt-login component defines the following CSS custom properties.

<mgt-login class="login"></mgt-login>
.login {
  --login-signed-out-button-background: red;
  --login-signed-out-button-hover-background: orange;
  --login-signed-out-button-text-color: purple;
  --login-signed-in-background: red;
  --login-signed-in-hover-background: green;
  --login-button-padding: 5px;
  --login-popup-background-color: blue;
  --login-popup-text-color: brown;
  --login-popup-command-button-background-color: orange;
  --login-popup-padding: 8px;
  --login-add-account-button-text-color: yellow;
  --login-add-account-button-background-color: red;
  --login-add-account-button-hover-background-color: purple;
  --login-command-button-background-color: orange;
  --login-command-button-hover-background-color: purple;
  --login-command-button-text-color: black;
  --login-person-avatar-size: 60px;

  /** person component tokens **/
  --person-line1-text-color: whitesmoke;
  --person-line2-text-color: white;
  --person-background-color: blue;

To learn more, see styling components.


The following events are fired from the control.

Event When is it emitted Custom data Cancelable Bubbles Works with custom template
loginInitiated The user clicked the sign in button to start the login process None Yes No Yes
loginCompleted The login process was successful and the user is now signed in None No No Yes
loginFailed The user canceled the login process or was unable to sign in None No No Yes
logoutInitiated The user started to logout None Yes No Yes
logoutCompleted The user signed out None No No Yes

Use the loginInitiated and logoutInitiated events to handle signing in and out.

For more information about handling events, see events.


The mgt-login component supports several templates that allow you to replace certain parts of the component. To specify a template, include a <template> element inside of a component and set the data-type value to one of the values listed in the following table.

Data type Data context Description
signed-in-button-content personDetails: person object, personImage: person image string The template used to render the content in the button when the user is signed in.
signed-out-button-content null The template used to render the content in the button when the user is not signed in.
flyout-commands handleSignOut: sign out function The template used to render the commands in the flyout
flyout-person-details personDetails: person object, personImage: person image string The template used to render the person details in the flyout.

Microsoft Graph permissions

This component uses the following Microsoft Graph APIs. For each of the API requests, one of the permissions listed is required.

Configuration Permission API
default User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All /users/me/
default User.Read, User.ReadWrite, User.ReadBasic.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All /users/me//photo/$value


The mgt-login component consists of one or more subcomponents that might require other permissions than the ones listed previously. For more information, see the documentation for each subcomponent: mgt-person.


The login control uses the global authentication provider described in the authentication documentation.


This component uses the Person component to display the user and inherits all cache configuration from it.

Extend for more control

For more complex scenarios or a truly custom UX, this component exposes several protected render* methods for override in component extensions.

Method Description
renderButton Renders the button chrome.
renderButtonContent Renders the button content.
renderSignedInButtonContent Render the button content when the user is signed in.
renderSignedOutButtonContent Render the button content when the user isn't signed in.
renderFlyout Renders the flyout chrome.
renderFlyoutContent Renders the flyout content.
renderFlyoutPersonDetails Render the flyout person details.
renderFlyoutCommands Render the flyout commands.

Bring your own flyout

It is possible to use your own flyout component in place of the built-in one, by overriding the renderFlyout() method and providing the new flyout.

In this case, ensure the login component continues to work as expected by overriding the protected flyout display methods to update the visibility of your alternative flyout.

Method Description
hideFlyout Dismisses the flyout.
showFlyout Displays the flyout.
toggleFlyout Toggles the state of the flyout.


The control exposes the following variables that can be localized. For details, see Localizing components.

String name Default value
signInLinkSubtitle Sign In
signOutLinkSubtitle Sign Out
signInWithADifferentAccount Sign in with a different account