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Strings Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use a string returned from an unmanaged function, and how to pass a structure that contains a Unicode-formatted or ANSI-formatted string. It shows how to properly initialize these strings and how to retrieve returned values.

The String sample uses the following unmanaged functions, shown with their original function declaration:

  • TestStringAsResult exported from PinvokeLib.dll.

    char* TestStringAsResult();
  • TestStringInStruct exported from PinvokeLib.dll.

    void TestStringInStruct(MYSTRSTRUCT* pStruct);
  • TestStringInStructAnsi exported from PinvokeLib.dll.

    void TestStringInStructAnsi(MYSTRSTRUCT2* pStruct);

PinvokeLib.dll is a custom unmanaged library that contains implementations for the previously listed functions and two structures, MYSTRSTRUCT and MYSTRSTRUCT2. These structures contain the following elements:

typedef struct _MYSTRSTRUCT
   wchar_t* buffer;
   UINT size; 
typedef struct _MYSTRSTRUCT2
   char* buffer;
   UINT size; 

In this sample, the managed MyStrStruct and MyStrStruct2 structures contain managed strings instead of StringBuilder buffers because the StringBuilder type cannot be used inside a structure. The StructLayoutAttribute attribute is set to ensure that the members are arranged in memory sequentially, in the order in which they appear. The CharSet field is set to specify ANSI or Unicode formats.

The LibWrap class contains the managed prototype methods called by the App class. Although structures are normally passed by value, the arguments to the TestStringInStruct and TestStringInStructAnsi methods are marked with the ref (ByRef in Visual Basic) keyword, which passes structures by reference.

Declaring Prototypes

' Declares a managed structure for each unmanaged structure.
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
Public Structure MyStrStruct
    Public buffer As String
    Public size As Integer
End Structure

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)> _
Public Structure MyStrStruct2
    Public buffer As String
    Public size As Integer
End Structure

Public Class LibWrap
    ' Declares managed prototypes for unmanaged functions.
    Declare Function TestStringAsResult Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" () _
        As String
    Declare Sub TestStringInStruct Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" _
        (ByRef mss As MyStrStruct)
    Declare Sub TestStringInStructAnsi Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" _
        (ByRef mss As MyStrStruct2)
End Class
// Declares a managed structure for each unmanaged structure.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct MyStrStruct
    public string buffer;
    public int size;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct MyStrStruct2
    public string buffer;
    public int size;

public class LibWrap
    // Declares managed prototypes for unmanaged functions.
    public static extern string TestStringAsResult();

    public static extern void TestStringInStruct(ref MyStrStruct mss);

    public static extern void TestStringInStructAnsi(ref MyStrStruct2 mss);
// Declares a managed structure for each unmanaged structure.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind::Sequential, CharSet=CharSet::Unicode)]
public value struct MyStrStruct
    String^ buffer;
    int size;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind::Sequential, CharSet=CharSet::Ansi)]
public value struct MyStrStruct2
    String^ buffer;
    int size;

public ref class LibWrap
    // Declares managed prototypes for unmanaged functions.
    static String^ TestStringAsResult();

    static void TestStringInStruct(MyStrStruct% mss);

    static void TestStringInStructAnsi(MyStrStruct2% mss);

Calling Functions

Public Class App
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' String as result.
        Dim str As String = LibWrap.TestStringAsResult()
        Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "String returned: {0}", str)

        ' Initializes buffer and appends something to the end so the whole
        ' buffer is passed to the unmanaged side.
        Dim buffer As New StringBuilder("content", 100)
        buffer.Append("*", buffer.Capacity - 8)

        Dim mss As MyStrStruct
        mss.buffer = buffer.ToString()
        mss.size = mss.buffer.Length

        Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "Buffer after Unicode function call: {0}", _
            mss.buffer )

        Dim buffer2 As New StringBuilder("content", 100)
        buffer2.Append("*", buffer2.Capacity - 8)

        Dim mss2 As MyStrStruct2
        mss2.buffer = buffer2.ToString()
        mss2.size = mss2.buffer.Length

        Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "Buffer after Ansi function call: {0}", mss2.buffer)
    End Sub
End Class
public class App
    public static void Main()
        // String as result.
        string str = LibWrap.TestStringAsResult();
        Console.WriteLine("\nString returned: {0}", str);

        // Initializes buffer and appends something to the end so the whole
        // buffer is passed to the unmanaged side.
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("content", 100);
        buffer.Append('*', buffer.Capacity - 8);

        MyStrStruct mss;
        mss.buffer = buffer.ToString();
        mss.size = mss.buffer.Length;

        LibWrap.TestStringInStruct(ref mss);
        Console.WriteLine( "\nBuffer after Unicode function call: {0}",
            mss.buffer );

        StringBuilder buffer2 = new StringBuilder("content", 100);
        buffer2.Append('*', buffer2.Capacity - 8);

        MyStrStruct2 mss2;
        mss2.buffer = buffer2.ToString();
        mss2.size = mss2.buffer.Length;

        LibWrap.TestStringInStructAnsi(ref mss2);
        Console.WriteLine("\nBuffer after Ansi function call: {0}",
public ref class App
    static void Main()
        // String as result.
        String^ str = LibWrap::TestStringAsResult();
        Console::WriteLine("\nString returned: {0}", str);

        // Initializes buffer and appends something to the end so the whole
        // buffer is passed to the unmanaged side.
        StringBuilder^ buffer = gcnew StringBuilder("content", 100);
        buffer->Append('*', buffer->Capacity - 8);

        MyStrStruct mss;
        mss.buffer = buffer->ToString();
        mss.size = mss.buffer->Length;

        Console::WriteLine( "\nBuffer after Unicode function call: {0}",
            mss.buffer );

        StringBuilder^ buffer2 = gcnew StringBuilder("content", 100);
        buffer2->Append('*', buffer2->Capacity - 8);

        MyStrStruct2 mss2;
        mss2.buffer = buffer2->ToString();
        mss2.size = mss2.buffer->Length;

        Console::WriteLine("\nBuffer after Ansi function call: {0}",

See Also


Marshaling Strings

Platform Invoke Data Types

Default Marshaling for Strings

Other Resources

Creating Prototypes in Managed Code