URL Access Syntax
You can access the report server by using a URL. URL requests can contain multiple parameters that are listed in any order. Parameters are separated by an ampersand (&) and name/value pairs are separated by an equal sign (=).
The protocol of the URL. For example, http:// or https://.server
The name of the computer on which the report server is running. This can include a fully qualified domain name, for example: machine.adventure-works.com.vitualroot
The name of the virtual root of the report server.?
The item path and parameter portion of the URL.**[/**pathinfo ]
The full path name of the item being accessed in the report server database.&
Used to separate name and value pairs of parameters.prefix
Optional. A parameter prefix (for example, rs: or rc:) that accesses a specific process running within the report server. If a parameter prefix for a parameter is not included, the parameter is processed by the report server as a report parameter.Note
If you include a report parameter in a URL, do not preface the report parameter with a parameter prefix.
The parameter name.value
URL text corresponding to the value of the parameter being used.
The following example renders a report in HTML 4.0 format.
https://servername/reportserver?/SampleReports/Employee Sales Summary&rs:Command=Render&rs:format=HTML4.0
Any space characters in the URL string are replaced with the characters "%20," according to URL encoding standards. Similarly, a space character in the parameter portion of the URL is replaced with a plus character (+), and a semicolon in any portion of the string is replaced with the characters "%3A." Browsers should automatically perform the proper URL encoding. You do not have to encode any of the characters manually.
When Reporting Services is configured for SharePoint Integrated mode, the syntax used to access the report server URL must include the "/_vti_bin/" portion of the URL so that the report server proxy and the appropriate SharePoint authentication are used. For example, use the following URL:
Not the URL of:
http://<RS server>/ReportServer
See Also