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Extended Type System class members

ETS refers to a number of different kinds of members whose types are defined by the PSMemberTypes enumeration. These member types include properties, methods, members, and member sets that are each defined by their own CLR type. For example, a NoteProperty is defined by its own PSNoteProperty type. These individual CLR types have both their own unique properties and common properties that are inherited from the PSMemberInfo class.

The PSMemberInfo class

The PSMemberInfo class serves as a base class for all ETS member types. This class provides the following base properties to all member CLR types.

  • Name property: The name of the member. This name can be defined by the base-object or defined by PowerShell when adapted members or extended members are exposed.
  • Value property: The value returned from the particular member. Each member type defines how it handles its member value.
  • TypeNameOfValue property: This is the name of the CLR type of the value that is returned by the Value property.

Accessing members

Collections of members can be accessed through the Members, Methods, and Properties properties of the PSObject object.

ETS properties

ETS properties are members that can be treated as a property. Essentially, they can appear on the left-hand side of an expression. They include alias properties, code properties, PowerShell properties, note properties, and script properties. For more information about these types of properties, see ETS properties.

ETS methods

ETS methods are members that can take arguments, may return results, and cannot appear on the left-hand side of an expression. They include code methods, PowerShell methods, and script methods. For more information about these types of methods, see ETS methods.