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Service Management Versioning

Operations provided by the Service Management API may have multiple versions. You must specify the version of an operation that you want to use by setting the x-ms-version request header. Requests without an x-ms-version header will be rejected and return a (400) Bad Request response. If your service calls an older version of an operation, you can choose to continue calling the older version, or modify your code to call a newer version. Any differences in functionality between versions are outlined in the documentation for the API call.

The x-ms-version request header value must be specified in the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example:

Request Headers:
x-ms-version: 2011-02-25

Supported Versions

The following table shows additions and changes to the Service Management APIs:

Version Change Description


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Add Network Security Group to Network Interface

Associates the Network Security Group with the selected network interface.

Add Network Security Group to Role

Associates the Network Security Group with the selected role.

Get Network Security Group for Network Interface

Gets the Network Security Group which is associated with the selected Network Interface.

Get Network Security Group for Role

Gets the Network Security Group which is associated with the selected Virtual Machine.

Remove Network Security Group from Network Interface

Removes the association of Network Security Group from the selected Network Interface.

Remove Network Security Group from Role

Removes the association of Network Security Group from the selected Virtual Machine.

Add Route Table to Subnet

Associates the route table with the specified subnet in a virtual network.

Create Route Table

Constructs a new route table within the context of the specified subscription.

Delete Route

Removes a route from the specified route table.

Delete Route Table

Deletes the specified route table from the subscription.

Get Effective Route Table for Network Interface 

Returns information about the effective routes that are applies for the specified network interface.

Get Effective Route Table for Role Instance

Returns information about the effective routes that are applies for the specified role instance.

Get Route Table

Returns information about the specified route table.

Get Route Table for Subnet

Returns information about the route table associated with a subnet.

List Route Tables

Lists the route tables that are in the specified subscription.

Remove Route Table from Subnet

Removes the association of the specified route table from the specified subnet.

Set Route

Adds or updates a route within the specified route table.

Add Virtual IP Address

Adds a VirtualIP to a deployment.

Delete Virtual IP Address

Deletes a virtual IP from the given deployment.

Get IP Forwarding for Network Interface

Returns information about the state of IP forwarding for the specified role.

Get IP Forwarding for Role

Returns information about the state of IP forwarding for the specified role.

Set IP Forwarding for Network Interface

Sets the status of IP forwarding for the specified role.

Set IP Forwarding for Role

Sets the status of IP forwarding for the specified role.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Add Role

Added the DomainNameLabel element, which specifies the domain name label for the public IP.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the DomainNameLabel element, which specifies the domain name label for the public IP.

Get Deployment

Added the DomainNameLabel element, which specifies the domain name label for the public IP.

Get Role

Added the DomainNameLabel element, which specifies the domain name label for the public IP.

Update Role

Added the DomainNameLabel element, which specifies the domain name label for the public IP.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Associate Reserved IP Address

Associates an existing reservedIP to a deployment.

Disassociate Reserved IP Address

Disassociates an existing reservedIP from the given deployment.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31. Added ResizedSizeInGB, which allows disk image to be resized when creating new disks. Added VMImageInput, which is used to resize the newly-created disk to a larger size. Added in DataDiskConfigurations, which corresponds to the DataDiskConfigurations of the VM Image used to create a new role. DataDiskConfigurations contains DataDiskConfiguration, Name, and ResizedInSize elements.

Get Deployment

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31. Added IOType, which identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD.

Add Data Disk

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31.

Update Data Disk

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31.

Get Data Disk

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31. Added IOType, which identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD.

Add Role

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31. Added in ResizedSizeInGB, which allows disk blobs to be resized. Added VMImageInput, which is used to resize the newly-created disk to a larger size. Added in DataDiskConfigurations, which corresponds to the DataDiskConfigurations of the VM Image used to create a new role. DataDiskConfigurations contains DataDiskConfiguration, Name, and ResizedInSize elements. Added NetworkSecurityGroup which represents the name of the network security group that will be associated with the Virtual Machine.

Update Role

Added the ForceUpdate element, which reapplies a configuration to an extension when the configuration has not been updated. Added NetworkSecurityGroup which represents the name of the network security group that will be associated with the Virtual Machine.

Get Role

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31.Added IOType, which identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD. Added NetworkSecurityGroup which represents the name of the network security group that will be associated with the Virtual Machine.

List OS Images

Added IOType, which identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD.

Update Disk

Added ResizedSizeInGB, which allows disk blobs to be resized. Updated content in the Response Status, Response Body, and Remarks section.

List Disks

Added IOType, which identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD.

List Storage Accounts

Added Premium_LRS to the AccountType parameter. Updated the Endpoints description.

Get Storage Account Properties

Added Premium_LRS to the AccountType parameter. Updated the Endpoints description.

Create Storage Account

Added Premium_LRS to the AccountType parameter.

Update Storage Account

Removed Standard_ZRS value from the AccountType parameter.

Register Extension

Made IsInternalExtension Required.

Create VM Image

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31.

List VM Images

Added IOType, which identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD.

Update VM Image

The Lun element is now required to be between 0-31. Moved the Description element to between Label and OSDiskConfigurationElement.

List Virtual Network Sites

Added NetworkSecurityGroup which represents the name of the network security group that will be associated with the Virtual Machine.

Get Subscription

Added the MaxNetworkSecurityGroupCount element which specifies the maximum number of network security groups. Added the MaxNetworkSecurityRulesPerGroupCount element which specifies the maximum number of network security rules per group. Added CurrentNetworkSecurityGroupCount element which specifies the number of currently allocated network security groups.

The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Add Network Security Group to Subnet

Associates the network security group with specified subnet in a virtual network.

Create Network Security Group

Creates a new network security group within the context of the specified subscription.

Delete Network Security Group

Deletes the specified network security group from the subscription.

Delete Network Security Rule

Deletes a network security group rule from the specified network security group.

Get Network Security Group

Returns information about the specified network security group.

Get Network Security Group for Subnet

Returns information about the network security group associated with a subnet.

List Network Security Groups

Returns a list of the network security groups in the specified subscription.

Remove Network Security Group from Subnet

Removes the association of the specified network security group from the specified subnet.

Set Network Security Rule

Adds or updates a network security rule that is associated with the specified network security group.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the IdleTimeoutInMinutes element, which specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. Added the Certificates element, which contains a collection of certificates that are installed on the Virtual Machine and used by the extension.

Get Deployment

Added the IdleTimeoutInMinutes element, which specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. Added the State element, which specifies the state of a JSON extension. Added the SequenceNumber element, which specifies the number of the last applied configuration for the extension.

Add Role

Added the IdleTimeoutInMinutes element, which specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. Added the Certificates element, which contains a collection of certificates that are installed on the Virtual Machine and used by the extension.

Update Role

Added the IdleTimeoutInMinutes element, which specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. Added the Certificates element, which contains a collection of certificates that are installed on the Virtual Machine and used by the extension.

Update Load-Balanced Endpoint Set

Added the IdleTimeoutInMinutes element, which specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection.

Get Role

Added the IdleTimeoutInMinutes element, which specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection.

Delete VM Image

Added information that the comp=media parameter is optional.

List Resource Extensions

Added the CompanyName element, which specifies the name of the company that published the extension. Added the SupportedOS element, which specifies the operating system that the extension runs on. Added the PublishedDate element, which specifies the date when the extension was published.

List Resource Extension Versions

Added the CompanyName element, which specifies the name of the company that published the extension. Added the SupportedOS element, which specifies the operating system that the extension runs on. Added the PublishedDate element, which specifies the date when the extension was published.

List Available Extensions

Added the CompanyName element, which specifies the name of the company that published the extension. Added the SupportedOS element, which specifies the operating system that the extension runs on. Added the PublishedDate element, which specifies the date when the extension was published.

List Extension Versions

Added the CompanyName element, which specifies the name of the company that published the extension. Added the SupportedOS element, which specifies the operating system that the extension runs on. Added the PublishedDate element, which specifies the date when the extension was published.

Create Deployment

Added the State element, which specifies the state of a JSON extension.

Change Deployment Configuration

Added the State element, which specifies the state of a JSON extension.

Upgrade Deployment

Added the State element, which specifies the state of a JSON extension.

List Extensions

Added the IsJsonExtension element, which indicates whether the extension configuration supports JSON. Added the DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade element, which indicates whether the extension supports automatically upgrading to new major versions.

Get Extension

Added the IsJsonExtension element, which indicates whether the extension configuration supports JSON. Added the DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade element, which indicates whether the extension supports automatically upgrading to new major versions.

List Storage Accounts

Added the AccountType element, which specifies whether the account supports locally-redundant storage, zone-redundant storage, geo-redundant storage, or read access geo-redundant storage.

Get Storage Account Properties

Added the AccountType element, which specifies whether the account supports locally-redundant storage, zone-redundant storage, geo-redundant storage, or read access geo-redundant storage.

Create Storage Account

Added the AccountType element, which specifies whether the account supports locally-redundant storage, zone-redundant storage, geo-redundant storage, or read access geo-redundant storage.

Update Storage Account

Added the AccountType element, which specifies whether the account supports locally-redundant storage, zone-redundant storage, geo-redundant storage, or read access geo-redundant storage.

Create Cloud Service

Added the ReverseDnsFqdn element, which specifies the DNS address to which the IP address of the cloud service resolves when queried using a reverse DNS query.

Get Cloud Service Properties

Added the ReverseDnsFqdn element, which specifies the DNS address to which the IP address of the cloud service resolves when queried using a reverse DNS query.

List Cloud Services

Added the ReverseDnsFqdn element, which specifies the DNS address to which the IP address of the cloud service resolves when queried using a reverse DNS query.

Update Cloud Service

Added the ReverseDnsFqdn element, which specifies the DNS address to which the IP address of the cloud service resolves when queried using a reverse DNS query.

The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Add DNS Server

Adds a DNS server definition to an existing deployment.

Delete DNS Server

Deletes a DNS server from a deployment.

Update DNS Server

Updates the IP address of a DNS server.

Update Load Balancer

Updates information about a load balancer that is associated with a deployment.

Create VM Image

Creates a VM Image in the image repository that is associated with the specified subscription using a specified set of virtual hard disks.

List Azure Subscriptions

Returns a list of subscriptions that you can access.

List Deployment Events

Returns a list of events that impacted a deployment.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Capture VM Image

Added the Description element, which specifies the description of the VM Image. Added the Language element, which specifies the language of the VM Image. Added the ImageFamily element, which specifies a value that can be used to group VM Images. Added the RecommendedVMSize specifies the size to use for the Virtual Machine that is created from the VM Image.

List VM Images

Added the location parameter, which returns VM Images from the specified location. Added the publisher parameter, which returns VM Images that were published by the specified publisher. Added the category parameter, which returns VM Images that were assigned to the specified category. Added the ModifiedTime element, which specifies the time that the image was last updated. Added the Language element, which specifies the language of the VM Image. Added the ImageFamily element, which specifies a value that can be used to group VM Images. Added the RecommendedVMSize specifies the size to use for the Virtual Machine that is created from the VM Image. Added the IsPremium element, which indicates whether the image contains software or associated services that will incur charges above the core price for the virtual machine. Added the Eula element which specifies the End User License Agreement that is associated with the image. Added the IconUri element, which specifies the URI to the icon that is displayed for the image in the Management Portal. Added the SmallIconUri element, which specifies the URI to the small icon that is displayed for the image in the Management Portal. Added the PrivacyUri element, which specifies the URI that points to a document that contains the privacy policy related to the image. Added the PublishedDate element, which specifies the date when the image was added to the image repository.

List Locations

Added the ComputeCapabilities element, which specifies the roles sizes that are available for deployments in the location.

List Affinity Groups

Added the ComputeCapabilities element, which specifies the roles sizes that are available for deployments in the affinity group.

List Cloud Services

Added the ComputeCapabilities element, which specifies the roles sizes that are available for deployments in the cloud service.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the LoadBalancerName element, which specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with an input endpoint. Added the PublicIPs element, which contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine. Added the MediaLocation element, which specifies the location of the VHD file that is created when VMImageName specifies a published VM Image. Added the RemoteSourceImageLink element, which specifies a URI to the location where an OS image is stored that is used to create the Virtual Machine. Added the LoadBalancers element, which contains a list of internal load balancers that can be assigned to input endpoints. Added the ReservedIPName element, which specifies the name of a reserved IP address that is to be assigned to the deployment.

Get Deployment

Added Preparing for InstanceStatus. Added the ExtendedInstanceStatus element, which specifies additional status details if available for the deployment. Added the PublicIPs element, which contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine. Added the LoadBalancerName element, which specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with an input endpoint. Added the IsReserved element, which indicates whether the virtual IP address is reserved. Added the ReservedIPName element, which specifies the name of a reserved IP address that was assigned to the deployment. Added the Type element, which specifies a value of Private if the virtual IP address is associated with an internal load balancer. Added the LoadBalancers element, which Contains a list of internal load balancers that can be assigned to input endpoints.

Add Role

Added the LoadBalancerName element, which specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with an input endpoint. Added the PublicIPs element, which contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine. Added the RemoteSourceImageLink element, which specifies a URI to the location where an OS image is stored that is used to create the Virtual Machine. Added the MediaLocation element, which specifies the location of the VHD file that is created when VMImageName specifies a published VM Image.

Update Role

Added the LoadBalancerName element, which specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with an input endpoint. Added the PublicIPs element, which contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.

Update Load-Balanced Endpoint Set

Added the LoadBalancerName element, which specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with an input endpoint.

Get Role

Added the LoadBalancerName element, which specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with an input endpoint. Added the PublicIPs element, which contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to the default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.

List Storage Accounts

Endpoints now return https.

Get Storage Account Properties

Endpoints now return https.

Delete Role

Added remark about the preservation of the reserved IP address.

Shutdown Role

Added remark about the preservation of the reserved IP address.

Shutdown Roles

Added remark about the preservation of the reserved IP address.

Start Role

Added note about changes in billing when using a reserved IP address.

Start Roles

Added note about changes in billing when using a reserved IP address.

List Resource Extensions

Added the IsInternalExtension element, which indicates whether the version of the extension is available for public use. Added the DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade, which indicates whether the version of the extension supports major upgrades.

List Resource Extension Versions

Added the IsInternalExtension element, which indicates whether the version of the extension is available for public use. Added the DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade, which indicates whether the version of the extension supports major upgrades.

The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Update VM Image

Updates a VM Image in the image repository that is associated with the specified subscription.

Add Load Balancer

Adds an internal load balancer to an existing deployment.

Delete Load Balancer

Deletes the specified internal load balancer from a deployment.

Create Reserved IP Address

Reserves an IPv4 address for the specified subscription.

Delete Reserved IP Address

Deletes a reserved IP address from the specified subscription.

Get Reserved IP Address

Retrieves information about the specified reserved IP address.

List Reserved IP Addresses

Lists the IP addresses that have been reserved for the specified subscription.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Get Deployment

Added the GuestAgentStatus element, which specifies information about the agent that is installed on an instance. Added the ResourceExtensionStatusList element, which specifies information about the extensions that are installed on an instance.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added information to support using a JSON object for an extension parameter. Added the AdditionalUnattendContent element, which specifies additional base-64 encoded XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file.

Add Role

Added information to support using a JSON object for an extension parameter. Added the AdditionalUnattendContent element, which specifies additional base-64 encoded XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file.

Capture Role

Added the AdditionalUnattendContent element, which specifies additional base-64 encoded XML formatted information that can be included in the Unattend.xml file.

Update Role

Added information to support using a JSON object for an extension parameter.

List Resource Extensions

Added the ReplicationCompleted element, which indicates whether the version of the extension has been replicated to all regions. Added the Eula element, which specifies a URI that points to the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the version of the extension. Added the PrivacyUri element, which specifies a URI that points to the privacy statement for the version of extension. Added the HomepageUri element, which specifies the URI that points to the homepage for the version of extension. Added the IsJsonExtension element which, indicates whether the version of the extension accepts a JSON based configuration.

List Resource Extension Versions

Added the ReplicationCompleted element, which indicates whether the version of the extension has been replicated to all regions. Added the Eula element, which specifies a URI that points to the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the version of the extension. Added the PrivacyUri element, which specifies a URI that points to the privacy statement for the version of extension. Added the HomepageUri element, which specifies the URI that points to the homepage for the version of extension. Added the IsJsonExtension element which, indicates whether the version of the extension accepts a JSON based configuration.

List Available Extensions

Added the ReplicationCompleted element, which indicates whether the version of the extension has been replicated to all regions. Added the Eula element, which specifies a URI that points to the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the version of the extension. Added the PrivacyUri element, which specifies a URI that points to the privacy statement for the version of extension. Added the HomepageUri element, which specifies the URI that points to the homepage for the version of extension. Added the IsJsonExtension element which, indicates whether the version of the extension accepts a JSON based configuration.

List Extension Versions

Added the ReplicationCompleted element, which indicates whether the version of the extension has been replicated to all regions. Added the Eula element, which specifies a URI that points to the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the version of the extension. Added the PrivacyUri element, which specifies a URI that points to the privacy statement for the version of extension. Added the HomepageUri element, which specifies the URI that points to the homepage for the version of extension. Added the IsJsonExtension element which, indicates whether the version of the extension accepts a JSON based configuration.

List Storage Accounts

Added an endpoint for the Azure Files service.

Get Storage Account Properties

Added an endpoint for the Azure Files service.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

List Cloud Services

Added the x-ms-continuation-token response header.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Updated the EnableDirectServerReturn element with limitation information. Added the VMImage element. Added information to support using a specialized disk. Added information to support using a JSON object for an extension parameter.

Add Role

Updated the EnableDirectServerReturn element with limitation information. Added the VMImage element. Added information to support using a specialized disk. Added information to support using a JSON object for an extension parameter.

Update Load-Balanced Endpoint Set

Updated the EnableDirectServerReturn element with limitation information.

Shutdown Role

Added information about retaining the static IP address for the StoppedDeallocated action.

Shutdown Roles

Added information about retaining the static IP address for the StoppedDeallocated action.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

List Disks

Added the CreatedTime element, which specifies in UTC format when the disk was created.

List Affinity Groups

Added the CreatedTime element, which specifies in UTC format when the disk was created.

Get Affinity Group Properties

Added the CreatedTime element, which specifies in UTC format when the disk was created.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

List Extension Versions

Lists the versions of an extension that are available to add to a cloud service.

List Resource Extensions

Lists the resource extensions that are available to add to a Virtual Machine.

List Resource Extension Versions

Lists the versions of a resource extension that are available to add to a Virtual Machine.

Check Virtual Network IP Address Availability

Checks for the availability of an IP address in the specified Virtual Network.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Create Storage Account

Added the SecondaryReadEnabled element, which indicates that secondary read is enabled for the storage account.

Get Storage Account Properties

Added the SecondaryReadEnabled element, which indicates that secondary read is enabled for the storage account.

List Storage Accounts

Added the SecondaryReadEnabled element, which indicates that secondary read is enabled for the storage account.

Update Storage Account

Added the SecondaryReadEnabled element, which indicates that secondary read is enabled for the storage account.

List Available Extensions

Added the SampleConfig element, which specifies a sample configuration file for the resource extension.

List Extensions

Added the SampleConfig element, which specifies a sample configuration file for the resource extension.

Get Deployment

Added the ProvisionGuestAgent element, which indicates whether the VM Agent service is installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the Added the ResourceExtensionReferences element, which contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element, which specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network. Added the InternalDnsSuffix element, which specifies the domain name suffix for internal name resolution of instances in a deployment.

Add Role

Added the ProvisionGuestAgent element, which indicates whether the WindowsAzureGuestAgent service is installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the ResourceExtensionReferences element, which contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element, which specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the ProvisionGuestAgent element, which indicates whether the WindowsAzureGuestAgent service is installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the ResourceExtensionReferences element, which contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element, which specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network.

Get Role

Added the ProvisionGuestAgent element, which indicates whether the WindowsAzureGuestAgent service is installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the ResourceExtensionReferences element, which contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element, which specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network.

Update Role

Added the ProvisionGuestAgent element, which indicates whether the WindowsAzureGuestAgent service is installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the ResourceExtensionReferences element, which contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. Added the StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element, which specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Create Alert Rule

Creates a new alert rule.

Delete Alert Rule

Deletes the specified alert rule.

Get Alert Rule

Retrieves information about the specified alert rule.

Get Alert Rule Incident

Retrieves information about an incident of an alert rule.

List Alert Rules

Retrieves information about all of the alert rules in a subscription.

List Alert Rule Incidents

Retrieves information about active and resolved alert rules.

Update Alert Rule

Updates the specified alert rule.

Add Autoscale Settings

Adds automatic scaling settings to deployments of Cloud Services, Virtual Machines, Websites, and Mobile Services.

Delete Autoscale Settings

Removes automatic scaling settings from deployments of Cloud Services, Virtual Machines, Websites, and Mobile Services.

Get Autoscale Settings

Retrieves automatic scaling settings from deployments of Cloud Services, Virtual Machines, Websites, and Mobile Services.

Update Autoscale Settings

Updates automatic scaling settings for deployments of Cloud Services, Virtual Machines, Websites, and Mobile Services.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the CustomData element, which enables you to save a base-64 encoded string of data as a file on the Virtual Machine.

Add Role

Added the CustomData element, which enables you to save a base-64 encoded string of data as a file on the Virtual Machine.

Capture Role

Added the CustomData element, which enables you to save a base-64 encoded string of data as a file on the Virtual Machine.

List OS Images

Added the Public, Private, and MSDN values for the Category element.

Create Definition

Multiple definition versions per profile are not supported.

Get Definition

The version of the definition is always 1.

Get Profile

Only one definition version exists for a profile.

List Definitions

Only one definition version exists for a profile.

List Profiles

Only one definition version exists for a profile.

Update Profile

EnabledVersion element is ignored. If a profile has a definition, it is always enabled.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Delete Role Instances

Deletes multiple role instances from a deployment in a cloud service.

List Subscription User Accounts

Lists the user accounts that can access resources in the subscription.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Delete Cloud Service

Added the comp=media parameter, which delete all disks and source blobs when the cloud service is deleted.

Delete Deployment

Added the comp=media parameter, which delete all disks and source blobs when the deployment is deleted.

Delete Role

Added the comp=media parameter, which delete all disks and source blobs when the Virtual Machine is deleted.

Delete Data Disk

Added the comp=media parameter, which delete the source blob when the data disk is deleted.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Shutdown Roles

Shuts down multiple Virtual Machines.

Start Roles

Starts multiple Virtual Machines.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Get Cloud Service Properties

Added the StoppedDeallocated status to the InstanceStatus element.

Get Deployment

Added the StoppedDeallocated status to the InstanceStatus element.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the EndpointACL element and child elements, which defines access control rules for endpoints.

Add Role

Added the EndpointACL element and child elements, which defines access control rules for endpoints.

Update Role

Added the EndpointACL element and child elements, which defines access control rules for endpoints.

Shutdown Role

Added the PostShutdownAction element, which specifies how a Virtual machine should be shut down.

Get Storage Account Properties

Added the CustomDomains element, which specifies the custom domains that are associated with a storage account.

List Storage Accounts

Added the CustomDomains element, which specifies the custom domains that are associated with a storage account.

Update Storage Account

Added the CustomDomains element, which specifies the custom domains that are associated with a storage account.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

List Available Extensions

Lists the extensions that are available to add to your cloud service.

Add Extension

Adds an available extension to your cloud service.

Delete Extension

Deletes the specified extension from a cloud service.

List Extensions

Lists all of the extensions that were added to a cloud service.

Get Extension

Retrieves information about a specified extension that was added to a cloud service.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Get Cloud Service Properties

Added the DefaultWinRmCertificateThumbprint, which specifies the SSL certificate thumbprint that was generated when WinRM was defined with an HTTPS listener and a certificate was not included in the definition.

Create Deployment

Added the ExtensionConfiguration element, which represents an extension that is added to the cloud service.

Change Deployment Configuration

Added the ExtensionConfiguration element, which represents an extension that is added to the cloud service.

Get Deployment

Added the ExtensionConfiguration element, which represents an extension that is added to the cloud service.

Upgrade Deployment

Added the ExtensionConfiguration element, which represents an extension that is added to the cloud service.

Create Virtual Machine Deployment

Added the WinRM element, which contains configuration settings for the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine. The AdminUsername element is now required.

Add Role

Added the WinRM element, which contains configuration settings for the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine. The AdminUsername element is now required.

Capture Role

Added the WinRM element, which contains configuration settings for the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine. The AdminUsername element is now required.

Add OS Image

Added the SmallIconUri element, which specifies the URI to the small icon that is displayed when the image is presented in the Azure Management Portal. Added the Language element which specifies the language of the image.

Update OS Image

Added the SmallIconUri element, which specifies the URI to the small icon that is displayed when the image is presented in the Azure Management Portal. Added the Language element which specifies the language of the image.

List OS Images

Added the SmallIconUri element, which specifies the URI to the small icon that is displayed when the image is presented in the Azure Management Portal. Added the Language element which specifies the language of the image.

Check Storage Account Name Availability

Added the Reason element, which provides a reason for why a storage account name cannot be used.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Add OS Image

Added new elements to the request body to provide metadata for the image being added.

Delete OS Image

Added a new parameter to enable the deletion of the source blob for the image. A Request Body is no longer needed.

Update OS Image

Added new elements to the request body to update metadata for the image being added.

List OS Images

Added new elements to the response body that list the metadata of the image.

Delete Disk

Added an optional parameter to delete the associated blob from storage when the disk is deleted.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Get Disk

Retrieves information about the specified disk.

Get Virtual Network Gateway

Gets information about the virtual network gateway’s state and properties, such as its IP address and provisioning status.

Create Virtual Network Gateway

Creates a virtual network gateway for a specified virtual network.

Delete Virtual Network Gateway

Deletes the specified virtual network gateway.

Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key

Returns the shared key used to authenticate connections with individual sites on a virtual network.

Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key

Generates a new shared key with a specified character length.

List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices

Lists the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the gateway.

Get Device Configuration Script

Returns a script that you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the gateway.

List Connections

Lists all of the local network connections that can be accessed through the gateway.

Connect to, Disconnect from, or Test your Connection to a Local Network

Connects, tests the connection, or disconnects your gateway from a specified local network site.

Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status

Returns the current status of the specified gateway operation.

Get Network Configuration

Retrieves the network configuration file.

List Virtual Network Sites

Retrieves the virtual networks configured for the subscription.

Set Network Configuration

Asynchronously configures the virtual network.

Add Management Certificate

Adds a certificate to the list of management certificates.

Get Management Certificate

Gets information about the management certificate with the specified thumbprint.

List Management Certificates

Lists and returns basic information about all of the management certificates associated with the specified subscription.

Delete Management Certificate

Deletes a certificate from the list of management certificates.

Get Package

Retrieves packages, such as cspkg and cscfg files, for deployments and saves them in the specified container.

Check Cloud Service Name Availability

Determines whether the specified cloud service name is available, or if it has already been taken.

Check Storage Account Name Availability

Determines whether the specified storage account name is available, or if it has already been taken.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Create Cloud Service

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name and value pairs. Additionally, the Anywhere US, Anywhere Europe, or Anywhere Asia regions are no longer supported for this operation.

Update Cloud Service

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name and value pairs. Additionally, the Anywhere US, Anywhere Europe, or Anywhere Asia regions are no longer supported for this operation.

List Cloud Services

Now returns addition information on the cloud service, including the status of the service, the date when it was created and last modified, and any extended properties.

Get Cloud Service Properties

Now returns addition information on the cloud service, including the status of the service, the date when it was created and last modified, and any extended properties. Additionally, the Anywhere US, Anywhere Europe, or Anywhere Asia regions are no longer supported for this operation.

Create Deployment

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name/value pairs. Additionally, the PackageUrl element may now be set to a Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI from any storage account.

Change Deployment Configuration

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name and value pairs.

Upgrade Deployment

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name and value pairs.

Get Deployment

Updated the InstanceStatus property to return more complete status results. Added the Locked and RollbackAllowed properties, which allow you to determine whether write operations are allowed on the deployment are allowed and whether a rollback is allowed.

List Locations

The Anywhere US, Anywhere Europe, or Anywhere Asia regions are no longer supported for this operation.

List Storage Accounts

Now returns addition information on the storage service, including the status of the service, the date when it was created and last modified, and any extended properties.

Get Storage Account Properties

Now returns addition information on the storage service, including the status of the service, the date when it was created and last modified, and any extended properties. Additionally, the Anywhere US, Anywhere Europe, or Anywhere Asia regions are no longer supported for this operation.

Create Storage Account

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name and value pairs.

Update Storage Account

Supports elements for adding extended properties as name and value pairs.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Rollback Update Or Upgrade

Cancels an in progress upgrade or configuration change to a deployment and returns the deployment to its state before the upgrade or configuration change was started.

Get Subscription

Returns account and resource allocation information on the specified subscription.

Check DNS Prefix Availability

Checks whether the specified DNS prefix is available for creating a profile.

Create Definition

Creates a new definition for a specified profile.

Create Profile

Creates a new profile for a domain name, owned by the specified subscription.

Delete Profile

Deletes a profile and all of its definitions.

Get Definition

Returns a profile definition.

Get Profile

Returns the profile details, including all definition versions and their statuses.

List Definitions

Returns all definitions of a profile.

List Profiles

Returns all profiles owned by a subscription.

Update Profile

Enables or disables a profile.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Get Cloud Service Properties

Added the Locked and RollbackAllowed elements.

Get Deployment

Added the InstanceStatus, Locked, and RollbackAllowed elements.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Change Deployment Configuration

Adds the Mode property that specifies whether the upgrade is applied to the hosted service automatically or manually.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Create Storage Account

Creates a new storage account in the specified subscription.

Delete Storage Account

Deletes a storage account in the specified subscription.

Update Storage Account

Updates the label and/or the description for a storage account in the specified subscription.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

List Subscription Operations

Added the OperationStartedTime element, which specifies the time that the operation started to execute. Added the OperationCompletedTime element, which specifies the time that the operation finished executing.

Get Storage Account Properties

Added the Status element, which specifies the status of the storage account at the time the operation was called. Added the Endpoints element, which specifies the URLs that are used to perform a retrieval of a public blob, queue, or table object.

Get Deployment

Added the following elements

  • InstanceUpgradeDomain: The upgrade domain that a specified role instance belongs to.

  • InstanceFaultDomain: The fault domain that a specified role instance belongs to.

  • InstanceSize: The size of a specified role instance.

  • SdkVersion: The version of the Azure SDK that was used to generate the .cspkg.

  • InputEndpointList: A list of input endpoints exposed by the deployment.

  • RoleName: The name of the role that exposes an input endpoint in the list.

  • Vip: The virtual IP address that the input endpoint is exposed on.

  • Port: The port the input endpoint is exposed on.

Get Cloud Service Properties

Added the following elements:

  • SdkVersion: The version of the Azure SDK that was used to generate the .cspkg.

  • InputEndpointList:

  • RoleName: The name of the role that exposes an input endpoint in the list.

  • Vip: The virtual IP address that the input endpoint is exposed on.

  • Port: The port the input endpoint is exposed on.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Create Affinity Group

Creates a new affinity group for the specified subscription.

Delete Affinity Group

Deletes an affinity group for the specified subscription.

Update Affinity Group

Updates the label and/or the description for an affinity group in the specified subscription.

List Subscription Operations

Lists the create, update, and delete operations performed on a subscription during a specified timeframe.


The following operations were added:


Operation Description

Delete Cloud Service

Deletes the specified cloud service from Azure.

Update Cloud Service

Updates the label and the description for a cloud service in Azure.

Create Cloud Service

Creates a new cloud service in Azure.

Reboot Role Instance

Requests a reboot of a role instance that is running in a deployment.

Reimage Role Instance

Requests a reimage of a role instance that is running in a deployment.

List Locations

Lists all of the data center locations that are valid for your subscription.

The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

List Operating Systems

The response body now indicates the operating system family for each guest operating system.


The following operations were updated:


Operation Description

Get Cloud Service Properties

When the embed-detail parameter is set to true, the response body now indicates the operating system version for each deployed role.

Change Deployment Configuration

Adds a new property that, if set to true, blocks the update when warnings are encountered.

The following operations were added:


Operation Description

List Operating Systems

Lists the versions of the guest operating system that are currently available in Azure.


The first version of the Service Management API. It included the following operations:


Operation Description

List Storage Accounts

Lists the storage accounts available under the current subscription.

Get Storage Account Properties

Returns the system properties for the specified storage account.

Get Storage Account Keys

Returns the primary and secondary access keys for the specified storage account.

Regenerate Storage Account Keys

Regenerates the primary or secondary access key for the specified storage account.

List Cloud Services

Lists the cloud services available under the current subscription.

Get Cloud Service Properties

Retrieves system properties for the specified cloud service.

Create Deployment

Uploads a new service package and creates a new deployment on staging or production.

Get Deployment

Returns configuration information, status, and system properties for the specified deployment.

Swap Deployment

Initiates a virtual IP swap between the staging and production deployment environments for a service.

Delete Deployment

Deletes the specified deployment.

Change Deployment Configuration

Initiates a change to the deployment configuration.

Update Deployment Status

Initiates a change in deployment status.

Upgrade Deployment

Initiates an upgrade.

Walk Upgrade Domain

Specifies the next upgrade domain to be walked during an in-place upgrade.

List Service Certificates

Lists all certificates associated with the specified hosted service.

Get Service Certificate

Returns the public data for the specified certificate.

Add Service Certificate

Adds a certificate to the subscription.

Delete Service Certificate

Deletes a certificate from the subscription's certificate store.

List Affinity Groups

Lists the affinity groups associated with the specified subscription.

Get Affinity Group Properties

Returns the system properties associated with the specified affinity group.

Get Operation Status

Returns the status of the specified operation.