PublisherPermissions enum
Read = 1 | This gives the bearer the rights to read Publishers and Extensions. |
UpdateExtension = 2 | This gives the bearer the rights to update, delete, and share Extensions (but not the ability to create them). |
CreatePublisher = 4 | This gives the bearer the rights to create new Publishers at the root of the namespace. |
PublishExtension = 8 | This gives the bearer the rights to create new Extensions within a publisher. |
Admin = 16 | Admin gives the bearer the rights to manage restricted attributes of Publishers and Extensions. |
TrustedPartner = 32 | TrustedPartner gives the bearer the rights to publish a extensions with restricted capabilities. |
PrivateRead = 64 | PrivateRead is another form of read designed to allow higher privilege accessors the ability to read private extensions. |
DeleteExtension = 128 | This gives the bearer the rights to delete any extension. |
EditSettings = 256 | This gives the bearer the rights edit the publisher settings. |
ViewPermissions = 512 | This gives the bearer the rights to see all permissions on the publisher. |
ManagePermissions = 1024 | This gives the bearer the rights to assign permissions on the publisher. |
DeletePublisher = 2048 | This gives the bearer the rights to delete the publisher. |