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Azure Media Services concepts

This topic gives an overview of the most important Media Services concepts.

Assets and Storage


An Asset contains digital files (including video, audio, images, thumbnail collections, text tracks and closed caption files) and the metadata about these files. After the digital files are uploaded into an asset, they could be used in the Media Services encoding and streaming workflows.

An asset is mapped to a blob container in the Azure Storage account and the files in the asset are stored as block blobs in that container. Page blobs are not supported by Azure Media Services.

When deciding what media content to upload and store in an asset, the following considerations apply:

  • An asset should contain only a single, unique instance of media content. For example, a single edit of a TV episode, movie, or advertisement.
  • An asset should not contain multiple renditions or edits of an audiovisual file. One example of an improper usage of an Asset would be attempting to store more than one TV episode, advertisement, or multiple camera angles from a single production inside an asset. Storing multiple renditions or edits of an audiovisual file in an asset can result in difficulties submitting encoding jobs, streaming and securing the delivery of the asset later in the workflow.

Asset file

An AssetFile represents an actual video or audio file that is stored in a blob container. An asset file is always associated with an asset, and an asset may contain one or many files. The Media Services Encoder task fails if an asset file object is not associated with a digital file in a blob container.

The AssetFile instance and the actual media file are two distinct objects. The AssetFile instance contains metadata about the media file, while the media file contains the actual media content.

You should not attempt to change the contents of blob containers that were generated by Media Services without using Media Service APIs.

Asset encryption options

Depending on the type of content you want to upload, store, and deliver, Media Services provides various encryption options that you can choose from.


No encryption is used. This is the default value. When using this option your content is not protected in transit or at rest in storage.

If you plan to deliver an MP4 using progressive download, use this option to upload your content.

StorageEncrypted – Use this option to encrypt your clear content locally using AES 256 bit encryption and then upload it to Azure Storage where it is stored encrypted at rest. Assets protected with storage encryption are automatically unencrypted and placed in an encrypted file system prior to encoding, and optionally re-encrypted prior to uploading back as a new output asset. The primary use case for storage encryption is when you want to secure your high quality input media files with strong encryption at rest on disk.

In order to deliver a storage encrypted asset, you must configure the asset’s delivery policy so Media Services knows how you want to deliver your content. Before your asset can be streamed, the streaming server removes the storage encryption and streams your content using the specified delivery policy (for example, AES, PlayReady, or no encryption).

CommonEncryptionProtected - Use this option if you want to encrypt (or upload already encrypted) content with Common Encryption or PlayReady DRM (for example, Smooth Streaming protected with PlayReady DRM).

EnvelopeEncryptionProtected – Use this option if you want to protect (or upload already protected) HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) encrypted with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). If you are uploading HLS already encrypted with AES, it must have been encrypted by Transform Manager.

Access policy

An AccessPolicy defines permissions (like read, write, and list) and duration of access to an asset. You would usually pass an AccessPolicy object to a locator that would then be used to access the files contained in an asset.


There is a limit of 1,000,000 policies for different AMS policies (for example, for Locator policy or ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicy). You should use the same policy ID if you are always using the same days / access permissions, for example, policies for locators that are intended to remain in place for a long time (non-upload policies). For more information, see this topic.

Blob container

A blob container provides a grouping of a set of blobs. Blob containers are used in Media Services as boundary point for access control, and Shared Access Signature (SAS) locators on assets. An Azure Storage account can contain an unlimited number of blob containers. A container can store an unlimited number of blobs.


You should not attempt to change the contents of blob containers that were generated by Media Services without using Media Service APIs.


Locators provide an entry point to access the files contained in an asset. An access policy is used to define the permissions and duration that a client has access to a given asset. Locators can have a many to one relationship with an access policy, such that different locators can provide different start times and connection types to different clients while all using the same permission and duration settings; however, because of a shared access policy restriction set by Azure storage services, you cannot have more than five unique locators associated with a given asset at one time.

Media Services supports two types of locators: OnDemandOrigin locators, used to stream media (for example, MPEG DASH, HLS, or Smooth Streaming) or progressively download media and SAS URL locators, used to upload or download media files to\from Azure storage.


The list permission (AccessPermissions.List) should not be used when creating an OnDemandOrigin locator.

Storage account

All access to Azure Storage is done through a storage account. A Media Service account can associate with one or more storage accounts. An account can contain an unlimited number of containers, as long as their total size is under 500TB per storage account. Media Services provides SDK level tooling to allow you to manage multiple storage accounts and load balance the distribution of your assets during upload to these accounts based on metrics or random distribution. For more information, see Working with Azure Storage.

Jobs and tasks

A job is typically used to process (for example, index or encode) one audio/video presentation. If you are processing multiple videos, create a job for each video to be encoded.

A job contains metadata about the processing to be performed. Each job contains one or more tasks that specify an atomic processing task, its input Assets, output Assets, a media processor and its associated settings. Tasks within a job can be chained together, where the output asset of one task is given as the input asset to the next task. In this way one job can contain all of the processing necessary for a media presentation.


Azure Media Services provides multiple options for the encoding of media in the cloud.

When starting out with Media Services, it is important to understand the difference between codecs and file formats. Codecs are the software that implements the compression/decompression algorithms whereas file formats are containers that hold the compressed video.

Media Services provides dynamic packaging which allows you to deliver your adaptive bitrate MP4 or Smooth Streaming encoded content in streaming formats supported by Media Services (MPEG DASH, HLS, Smooth Streaming) without you having to re-package into these streaming formats.

To take advantage of dynamic packaging, you need to encode your mezzanine (source) file into a set of adaptive bitrate MP4 files or adaptive bitrate Smooth Streaming files and have at least one standard or premium streaming endpoint in started state.

Media Services supports the following on-demand encoder that is described in this article:

For information about this supported encoder, see Encoder.

Live Streaming

In Azure Media Services, a Channel represents a pipeline for processing live streaming content. A Channel receives live input streams in one of two ways:

  • An on-premises live encoder sends multi-bitrate RTMP or Smooth Streaming (Fragmented MP4) to the Channel. You can use the following live encoders that output multi-bitrate Smooth Streaming: MediaExcel, Ateme, Imagine Communications, Envivio, Cisco and Elemental. The following live encoders output RTMP: Adobe Flash Live Encoder, Telestream Wirecast, Teradek, Haivision encoders. The ingested streams pass through Channels without any further transcoding and encoding. When requested, Media Services delivers the stream to customers.
  • A single bitrate stream (in one of the following formats: RTMP, or Smooth Streaming (Fragmented MP4)) is sent to the Channel that is enabled to perform live encoding with Media Services. The Channel then performs live encoding of the incoming single bitrate stream to a multi-bitrate (adaptive) video stream. When requested, Media Services delivers the stream to customers.


In Media Services, Channels are responsible for processing live streaming content. A Channel provides an input endpoint (ingest URL) that you then provide to a live transcoder. The channel receives live input streams from the live transcoder and makes it available for streaming through one or more StreamingEndpoints. Channels also provide a preview endpoint (preview URL) that you use to preview and validate your stream before further processing and delivery.

You can get the ingest URL and the preview URL when you create the channel. To get these URLs, the channel does not have to be in the started state. When you are ready to start pushing data from a live transcoder into the channel, the channel must be started. Once the live transcoder starts ingesting data, you can preview your stream.

Each Media Services account can contain multiple Channels, multiple Programs, and multiple StreamingEndpoints. Depending on the bandwidth and security needs, StreamingEndpoint services can be dedicated to one or more channels. Any StreamingEndpoint can pull from any Channel.

Program (event)

A Program (event) enables you to control the publishing and storage of segments in a live stream. Channels manage Programs (events). The Channel and Program relationship is similar to traditional media where a channel has a constant stream of content and a program is scoped to some timed event on that channel. You can specify the number of hours you want to retain the recorded content for the program by setting the ArchiveWindowLength property. This value can be set from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 25 hours.

ArchiveWindowLength also dictates the maximum amount of time clients can seek back in time from the current live position. Programs can run over the specified amount of time, but content that falls behind the window length is continuously discarded. This value of this property also determines how long the client manifests can grow.

Each program (event) is associated with an Asset. To publish the program you must create a locator for the associated asset. Having this locator will enable you to build a streaming URL that you can provide to your clients.

A channel supports up to three concurrently running programs so you can create multiple archives of the same incoming stream. This allows you to publish and archive different parts of an event as needed. For example, your business requirement is to archive 6 hours of a program, but to broadcast only last 10 minutes. To accomplish this, you need to create two concurrently running programs. One program is set to archive 6 hours of the event but the program is not published. The other program is set to archive for 10 minutes and this program is published.

For more information, see:

Protecting content

Dynamic encryption

Azure Media Services enables you to secure your media from the time it leaves your computer through storage, processing, and delivery. Media Services allows you to deliver your content encrypted dynamically with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (using 128-bit encryption keys) and common encryption (CENC) using PlayReady and/or Widevine DRM. Media Services also provides a service for delivering AES keys and PlayReady licenses to authorized clients.

Currently, you can encrypt the following streaming formats: HLS, MPEG DASH, and Smooth Streaming. You cannot encrypt progressive downloads.

If you want for Media Services to encrypt an asset, you need to associate an encryption key (CommonEncryption or EnvelopeEncryption) with your asset and also configure authorization policies for the key.

If you want to stream a storage encrypted asset, you must configure the asset's delivery policy in order to specify how you want to deliver your asset.

When a stream is requested by a player, Media Services uses the specified key to dynamically encrypt your content using an envelope encryption (with AES) or common encryption (with PlayReady or Widevine). To decrypt the stream, the player will request the key from the key delivery service. To decide whether or not the user is authorized to get the key, the service evaluates the authorization policies that you specified for the key.

Token restriction

The content key authorization policy could have one or more authorization restrictions: open, token restriction, or IP restriction. The token restricted policy must be accompanied by a token issued by a Secure Token Service (STS). Media Services supports tokens in the Simple Web Tokens (SWT) format and JSON Web Token (JWT) format. Media Services does not provide Secure Token Services. You can create a custom STS. The STS must be configured to create a token signed with the specified key and issue claims that you specified in the token restriction configuration. The Media Services key delivery service will return the requested key (or license) to the client if the token is valid and the claims in the token match those configured for the key (or license).

When configuring the token restricted policy, you must specify the primary verification key, issuer and audience parameters. The primary verification key contains the key that the token was signed with, issuer is the secure token service that issues the token. The audience (sometimes called scope) describes the intent of the token or the resource the token authorizes access to. The Media Services key delivery service validates that these values in the token match the values in the template.

For more information, see the following articles:


Dynamic packaging

When working with Media Services, you should encode your mezzanine files into an adaptive bitrate MP4 set and then convert the set to the desired format using the Dynamic Packaging.

Streaming endpoint

A StreamingEndpoint represents a streaming service that can deliver content directly to a client player application, or to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for further distribution (Azure Media Services now provides the Azure CDN integration.) The outbound stream from a streaming endpoint service can be a live stream, or a video on-demand Asset in your Media Services account. Media Services customers choose either a Standard streaming endpoint or one or more Premium streaming endpoints, according to their needs. Standard streaming endpoint is suitable for most streaming workloads.

Standard Streaming Endpoint is suitable for most streaming workloads. Standard Streaming Endpoints offer the flexibility to deliver your content to virtually every device through dynamic packaging into HLS, MPEG-DASH, and Smooth Streaming as well as dynamic encryption for Microsoft PlayReady, Google Widevine, Apple Fairplay, and AES128. They also scale from very small to very large audiences with thousands of concurrent viewers through Azure CDN integration. If you have an advanced workload or your streaming capacity requirements don't fit to standard streaming endpoint throughput targets or you want to control the capacity of the StreamingEndpoint service to handle growing bandwidth needs, you should allocate scale units(also known as premium streaming units).

You should use dynamic packaging and/or dynamic encryption.


When your AMS account is created a default streaming endpoint is added to your account in the Stopped state. To start streaming your content and take advantage of dynamic packaging and dynamic encryption, the streaming endpoint from which you want to stream content has to be in the Running state.

For more information, see this topic.

By default you can have up to 2 streaming endpoints in your Media Services account. To request a higher limit, see Quotas and limitations.

You are only billed when your StreamingEndpoint is in running state.

Asset delivery policy

One of the steps in the Media Services content delivery workflow is configuring delivery policies for assetsthat you want to be streamed. The asset delivery policy tells Media Services how you want for your asset to be delivered: into which streaming protocol should your asset be dynamically packaged (for example, MPEG DASH, HLS, Smooth Streaming, or all), whether or not you want to dynamically encrypt your asset and how (envelope or common encryption).

If you have a storage encrypted asset, before your asset can be streamed, the streaming server removes the storage encryption and streams your content using the specified delivery policy. For example, to deliver your asset encrypted with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption key, set the policy type to DynamicEnvelopeEncryption. To remove storage encryption and stream the asset in the clear, set the policy type to NoDynamicEncryption.

Progressive download

Progressive download allows you to start playing media before the entire file has been downloaded. You can only progressively download an MP4 file.


You must decrypt encrypted assets if you wish for them to be available for progressive download.

To provide users with progressive download URLs, you first must create an OnDemandOrigin locator. Creating the locator, gives you the base Path to the asset. You then need to append the name of MP4 file. For example:

Streaming URLs

Streaming your content to clients. To provide users with streaming URLs, you first must create an OnDemandOrigin locator. Creating the locator, gives you the base Path to the asset that contains the content you want to stream. However, to be able to stream this content you need to modify this path further. To construct a full URL to the streaming manifest file, you must concatenate the locator’s Path value and the manifest (filename.ism) file name. Then, append /Manifest and an appropriate format (if needed) to the locator path.

You can also stream your content over a TLS connection. To do this, make sure your streaming URLs start with HTTPS. Currently, AMS doesn’t support TLS with custom domains.


You can only stream over TLS if the streaming endpoint from which you deliver your content was created after September 10th, 2014. If your streaming URLs are based on the streaming endpoints created after September 10th, the URL contains "" (the new format). Streaming URLs that contain "" (the old format) do not support TLS. If your URL is in the old format and you want to be able to stream over TLS, create a new streaming endpoint. Use URLs created based on the new streaming endpoint to stream your content over TLS.

The following list describes different streaming formats and gives examples:

  • Smooth Streaming

{streaming endpoint name-media services account name}{locator ID}/{filename}.ism/Manifest


{streaming endpoint name-media services account name}{locator ID}/{filename}.ism/Manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)

  • Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) V4

{streaming endpoint name-media services account name}{locator ID}/{filename}.ism/Manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)

  • Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) V3

{streaming endpoint name-media services account name}{locator ID}/{filename}.ism/Manifest(format=m3u8-aapl-v3)

Additional notes

  • Widevine is a service provided by Google Inc. and subject to the terms of service and Privacy Policy of Google, Inc.