This topic contains the brief descriptions of the Windows PowerShell cmdlets that are for use in administering Group Policy in Windows Server and Windows client with Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed. (RSAT includes the GPMC and the Group Policy cmdlets.)
Each cmdlet in the table is linked to additional information about that cmdlet.
Backup-GPO |
Backs up one GPO or all the GPOs in a domain. |
Copy-GPO |
Copies a GPO. |
Get-GPInheritance |
Gets Group Policy inheritance information for a specified domain or OU. |
Get-GPO |
Gets one GPO or all the GPOs in a domain. |
Get-GPOReport |
Generates a report either in XML or HTML format for a specified GPO or for all GPOs in a domain. |
Get-GPPermission |
Gets the permission level for one or more security principals on a specified GPO. |
Get-GPPrefRegistryValue |
Gets one or more Registry preference items under either Computer Configuration or User Configuration in a GPO. |
Get-GPRegistryValue |
Gets one or more registry-based policy settings under either Computer Configuration or User Configuration in a GPO. |
Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy |
Gets and writes the RSoP information for a user, a computer, or both to a file. |
Get-GPStarterGPO |
Gets one Starter GPO or all Starter GPOs in a domain. |
Import-GPO |
Imports the Group Policy settings from a backed-up GPO into a specified GPO. |
Invoke-GPUpdate |
Schedules a remote Group Policy refresh on the specified computer. |
New-GPLink |
Links a GPO to a site, domain, or OU. |
New-GPO |
Creates a GPO. |
New-GPStarterGPO |
Creates a Starter GPO. |
Remove-GPLink |
Removes a GPO link from a site, domain or OU. |
Remove-GPO |
Removes a GPO. |
Remove-GPPrefRegistryValue |
Removes one or more Registry preference items from either Computer Configuration or User Configuration in a GPO. |
Remove-GPRegistryValue |
Removes one or more registry-based policy settings from either Computer Configuration or User Configuration in a GPO. |
Rename-GPO |
Assigns a new display name to a GPO. |
Restore-GPO |
Restores one GPO or all GPOs in a domain from one or more GPO backup files. |
Set-GPInheritance |
Blocks or unblocks inheritance for a specified domain or organizational unit. |
Set-GPLink |
Sets the properties of the specified GPO link. |
Set-GPPermission |
Grants a level of permissions to a security principal for one GPO or all the GPOs in a domain. |
Set-GPPrefRegistryValue |
Configures a Registry preference item under either Computer Configuration or User Configuration in a GPO. |
Set-GPRegistryValue |
Configures one or more registry-based policy settings under either Computer Configuration or User Configuration in a GPO. |