ETS class methods

ETS methods are members that can take arguments, may return results, and cannot appear on the left-hand side of an expression. The methods that are available within ETS include code, Windows PowerShell, and script methods.


From scripts, methods are accessed using the same syntax as other members with the addition of parenthesis at the end of the method name.

Code Methods

A code method is an extended member that is defined in a CLR language. It provides similar functionality to a method defined on a base object; however, a code method may be added dynamically to an PSObject object. In order for a code method to become available, a developer must write the property in some CLR language, compile, and ship the resultant assembly. This assembly must be available in the runspace where the code method is desired. Be aware that a code method implementation must be thread safe. Access to these methods is done through PSCodeMethod objects that provides the following public methods and properties.

  • PSCodeMethod.Copy method: Makes an exact copy of the PSCodeMethod object.
  • PSCodeMethod.Invoke(System.Object[]) method: Invokes the underlying code method.
  • PSCodeMethod.ToString method: Converts the PSCodeMethod object to a string.
  • PSCodeMethod.CodeReference property: Gets the underlying method that the code method is based on.
  • PSMemberInfo.IsInstance property: Gets a Boolean value that indicates the source of the member.
  • PSCodeMethod.MemberType property: Gets an PSMemberTypes.CodeMethod enumeration constant that identifies this method as a code method.
  • PSMemberInfo.Name property: Gets the name of the underlying code method.
  • PSCodeMethod.OverloadDefinitions property: Gets a definition of all the overloads of the underlying code method.
  • PSCodeMethod.TypeNameOfValue property: Gets the full name of the code method.
  • PSMemberInfo.Value property: Gets the PSCodeMethod object.

Windows PowerShell Methods

A PowerShell method is a CLR method defined on the base object or is made accessible through an adapter. Access to these methods is done through PSMethod objects that provides the following public methods and properties.

  • PSMethod.Copy method: Makes an exact copy of the PSMethod object.
  • PSMethod.Invoke(System.Object[]) method: Invokes the underlying method.
  • PSMethod.ToString method: Converts the PSMethod object to a string.
  • PSMemberInfo.IsInstance property: Gets a Boolean value that indicates the source of the member.
  • PSMethod.MemberType property: Gets an PSMemberTypes.Method enumeration constant that identifies this method as a PowerShell method.
  • PSMemberInfo.Name property: Gets the name of the underlying method.
  • PSMethod.OverloadDefinitions property: Gets the definitions of all the overloads of the underlying method.
  • PSMethod.TypeNameOfValue property: Gets the ETS type of this method.
  • PSMemberInfo.Value property: Gets the PSMethod object.

Script Methods

A script method is an extended member that is defined in the PowerShell language. It provides similar functionality to a method defined on a base object; however, a script method may be added dynamically to an PSObject object. Access to these methods is done through PSScriptMethod objects that provides the following public methods and properties.

  • PSScriptMethod.Copy method: Makes an exact copy of the PSScriptMethod object.
  • PSScriptMethod.Invoke(System.Object[]) method: Invokes the underlying script method.
  • PSScriptMethod.ToString method: Converts the PSScriptMethod object to a string.
  • PSMemberInfo.IsInstance property: Gets a Boolean value that indicates the source of the member.
  • PSScriptMethod.MemberType property: Gets a PSMemberTypes.ScriptMethod enumeration constant that identifies this method as a script method.
  • PSMemberInfo.Name property: Gets the name of the underlying code method.
  • PSScriptMethod.OverloadDefinitions property: Gets the definitions of all the overloads of the underlying script method.
  • PSScriptMethod.TypeNameOfValue property: Gets the ETS type of this method.
  • PSScriptMethod.Script property: Gets the script used to invoke the method.
  • PSMemberInfo.Value property: Gets the PSScriptMethod object.