Web API Query Function Reference
Query functions are functions that can be used as a filter criteria in a query. They accept parameters and return a boolean value.
In this section
Name | Description |
Above | Query function that evaluates whether the entity is above the referenced entity in the hierarchy. |
AboveOrEqual | Query function that evaluates whether the entity is above or equal to the referenced entity in the hierarchy. |
Between | Query function to evaluate whether the value is between two values. |
Contains | Query function that evaluates whether the string contains the specified string. |
ContainValues | Query function that evaluates whether the choices column contains the values. |
DoesNotContainValues | Query function that evaluates whether the choices column does not contain the values. |
EqualBusinessId | Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the specified business ID. |
EqualRoleBusinessId | Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the role's business ID. |
EqualUserId | Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the ID of the user. |
EqualUserLanguage | Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the language for the user. |
EqualUserOrUserHierarchy | Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user or their reporting hierarchy. |
EqualUserOrUserHierarchyAndTeams | Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user or their reporting hierarchy and teams. |
EqualUserOrUserTeams | Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user or user teams. |
EqualUserTeams | Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user teams. |
In | Query function that evaluates whether the value exists in a list of values. |
InFiscalPeriod | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the specified fiscal period. |
InFiscalPeriodAndYear | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the specified fiscal period and year. |
InFiscalYear | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the specified fiscal year. |
InOrAfterFiscalPeriodAndYear | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within or after the specified fiscal period and year. |
InOrBeforeFiscalPeriodAndYear | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within or before the specified fiscal period and year. |
Last7Days | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last seven days including today. |
LastFiscalPeriod | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last fiscal period. |
LastFiscalYear | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last fiscal year. |
LastMonth | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last fiscal year. |
LastWeek | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last week. |
LastXDays | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X days. |
LastXFiscalPeriods | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X fiscal periods. |
LastXFiscalYears | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X fiscal years. |
LastXHours | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X hours |
LastXMonths | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X months. |
LastXWeeks | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X weeks. |
LastXYears | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X years. |
LastYear | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last year. |
Next7Days | Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the next 7 days. |
NextFiscalPeriod | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next fiscal period. |
NextFiscalYear | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next fiscal year. |
NextMonth | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next month. |
NextWeek | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next week. |
NextXDays | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X days. |
NextXFiscalPeriods | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X fiscal periods. |
NextXFiscalYears | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X fiscal years. |
NextXHours | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X hours. |
NextXMonths | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X months. |
NextXWeeks | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X weeks. |
NextXYears | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X years. |
NextYear | Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X year. |
NotBetween | Query function to evaluate whether the value is not between two values. |
NotEqualBusinessId | Query function that evaluate whether value is not equal to the specified business ID. |
NotEqualUserId | Query function that evaluate whether value is not equal to the specified user ID. |
NotIn | Query function to evaluate whether the value is not matched to a value in a subquery or a list. |
NotUnder | Query function that evaluates whether the specified is not below the referenced record in the hierarchy. |
OlderThanXDays | Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of days. |
OlderThanXHours | Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of hours. |
OlderThanXMinutes | Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of minutes. |
OlderThanXMonths | Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of months. |
OlderThanXWeeks | Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of weeks. |
OlderThanXYears | Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of years. |
On | Query function to evaluate whether the value is on the specified date. |
OnOrAfter | Query function to evaluate whether the value is on or after the specified date. |
OnOrBefore | Query function to evaluate whether the value is on or before the specified date. |
ThisFiscalPeriod | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current fiscal period. |
ThisFiscalYear | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current fiscal year. |
ThisMonth | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current month. |
ThisWeek | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current week. |
ThisYear | Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current year. |
Today | Query function that evaluates whether the value equals today's date. |
Tomorrow | Query function that evaluates whether the value equals tomorrow's date. |
Under | Query function that evaluates whether the entity is below the referenced record in the hierarchy. |
UnderOrEqual | Query function that evaluates whether the entity is under or equal to the referenced entity in the hierarchy. |
Yesterday | Query function that evaluates whether the value equals yesterday's date. |