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DataCacheErrorCode Members

A static class used to store global error codes.

The following tables list the members exposed by the DataCacheErrorCode type.

Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static AdminAlreadyConfigured Cache Administration is already configured on the machine.
public field static AdminNotConfigured Cache Administration is not configured on the machine.
public field static CacheAdminCacheAlreadyPresent The named cache already exists in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminCacheCreationInconsistencyFailure The named cache could not be created due to a detected inconsistency in the configuration store.
public field static CacheAdminCacheNotCreated An unexpected error occurred while attempting to create the named cache.
public field static CacheAdminCacheNotPresent The specified named cache does not exist in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminCacheNotRemoved An unexpected error occurred attempting to remove a named cache.
public field static CacheAdminClusterDown The cache cluster is not running.
public field static CacheAdminClusterNotReady The cache cluster is not ready to perform the requested operation.
public field static CacheAdminClusterRefreshFailed The cache cluster experienced an error while attempting to refresh the list of cache hosts on all of the cache hosts.
public field static CacheAdminClusterSettingsReadError An error occurred attempting to read the configuration store provider name and connection string from the registry.
public field static CacheAdminClusterTimeout A Cache Administration timeout occurred.
public field static CacheAdminConfigAddHostError An error occurred attempt to add a cache host to the cache cluster configuration store.
public field static CacheAdminConfigDeleteHostError An error occurred attempting to delete a cache host from the cache cluster configuration store.
public field static CacheAdminDefaultCacheCreateFailure An error occurred while creating the default cache.
public field static CacheAdminDeleteInProgress The specified cache is in the process of being removed.
public field static CacheAdminGrantClientAccountErrorFormat An error occurred attempting to add an account to the allowed client accounts list.
public field static CacheAdminHostNameResolveFailure The name 'localhost' is unable to be resolved to the current host name.
public field static CacheAdminHostNotPresent The specified cache host is not part of the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminHostNotRunning The specified cache host is not currently running.
public field static CacheAdminHostRefreshFailed The cache cluster experienced an error while attempting to refresh the list of cache hosts on each of the specified cache host.
public field static CacheAdminHostRunning The specified cache host is already in the running state.
public field static CacheAdminHostsNotRunning No cache hosts are running in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminHostsRunning One or more cache hosts are running in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminInstallPathReadError An error occurred reading the installation path from the registry.
public field static CacheAdminInvalidClusterSettings The specified provider string or connection string is invalid.
public field static CacheAdminInvalidOperation The specified operation is invalid.
public field static CacheAdminInvalidSecuritySettings The specified security settings are invalid.
public field static CacheAdminMaxCachesCreated The specified named cache cannot be created, because the cache cluster has reached the maximum number of named caches.
public field static CacheAdminNoHosts There are no cache hosts in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminNoQuorumIfHostStopped The specified host cannot be stopped, because the number of hosts would drop below the required quorum.
public field static CacheAdminNoSeedNodes There are no seed nodes present in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminNullArgs A required argument is null.
public field static CacheAdminPortsDuplicated One or more port numbers have duplicate values.
public field static CacheAdminQuorumNotUp The required quorum of hosts is not running.
public field static CacheAdminRegionNotPresent The specified region does not exist in the cache cluster.
public field static CacheAdminRemoteRegistryAccessFailed An error occurred while attempting to access the registry on a remote cache host.
public field static CacheAdminRequestTimeoutResultUnknown The request timed out, but the result of the request is unknown.
public field static CacheAdminRevokeClientAccountErrorFormat An error occurred attempting to remove an account from the list of allowed client accounts.
public field static CacheAdminStatsIncorrect The returned status information might be incorrect, because one or more cache hosts could not be reached.
public field static CacheAdminStoreAccessFailure An error occurred attempting to access the cache cluster configuration store.
public field static CacheAdminTimeout A timeout occurred.
public field static CacheAdminUnknownError An unknown error occurred.
public field static CacheAdminWindowsAccountAlreadyPresent The specified Windows account already exists in the list of allowed client accounts.
public field static CacheAdminWindowsAccountInvalid The specified Windows account is not valid.
public field static CacheAdminWindowsAccountNotPresent The specified Windows account is not present in the list of allowed client accounts.
public field static CacheItemVersionMismatch The object in the cache does not match with the specified version.
public field static ClientServerVersionMismatch The cache client assemblies are a different version than the cache host assemblies.
public field static ClusterAlreadyInitialized The cache cluster has already been initialized.
public field static ClusterConfigConnectionError An error occurred while attempting to connect to the cache cluster configuration store.
public field static ClusterConfigReadError An error occurred while reading the cache cluster configuration store.
public field static ClusterNotInitialized The cache cluster is not initialized.
public field static ConfigurationStateSaveError An error occurred while attempting to save the configuration state.
public field static ConnectionSettingsRegistrySaveError An error occurred while attempting to save the connection settings to the registry.
public field static ConnectionTerminated The connection was terminated. This could be caused by server or network problems.
public field static DomainNonNWService Only the Network Service account is permitted to run the Caching Service in a domain environment.
public field static GetComputerDomainError An error occurred while attempting to get the computer domain.
public field static HostAdditionFailureError An error occurred while attempting to add a cache host to the cache cluster.
public field static HostDeletionFailureError An error occurred while attempting to remove a host from the cache cluster.
public field static HostEntryNotFound The specified cache host entry was not found in the cache cluster configuration.
public field static IncompleteConnectionParameters The specified connection parameters are incomplete.
public field static InstallPathMissingError An error occurred while attempting to read the install path from the registry.
public field static InvalidArgument The argument is not valid.
public field static InvalidCacheLockHandle The specified lock handle is not valid.
public field static InvalidEnumerator An invalid enumerator is specified.
public field static KeyAlreadyExists The key is already present in the cache or region.
public field static KeyDoesNotExist An object cached with the specified key does not exist in the cache or region.
public field static MaxNamedCacheCountExceeded The named cache count exceeded the maximum value.
public field static NamedCacheDoesNotExist The named cache does not exist.
public field static NetworkShareAsLocalPathError A network path was expected, but a local path was provided.
public field static NetworkShareFilePermissionsError The specified network file share does not have appropriate permissions.
public field static NetworkShareFolderConnectionError An error occurred while attempting to connect to the shared network folder.
public field static NewNetworkShareSetupError An error occurred attempting to write the configuration store files at the specified shared network folder.
public field static NonDomainBlockedAccount The domain account is blocked for the workgroup configuration.
public field static NonDomainNWService The Network Service account is not permitted for a workgroup-based configuration of the Caching Service.
public field static NotificationInvalidationNotSupported Cache notifications are not supported because the named cache has been created without notifications enabled.
public field static ObjectLocked The cached object has already been locked.
public field static ObjectNotLocked The object is not locked.
public field static PermissionsError An error occurred while setting permissions on the cache cluster configuration.
public field static PortAlreadyInUseError The specified port is already in-use.
public field static PortDuplicationError One or more ports have duplicate values.
public field static RegionAlreadyExists The region already exists.
public field static RegionDoesNotExist The region does not exist.
public field static RegistryAccessFailed An error occurred while attempting to access the registry.
public field static RegistryKeyOpenFailure An error occurred while attempting to open a registry key for reading.
public field static RetryLater Temporary failure, retry the operation later.
public field static SerializationException An exception was encountered during object serialization.
public field static ServerNull The server passed to the DataCacheFactory constructor is null.
public field static ServiceAccessError An error occurred while accessing the Caching Service.
public field static ServiceAlreadyConfigured The Caching Service is already configured on the specified cache host.
public field static ServiceNotConfigured The Caching Service is not configured on the specified cache host.
public field static ServiceNotStopped The operation cannot be completed, because the Caching Service is still running.
public field static SqlAuthenticationNotSupported SQL Server authentication is not permitted with the SQL Server provider for the cache cluster configuration store. Windows authentication must be used.
public field static TestConnectionFailed The test connection failed.
public field static Timeout Communications with the cache cluster has experienced a delay past the timeout value.
public field static UndefinedError An unknown error has occurred.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


DataCacheErrorCode Class
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching Namespace

  ff425062(v=azure.10).md 2011-08-26