
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

Constants enumeration (Excel)

This enumeration groups together constants used with various Excel methods.

Name Value Description
xl3DBar -4099 3D Bar
xl3DEffects1 13 3D Effects1
xl3DEffects2 14 3D Effects2
xl3DSurface -4103 3D Surface
xlAbove 0 Above
xlAccounting1 4 Accounting1
xlAccounting2 5 Accounting2
xlAccounting4 17 Accounting4
xlAdd 2 Add
xlAll -4104 All
xlAccounting3 6 Accounting3
xlAllExceptBorders 7 All Except Borders
xlAutomatic -4105 Automatic
xlBar 2 Automatic
xlBelow 1 Below
xlBidi -5000 Bidi
xlBidiCalendar 3 BidiCalendar
xlBoth 1 Both
xlBottom -4107 Bottom
xlCascade 7 Cascade
xlCenter -4108 Center
xlCenterAcrossSelection 7 Center Across Selection
xlChart4 2 Chart 4
xlChartSeries 17 Chart Series
xlChartShort 6 Chart Short
xlChartTitles 18 Chart Titles
xlChecker 9 Checker
xlCircle 8 Circle
xlClassic1 1 Classic1
xlClassic2 2 Classic2
xlClassic3 3 Classic3
xlClosed 3 Closed
xlColor1 7 Color1
xlColor2 8 Color2
xlColor3 9 Color3
xlColumn 3 Column
xlCombination -4111 Combination
xlComplete 4 Complete
xlConstants 2 Constants
xlContents 2 Contents
xlContext -5002 Context
xlCorner 2 Corner
xlCrissCross 16 CrissCross
xlCross 4 Cross
xlCustom -4114 Custom
xlDebugCodePane 13 Debug Code Pane
xlDefaultAutoFormat -1 Default Auto Format
xlDesktop 9 Desktop
xlDiamond 2 Diamond
xlDirect 1 Direct
xlDistributed -4117 Distributed
xlDivide 5 Divide
xlDoubleAccounting 5 Double Accounting
xlDoubleClosed 5 Double Closed
xlDoubleOpen 4 Double Open
xlDoubleQuote 1 Double Quote
xlDrawingObject 14 Drawing Object
xlEntireChart 20 Entire Chart
xlExcelMenus 1 Excel Menus
xlExtended 3 Extended
xlFill 5 Fill
xlFirst 0 First
xlFixedValue 1 Fixed Value
xlFloating 5 Floating
xlFormats -4122 Formats
xlFormula 5 Formula
xlFullScript 1 Full Script
xlGeneral 1 General
xlGray16 17 Gray16
xlGray25 -4124 Gray25
xlGray50 -4125 Gray50
xlGray75 -4126 Gray75
xlGray8 18 Gray8
xlGregorian 2 Gregorian
xlGrid 15 Grid
xlGridline 22 Gridline
xlHigh -4127 High
xlHindiNumerals 3 Hindi Numerals
xlIcons 1 Icons
xlImmediatePane 12 Immediate Pane
xlInside 2 Inside
xlInteger 2 Integer
xlJustify -4130 Justify
xlLast 1 Last
xlLastCell 11 Last Cell
xlLatin -5001 Latin
xlLeft -4131 Left
xlLeftToRight 2 Left To Right
xlLightDown 13 Light Down
xlLightHorizontal 11 Light Horizontal
xlLightUp 14 Light Up
xlLightVertical 12 Light Vertical
xlList1 10 List1
xlList2 11 List2
xlList3 12 List3
xlLocalFormat1 15 Local Format1
xlLocalFormat2 16 Local Format2
xlLogicalCursor 1 Logical Cursor
xlLong 3 Long
xlLotusHelp 2 Lotus Help
xlLow -4134 Low
xlLTR -5003 LTR
xlMacrosheetCell 7 MacrosheetCell
xlManual -4135 Manual
xlMaximum 2 Maximum
xlMinimum 4 Minimum
xlMinusValues 3 Minus Values
xlMixed 2 Mixed
xlMixedAuthorizedScript 4 Mixed Authorized Script
xlMixedScript 3 Mixed Script
xlModule -4141 Module
xlMultiply 4 Multiply
xlNarrow 1 Narrow
xlNextToAxis 4 Next To Axis
xlNoDocuments 3 No Documents
xlNone -4142 None
xlNotes -4144 Notes
xlOff -4146 Off
xlOn 1 On
xlOpaque 3 Opaque
xlOpen 2 Open
xlOutside 3 Outside
xlPartial 3 Partial
xlPartialScript 2 Partial Script
xlPercent 2 Percent
xlPlus 9 Plus
xlPlusValues 2 Plus Values
xlReference 4 Reference
xlRight -4152 Right
xlRTL -5004 RTL
xlScale 3 Scale
xlSemiautomatic 2 Semiautomatic
xlSemiGray75 10 SemiGray75
xlShort 1 Short
xlShowLabel 4 Show Label
xlShowLabelAndPercent 5 Show Label and Percent
xlShowPercent 3 Show Percent
xlShowValue 2 Show Value
xlSimple -4154 Simple
xlSingle 2 Single
xlSingleAccounting 4 Single Accounting
xlSingleQuote 2 Single Quote
xlSolid 1 Solid
xlSquare 1 Square
xlStar 5 Star
xlStError 4 St Error
xlStrict 2 Strict
xlSubtract 3 Subtract
xlSystem 1 System
xlTextBox 16 Text Box
xlTiled 1 Tiled
xlTitleBar 8 Title Bar
xlToolbar 1 Toolbar
xlToolbarButton 2 Toolbar Button
xlTop -4160 Top
xlTopToBottom 1 Top To Bottom
xlTransparent 2 Transparent
xlTriangle 3 Triangle
xlVeryHidden 2 Very Hidden
xlVisible 12 Visible
xlVisualCursor 2 Visual Cursor
xlWatchPane 11 Watch Pane
xlWide 3 Wide
xlWorkbookTab 6 Workbook Tab
xlWorksheet4 1 Worksheet4
xlWorksheetCell 3 Worksheet Cell
xlWorksheetShort 5 Worksheet Short

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