How to: Install SQL Server 2008 R2 from the Command Prompt
Before you run SQL Server Setup, review Planning a SQL Server Installation.
Installing a new instance of SQL Server at the command prompt enables you to specify the features to install and how they should be configured. You can also specify silent, basic, or full interaction with the Setup user interface.
When installing through the command prompt, SQL Server supports full quiet mode by using the /Q parameter, or Quiet Simple mode by using the /QS parameter. The /QS switch only shows progress, does not accept any input, and displays no error messages if encountered. The /QS parameter is only supported when /Action=install is specified.
Regardless of the installation method, you are required to confirm acceptance of the software license terms as an individual or on behalf of an entity, unless your use of the software is governed by a separate agreement such as a Microsoft volume licensing agreement or a third-party agreement with an ISV or OEM.
The license terms are displayed for review and acceptance in the Setup user interface. Unattended installations (using the /Q or /QS parameters) must include the /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS parameter. You can review the license terms separately at Microsoft Software License Terms.
Depending on how you received the software (for example, through Microsoft volume licensing), your use of the software may be subject to additional terms and conditions.
Command prompt installation is supported in the following scenarios:
Installing, upgrading, or removing an instance and shared components of SQL Server on a local computer by using syntax and parameters specified at the command prompt.
Installing, upgrading, or removing a failover cluster instance.
Upgrading from one SQL Server edition to another edition of SQL Server.
Installing an instance of SQL Server on a local computer by using syntax and parameters specified in a configuration file. You can use this method to copy an installation configuration to multiple computers, or to install multiple nodes of a failover cluster installation.
When you install SQL Server at the command prompt, specify Setup parameters for your installation at the command prompt as part of your installation syntax.
For local installations, you must run Setup as an administrator. If you install SQL Server from a remote share, you must use a domain account that has read and execute permissions on the remote share. For failover cluster installations, you must be a local administrator with permissions to login as a service, and to act as part of the operating system on all failover cluster nodes.
Proper Use of Setup Parameters
Use the following guidelines to develop installation commands that have correct syntax:
/PARAMETER=1/0 for Boolean types
/PARAMETER="value" for all single-value parameters. Using double quotation marks is recommended, but required if the value contains a space
/PID, the value for this parameter should be enclosed in double quotation marks
/PARAMETER="value1" "value2" "value3" for all multiple-value parameters. Using double quotation marks is recommended, but required if the value contains a space
- /FEATURES, which is a multivalued parameter, but its format is /FEATURES=AS,RS,IS without a space, comma-delimited
See the following examples to specify the installation directory paths:
/INSTANCEDIR=c:\Path is supported.
/INSTANCEDIR=”c:\Path” is supported
The relational server values support the additional terminating backslash formats (backslash or two backslash characters) for the path.
SQL Server Parameters
The following sections provide parameters to develop command line installation scripts for install, update, and repair scenarios.
Parameters that are listed for a SQL Server component are specific to that component. SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Browser parameters are applicable when you install the SQL Server Database Engine.
Installation Parameters
SysPrep Parameters
Upgrade Parameters
Repair Parameters
Rebuild System Database Parameters
Uninstall Parameters
Failover Cluster Parameters
Parameters from Previous SQL Server Versions
Service Accounts Parameters
Feature Parameters
Installation Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command line scripts for installation.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the installation workflow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q or /QS parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/FEATURES - Or - /ROLE Required |
Specifies the components to install.
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for installation parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file is piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 64-bit shared components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 32-bit shared components. Supported only on a 64-bit system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for instance-specific components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Optional |
Specifies a nondefault value for an InstanceID. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/QS Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs and shows progress through the UI, but does not accept any input or show any error messages. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/UIMODE Optional |
Specifies whether to present only the minimum number of dialog boxes during setup. /UIMode can only be used with the /ACTION=INSTALL and UPGRADE parameters. Supported values:
When combined with other parameters, UIMODE is overridden. For example, when /UIMODE=AutoAdvance and /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN=FALSE are both provided, the provisioning dialog box is not auto populated with the current user. The UIMode setting cannot be used with the /Q or /QS parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the account for the SQL Server Agent service. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the password for SQL Server Agent service account. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the startup mode for the SQL Server Agent service. Supported values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services backup files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the collation setting for Analysis Services. Default value:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services configuration files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
/ASDATADIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services data files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
/ASLOGDIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services log files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the account for the Analysis Services service. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the password for the Analysis Services service. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the startup mode for the Analysis Services service. Supported values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the administrator credentials for Analysis Services. |
Analysis Services |
/ASTEMPDIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services temporary files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies whether the MSOLAP provider can run in-process. Default value:
Analysis Services |
/FARMACCOUNT Required for SPI_AS_NewFarm |
Specifies a domain user account for running SharePoint Central Administration services and other essential services in a farm. This parameter is used only for Analysis Services instances that are installed through /ROLE = SPI_AS_NEWFARM. |
Analysis Services |
/FARMPASSWORD Required for SPI_AS_NewFarm |
Specifies a password for the farm account. |
Analysis Services |
/PASSPHRASE Required for SPI_AS_NewFarm |
Specifies a passphrase that is used to add additional application servers or Web front end servers to a SharePoint farm. This parameter is used only for Analysis Services instances that are installed through /ROLE = SPI_AS_NEWFARM. |
Analysis Services |
/FARMADMINIPORT Required for SPI_AS_NewFarm |
Specifies a port used to connect to the SharePoint Central Administration web application. This parameter is used only for Analysis Services instances that are installed through /ROLE = SPI_AS_NEWFARM. |
SQL Server Browser |
Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service. Supported values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
/ENABLERANU Optional |
Enables run-as credentials for SQL Server Express installations. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the data directory for SQL Server data files. Default values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for the SQL Server sa account. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the security mode for SQL Server. If this parameter is not supplied, then Windows-only authentication mode is supported. Supported value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for backup files. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the collation settings for SQL Server. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Adds the current user to the SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role. The /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN parameter can be used when installing Express editions or when /Role=ALLFeatures_WithDefaults is used. For more information, see /ROLE below. Use of /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN is optional, but either /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN or /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS is required. Default values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup mode for the SQL Server service. Supported values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Use this parameter to provision logins to be members of the sysadmin role. For SQL Server editions other than SQL Server Express, /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS is required. For editions of SQL Server Express, use of /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS is optional, but either /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS or /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN is required. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for tempdb. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for tempdb. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for user databases. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for user databases. Default value:
Specifies the access level for the FILESTREAM feature. Supported values:
/FILESTREAMSHARENAME Optional Required when FILESTREAMLEVEL is greater than 1. |
Specifies the name of the windows share in which the FILESTREAM data will be stored. |
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the account for Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. ServiceSID is used to help secure the communication between SQL Server and Full-text Filter Daemon. If the values are not provided, the Full-text Filter Launcher Service is disabled. You have to use SQL Server Control Manager to change the service account and enable full-text functionality. Default value:
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the password for the Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. |
Integration Services |
Specifies the account for Integration Services. Default value:
Integration Services |
Specifies the Integration Services password. |
Integration Services |
/ISSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for the Integration Services service. |
SQL Server Network Configuration |
/NPENABLED Optional |
Specifies the state of the Named Pipes protocol for the SQL Server service. Supported values:
SQL Server Network Configuration |
/TCPENABLED Optional |
Specifies the state of the TCP protocol for the SQL Server service. Supported values:
Reporting Services |
Specifies the Install mode for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the startup account for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the password for the startup account for the Reporting Services service. |
Reporting Services |
/RSSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for Reporting Services. |
Sample Syntax:
To install a new, stand-alone instance with the SQL Server Database Engine, Replication, and Full-Text Search components. |
SysPrep Parameters
For more information about SQL Server SysPrep, see
How to: Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Using SysPrep.
Prepare Image Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for preparing an instance of SQL Server without configuring it.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the installation workflow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/FEATURES Required |
Specifies components to install. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for installation parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file is piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 64-bit shared components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for instance-specific components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Required |
Specifies an InstanceID for the instance that is being prepared. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
Sample Syntax:
To prepare a new, stand-alone instance with the SQL Server Database Engine, Replication, and Full-Text Search components, and Reporting Services. |
Complete Image Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for completing and configuring a prepared instance of SQL Server.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the installation workflow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for installation parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file is piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Required |
Use the Instance ID specified during the prepare image step. Supported Values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name for the instance that is being completed. For more information, see Instance Configuration. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. ![]()
If you are installing SQL Server Express, SQL Server Express with tools or SQL Server Express with Advanced Services, the PID is predefined.
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the account for the SQL Server Agent service. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the password for SQL Server Agent service account. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the startup mode for the SQL Server Agent service. Supported values:
SQL Server Browser |
Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service. Supported values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
/ENABLERANU Optional |
Enables run-as credentials for SQL Server Express installations. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the data directory for SQL Server data files. Default values:
For all other installations: %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\ |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for the SQL Server sa account. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the security mode for SQL Server. If this parameter is not supplied, then Windows-only authentication mode is supported. Supported value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for backup files. Default value: <InstallSQLDataDir>\ <SQLInstanceID>\MSSQL\Backup |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the collation settings for SQL Server. Default value: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup mode for the SQL Server service. Supported values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Use this parameter to provision logins to be members of the sysadmin role. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for tempdb. Default value: <InstallSQLDataDir>\ <SQLInstanceID>\MSSQL\Data |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for tempdb. Default value: <InstallSQLDataDir>\ <SQLInstanceID>\MSSQL\Data |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for user databases. Default value: <InstallSQLDataDir>\ <SQLInstanceID>\MSSQL\Data |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for user databases. Default value: <InstallSQLDataDir>\ <SQLInstanceID>\MSSQL\Data |
Specifies the access level for the FILESTREAM feature. Supported values:
/FILESTREAMSHARENAME Optional Required when FILESTREAMLEVEL is greater than 1. |
Specifies the name of the windows share in which the FILESTREAM data will be stored. |
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the account for Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. ServiceSID is used to help secure the communication between SQL Server and Full-text Filter Daemon. If the values are not provided, the Full-text Filter Launcher Service is disabled. You have to use SQL Server Control Manager to change the service account and enable full-text functionality. Default value:
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the password for the Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. |
SQL Server Network Configuration |
/NPENABLED Optional |
Specifies the state of the Named Pipes protocol for the SQL Server service. Supported values:
SQL Server Network Configuration |
/TCPENABLED Optional |
Specifies the state of the TCP protocol for the SQL Server service. Supported values:
Reporting Services |
Specifies the Install mode for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the startup account for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the password for the startup account for the Reporting Services service. |
Reporting Services |
/RSSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for Reporting Services. |
Sample Syntax:
To complete a prepared, stand-alone instance that includes SQL Server Database Engine, Replication, and Full-Text Search components. |
Upgrade Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for upgrade.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the installation workflow. Supported values:
The value EditionUpgrade is used to upgrade an existing edition of SQL Server 2008 R2 to a different edition. For more information about the supported version and edition upgrades, see Supported Version and Edition Upgrades. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ INSTANCEDIR Optional |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for shared components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Required when you upgrade from SQL Server 2008 Optional when you upgrade from SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 |
Specifies a nondefault value for an InstanceID. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/UIMODE Optional |
Specifies whether to present only the minimum number of dialog boxes during setup. /UIMode can only be used with the /ACTION=INSTALL and UPGRADE parameters. Supported values:
The UIMode setting cannot be used with the /Q or /QS parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the console window would be hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Browser Service |
Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service Supported values:
SQL Server Full-Text |
Specifies the Full-Text catalog upgrade option. Supported values:
Integration Services |
Specifies the account for Integration Services. Default value:
Integration Services |
Specifies the Integration Services password. |
Integration Services |
/ISSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for the Integration Services service. |
Reporting Services |
Reporting Services |
Sample Syntax:
To upgrade an existing instance or failover cluster node from SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005. |
To upgrade an existing instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 to a different edition of SQL Server 2008 R2. |
Repair Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for repair.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the repair workflow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/FEATURES Required |
Specifies components to repair. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
Sample Syntax:
Repair an instance and shared components. |
Rebuild System Database Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for rebuilding the master, model, msdb, and tempdb system databases. For more information, see Rebuilding System Databases.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the rebuild database workflow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies a new server-level collation. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
/SAPWD Required when /SECURITYMODE=SQL was specified during Installation of the Instance. |
Specifies the password for SQL SA account. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Use this parameter to provision logins to be members of the sysadmin role. |
Uninstall Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for uninstallation.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the uninstall work flow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/FEATURES Required |
Specifies components to uninstall. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
Sample Syntax:
To uninstall an existing instance of SQL Server. |
To remove a named instance, specify the name of the instance instead of "MSSQLSERVER" in the example that was mentioned earlier in this topic.
Failover Cluster Parameters
Before you install a SQL Server failover cluster instance, review the following topics:
Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2008 R2
Getting Started with SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering
All failover cluster installation commands require an underlying Windows cluster. All the nodes that will be part of a SQL Server failover cluster must be part of the same Windows cluster.
Test and modify the following failover cluster installation scripts to meet the needs of your organization.
Integrated Install Failover Cluster Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for failover cluster installation.
For more information about Integrated Installation, see Getting Started with SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering.
To add more nodes after the installation, use Add Node action.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Details |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the failover cluster installation work flow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the name of the resource group to be used for the SQL Server failover cluster. It can be the name of an existing cluster group or the name of a new resource group. Default value: SQLServer(<InstanceName>) |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/FEATURES Required |
Specifies components to install. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 64-bit shared components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 32-bit shared components. Supported only on a 64-bit system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies nondefault installation directory for instance-specific components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Optional |
Specifies a nondefault value for an InstanceID. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the console window would be hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the list of shared disks to be included in the SQL Server failover cluster resource group. Default value: The first drive is used as the default drive for all databases. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies an encoded IP address. The encodings are semicolon-delimited (;) and follow the format <IP Type>;<address>;<network name>;<subnet mask>. Supported IP types include DHCP, IPv4, and IPv6. You can specify multiple failover cluster IP addresses with a space in between. See the following examples:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the network name for the new SQL Server failover cluster. This name is used to identify the new SQL Server failover cluster instance on the network. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the account for the SQL Server Agent service. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the password for SQL Server Agent service account. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies global or local security domain group for the SQL Server Agent service. All resource permissions are controlled by domain-level security group that includes the service account as a member. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services backup files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the collation setting for Analysis Services. Default value:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services configuration files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
/ASDATADIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services data files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
/ASLOGDIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services log files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the administrator credentials for Analysis Services. |
Analysis Services |
/ASTEMPDIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services temporary files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies whether the MSOLAP provider can run in-process. Default value:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the global or local security domain group for Analysis Services service. All resource permissions are controlled by the domain-level security group that includes the service account as a member. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the data directory for SQL Server data files. The data directory must to specified and on a shared cluster disk. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for the SQL Server sa account. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the security mode for SQL Server. If this parameter is not supplied, then Windows-only authentication mode is supported. Supported value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for backup files. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the collation settings for SQL Server. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Use this parameter to provision logins to be members of the sysadmin role. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for tempdb. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for tempdb. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for user databases. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for user databases. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies global or local security domain group for the SQL Server Database Engine service. All resource permissions are controlled by domain-level security group that includes the service account as a member. |
Specifies the access level for the FILESTREAM feature. Supported values:
/FILESTREAMSHARENAME Optional Requiredwhen FILESTREAMLEVEL is greater than 1. |
Specifies the name of the windows share in which the FILESTREAM data will be stored. |
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the account for Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. ServiceSID will be used to help secure the communication between SQL Server and Full-text Filter Daemon. If the values are not provided the Full-text Filter Launcher Service will be disabled. You have to use SQL Server Control Manager to change the service account and enable full-text functionality. Default value:
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the password for the Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. |
Integration Services |
Specifies the account for Integration Services. Default value:
Integration Services |
Specifies the Integration Services password. |
Integration Services |
/ISSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for the Integration Services service. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the Install mode for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the startup account for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the password for the startup account for Reporting Services service. |
Reporting Services |
/RSSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for Reporting Services. |
1This parameter is required on Windows Server 2003 and in-place upgrade from SQL Server 2000 Failover Cluster to SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster. It is optional for installations on Windows Server 2008.
Additional Notes:
Do not use domain groups on Windows Server 2008 for new installations. We recommend that you use ServiceSID on Windows Server 2008.
The Database Engine and Analysis Services are the only components that are cluster-aware. Other features are not cluster-aware and do not have high availability through failover.
Sample Syntax:
To install a single-node SQL Server failover cluster instance with the Database Engine and Analysis Services, default instance. |
Prepare Failover Cluster Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for failover cluster prepare. This is the first step in advanced cluster installation, where you have to prepare the failover cluster instances on all the nodes of the failover cluster. For more information, see Getting Started with SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the failover cluster prepare work flow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/FEATURES Required |
Specifies components to install. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 64-bit shared components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for 32-bit shared components. Supported only on a 64-bit system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies nondefault installation directory for instance specific components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Optional |
Specifies a nondefault value for an InstanceID. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the account for the SQL Server Agent service. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the password for SQL Server Agent service account. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies global or local security domain group for the SQL Server Agent service. All resource permissions are controlled by domain-level security group that includes the service account as a member. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the account for the Analysis Services service. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the password for the Analysis Services service. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the global or local security domain group for Analysis Services service. All resource permissions are controlled by the domain-level security group that includes the service account as a member. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies global or local security domain group for the SQL Server Database Engine service. All resource permissions are controlled by domain-level security group that includes the service account as a member. |
Specifies the access level for the FILESTREAM feature. Supported values:
/FILESTREAMSHARENAME Optional Required when FILESTREAMLEVEL is greater than 1. |
Specifies the name of the windows share in which the FILESTREAM data will be stored. |
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the account for Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. ServiceSID will be used to help secure the communication between SQL Server and Full-text Filter Daemon. If the values are not provided the Full-text Filter Launcher Service will be disabled. You have to use SQL Server Control Manager to change the service account and enable full-text functionality. Default value:
SQL Server Full Text |
Specifies the password for the Full-Text filter launcher service. This parameter is ignored in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. |
Integration Services |
Specifies the account for Integration Services. Default value:
Integration Services |
Specifies the Integration Services password. |
Integration Services |
/ISSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for the Integration Services service. |
Reporting Services |
/RSINSTALLMODE Available only on Files only mode. |
Specifies the Install mode for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the startup account for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the password for the startup account for Reporting Services service. |
Reporting Services |
/RSSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for Reporting Services. |
1This parameter is required on Windows Server 2003 and in-place upgrade from SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Failover Cluster to SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster. It is optional for installations on Windows 2008.
Sample Syntax:
To perform the "Preparation" step of a failover cluster advanced installation scenario for the Database Engine and Analysis Services. Run the following command at the command prompt to prepare a default instance. |
To perform the "Preparation" step of a failover cluster advanced installation scenario for the Database Engine and Analysis Services. Run the following command at the command prompt to prepare a named instance. |
Complete Failover Cluster Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for failover cluster complete. This is the second step in the advanced failover cluster install option. After you have run prepare on all the failover cluster nodes, you run this command on the node that owns the shared disks. For more information, see Getting Started with SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the failover cluster complete work flow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the name of the resource group to be used for the SQL Server failover cluster. It can be the name of an existing cluster group or the name of a new resource group. Default value: SQLServer(<InstanceName>) |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the list of shared disks to be included in the SQL Server failover cluster resource group. Default value: The first drive is used as the default drive for all databases. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies an encoded IP address. The encodings are semicolon-delimited (;) and follow the format <IP Type>;<address>;<network name>;<subnet mask>. Supported IP types include DHCP, IPv4, and IPv6. You can specify multiple failover cluster IP addresses with a space in between. See the following examples:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the network name for the new SQL Server failover cluster. This name is used to identify the new SQL Server failover cluster instance on the network. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services backup files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the collation setting for Analysis Services. Default value:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services configuration files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
/ASDATADIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services data files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
/ASLOGDIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services log files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies the administrator credentials for Analysis Services. |
Analysis Services |
/ASTEMPDIR Optional |
Specifies the directory for Analysis Services temporary files. Default values:
Analysis Services |
Specifies whether the MSOLAP provider can run in-process. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the data directory for SQL Server data files. The data directory must to specified and on a shared cluster disk. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for the SQL Server sa account. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the security mode for SQL Server. If this parameter is not supplied, then Windows-only authentication mode is supported Supported values:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for backup files. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the collation settings for SQL Server. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Use this parameter to provision logins to be members of the sysadmin role. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for tempdb. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the l files for tempdb. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the data files for user databases. Default value:
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the directory for the log files for user databases. Default value:
Reporting Services |
/RSINSTALLMODE Available on files only mode. |
Specifies the Install mode for Reporting Services. |
Sample Syntax:
To perform the "Completion" step of a failover cluster advanced installation scenario for the Database Engine and Analysis Services. Run the following command on the computer that will be the active node in the failover cluster to make it usable. You must run the "CompleteFailoverCluster" action on the node that owns the shared disk in the Analysis Services failover cluster. |
Run the following command at the command prompt to complete failover cluster installation for a default instance:
Run the following command at the command prompt to complete failover cluster installation for a named instance:
Upgrade Failover Cluster Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for failover cluster upgrade. For more information, see How to: Upgrade a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance (Setup) and Getting Started with SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate the installation workflow. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the error reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ INSTANCEDIR Optional |
Specifies a nondefault installation directory for shared components. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/INSTANCEID Required when you upgrade from SQL Server 2008 Optional when you upgrade from SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 |
Specifies a nondefault value for an InstanceID. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies feature usage reporting for SQL Server. For more information, see Privacy Statement for the Microsoft Error Reporting Service. Supported values:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the failover behavior during upgrade. |
SQL Server Browser Service |
Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service Supported values:
SQL Server Full-Text |
Specifies the Full-Text catalog upgrade option. Supported values:
Integration Services |
Specifies the account for Integration Services. Default value:
Integration Services |
Specifies the Integration Services password. |
Integration Services |
/ISSVCStartupType Optional |
Specifies the startup mode for the Integration Services service. |
Reporting Services |
Reporting Services |
Add Node Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for AddNode.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate AddNode work flow. Supported value:
SQL Server Setup Control |
/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Required only when the /Q parameter is specified for unattended installations. |
Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ENU Optional |
Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating system when the installation media includes language packs for both English and the language corresponding to the operating system. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/PID Optional |
Specifies the product key for the edition of SQL Server. If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the account for the SQL Server Agent service. |
SQL Server Agent |
Specifies the password for SQL Server Agent service account. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the account for the Analysis Services service. |
Analysis Services |
Specifies the password for the Analysis Services service. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service. |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT. |
Integration Services |
Specifies the Integration Services password. |
Reporting Services |
/RSINSTALLMODE Available in Files only mode |
Specifies the Install mode for Reporting Services. |
Reporting Services |
Specifies the startup account password for the Reporting Services service. |
Additional Notes:
The Database Engine and Analysis Services are the only components that are cluster-aware. Other features are not cluster-aware and do not have high availability through failover.
Sample Syntax:
To add a node to an existing failover cluster instance with the Database Engine and Analysis Services. |
Remove Node Parameters
Use the parameters in the following table to develop command-line scripts for RemoveNode. To uninstall a failover cluster, you must run RemoveNode on each failover cluster node. For more information, see Getting Started with SQL Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering.
SQL Server component |
Parameter |
Description |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/ACTION Required |
Required to indicate RemoveNode work flow. Supported value:
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/HELP, H, ? Optional |
Displays the usage options for the parameters. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the verbose Setup log file will be piped to the console. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies a SQL Server instance name. For more information, see Instance Configuration.Instance Configuration. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
/Q Optional |
Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations. |
SQL Server Setup Control |
Specifies that the console window is hidden or closed. |
Sample Syntax:
To remove a node from an existing failover cluster instance with the Database Engine and Analysis Services. |
Parameters from Previous SQL Server Versions
Use the following table to find supported parameter mapping from the previous SQL Server versions.
SQL Server 2005 |
Supported in SQL Server 2008 R2 |
Replacement Parameter in SQL Server 2008 R2 |
Comments |
/QB |
No |
/QS will be supported |
/QN |
No |
No |
/ACTION=Install and /FEATURES |
No |
To add a node to SQL Server cluster, run setup on the node to be added and specify "new" AddNode action. |
No |
SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster setup does not support remote deployment. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
FTS changes to IFTS for SQL Server 2008 R2 as part of SQL Server Database Engine. You do not have to have a separate IFTS group. |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Features that can be clustered:
Yes |
/IP |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
/PID |
No |
Use /ACTION=RebuildDatabase |
No |
No |
No |
No |
To remove a node from SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster, run Setup on the node to be removed and specify the RemoveNode action. |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
/VS |
Yes |
/RSUpgradeDatabase |
Yes |
/RSUpgradeDatabase |
/RSUpgradePassword |
Yes |
/RSUpgradePassword |
Service Account Parameters
You can configure the SQL Server services by using a built-in account, local account, or domain account.
When you use a built-in account, you should not specify the corresponding password parameters.
For more information about service account configuration, see Server Configuration - Service Accounts and Setting Up Windows Service Accounts.
SQL Server component |
Account parameter |
Password parameter |
Startup type |
SQL Server Agent |
Analysis Services |
SQL Server Database Engine |
Integration Services |
Reporting Services |
Feature Parameters
To install specific features, use the /FEATURES parameter and specify the parent feature or feature values in the following table.
Parent feature parameter |
Feature parameter |
Description |
Installs the SQL Server Database Engine, Replication, and Fulltext components. |
SQLEngine |
Installs just the SQL Server Database Engine. |
Replication |
Installs the Replication component along with SQL Server Database Engine. |
FullText |
Installs the FullText component along with SQL Server Database Engine. |
AS |
Installs all Analysis Services components. |
RS |
Installs all Reporting Services components. |
IS |
Installs all Integration Services components. |
Tools |
Installs client tools and SQL Server Books Online. |
BC |
Installs backward compatibility components. |
Installs SQL Server Books Online. |
Installs Business Intelligence Development Studio. |
Conn |
Installs connectivity components. |
Installs SQL Server Management Tools – Basic. This includes the following:
Installs SQL Server Management Tools – Complete. This includes the following components in addition to the components in the Basic version:
Installs the software development kit. |
Feature parameter examples:
Parameter and values |
Description |
Installs the Database Engine without replication and full-text. |
/FEATURES=SQLEngine, FullText |
Installs the Database Engine and full-text. |
Installs the complete Database Engine and all tools. |
Installs SQL Server Books Online. |
Role Parameters
The setup role or /Role parameter is used to install a preconfigured selection of features. The Analysis Services roles install an Analysis Services instance in either an existing SharePoint farm, or a new un-configured farm. Two setup roles are provided to support each scenario. You can only choose one setup role to install at a time. If you choose a setup role, Setup installs the features and components that belong to the role. You cannot vary the features and components that are designated for that role. For more information about how to use the feature role parameter, see Setup Command Reference (PowerPivot for SharePoint) and How to: Install PowerPivot for SharePoint from the Command Prompt.
The AllFeatures_WithDefaults role is the default behavior for editions of SQL Server Express and reduces the number of dialog boxes presented to the user. It can be specified from the command line when installing a SQL Server edition that is not SQL Server Express.
Role |
Description |
Installs… |
SPI_AS_ExistingFarm |
Installs Analysis Services as a POWERPIVOT named instance on an existing Office SharePoint Server 2010 farm or standalone server. |
Analysis Services calculation engine, preconfigured for in-memory data storage and processing. PowerPivot solution packages Installer program for the PowerPivot for Excel SQL Server Books Online |
SPI_AS_NewFarm |
Installs Analysis Services and Database Engine as a POWERPIVOT named instance on a new, un-configured Office SharePoint Server 2010 farm or standalone server. SQL Server Setup will configure the farm during feature role installation. |
Analysis Services calculation engine, preconfigured for in-memory data storage and processing. PowerPivot solution packages Installer program for the PowerPivot for Excel SQL Server Books Online Database Engine Configuration Tools SQL Server Management Studio |
AllFeatures_WithDefaults |
Installs all features that are available with the current edition. Adds the current user to the SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role. On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 or higher and when the operating system is not a domain controller, the Database Engine, and Reporting Services are defaulted to use the NTAUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account, and Integration Services is defaulted to use the NTAUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account. This role is enabled by default in editions of SQL Server Express. For all other editions, this role is not enabled but can be specified through the UI or with command line parameters. |
For editions of SQL Server Express, installs only those features available in the edition. For other editions, installs all SQL Server features. The AllFeatures_WithDefaults parameter can be combined with other parameters which override the AllFeatures_WithDefaults parameter settings. For example, using the AllFeatures_WithDefaults parameter and the /Features=RS parameter overrides the command to install all features and only installs Reporting Services, but honors the AllFeatures_WithDefaults parameter to use the default service account for Reporting Services. When using the AllFeatures_WithDefaults parameter along with the /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN=FALSE the provisioning dialog is not auto populated with the current user. Add /AGTSVCACCOUNT and /AGTSVCPASSWORD to specify a service account and password for the SQL Server Agent. |
Instance ID or InstanceID Configuration
The Instance ID or /InstanceID parameter is used for specifying where you can install the instance components and the registry path of the instance. The value of “INSTANCEID” is a string and should be unique.
The instance-aware components are installed to the following locations:
%Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\<SQLInstanceID>
%Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\<ASInstanceID>
%Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\<RSInstanceID>
If INSTANCEID is not specified on the command line, then by default Setup substitute <INSTANCEID> with the <INSTANCENAME>.
Controlling Failover Behavior using the /FAILOVERCLUSTERROLLOWNERSHIP Parameter
To upgrade a SQL Server failover cluster to SQL Server 2008 R2, you must run the Setup on one failover cluster node at a time, starting with the passive nodes. Setup determines when to fail over to the upgraded node, depending on the total number of nodes in the failover cluster instance, and the number of nodes that have already been upgraded. When half of the nodes or more have already been upgraded, Setup by default will cause a failover to an upgraded node.
To control the failover behavior of cluster nodes during the upgrade process, run the upgrade operation at the command prompt and use the /FAILOVERCLUSTERROLLOWNERSHIP parameter to control the failover behavior before the upgrade operation takes the node offline. Use of this parameter is as follows:
/FAILOVERCLUSTERROLLOWNERSHIP=0 will not roll cluster ownership (move group) to upgraded nodes, and does not add this node to the list of possible owners of the SQL Server cluster at the end of upgrade.
/FAILOVERCLUSTERROLLOWNERSHIP=1 will roll cluster ownership (move group) to upgraded nodes, and will add this node to the list of possible owners of the SQL Server cluster at the end of upgrade.
/FAILOVERCLUSTERROLLOWNERSHIP=2 is the default setting. It will be used if this parameter is not specified. This setting indicates that SQL Server Setup will manage cluster ownership (move group) as needed.