Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

ListBox Control Properties, Methods and Events


Application BaseClass BorderColor
BoundColumn BoundTo Class
ClassLibrary ColorScheme ColorSource
ColumnCount ColumnLines ColumnWidths
Comment ControlSource DisabledBackColor
DisabledForeColor DisabledItemBackColor DisabledItemForeColor
DisplayValue DragIcon DragMode
Enabled FirstElement FontBold
FontCondense FontExtend FontItalic
FontName FontOutline FontShadow
FontSize FontStrikeThru FontUnderLine
Height HelpContextID IncrementalSearch
IntegralHeight ItemBackColor ItemData
ItemForeColor ItemIDData ItemTips
Left List ListCount
ListIndex ListItem ListItemID
MouseIcon MousePointer MoverBars
MultiSelect Name NewIndex
NewItemID NullDisplay NumberOfElements
OLEDragMode OLEDragPicture OLEDropEffects
OLEDropHasData Property OLEDropMode Parent
ParentClass Picture RightToLeft
RowSource RowSourceType Selected
SelectedID ItemBackColor, ItemForeColor Properties ItemBackColor, ItemForeColor Properties
Sorted SpecialEffect StatusBarText
TabIndex TabStop Tag
TerminateRead ToolTipText Top
TopIndex TopItemID Value
Visible WhatsThisHelpID Width


Click DblClick Destroy
DragDrop DragOver Error
ErrorMessage GotFocus Init
InteractiveChange KeyPress LostFocus
Message MiddleClick Event MouseDown
MouseEnter MouseLeave MouseMove
MouseUp MouseWheel OLECompleteDrag
OLEDragDrop OLEDragOver OLEGiveFeedBack
OLESetData OLEStartDrag ProgrammaticChange
RangeHigh RangeLow RightClick
UIEnable Valid When


AddItem AddListItem AddProperty
Clear CloneObject Drag
IndexToItemID ItemIDToIndex Move
OLEDrag ReadExpression ReadMethod
Refresh RemoveItem RemoveListItem
Requery ResetToDefault SaveAsClass
SetFocus WriteExpression WriteMethod


The following example creates a ListBox control. The source of the items that appear in the list box is an array specified with the RowSourceType and RowSource properties.

The MultiSelect property for the list box is set to true (.T.), allowing you to make multiple selections from the list. The item or items you choose are displayed by using the ListCount, Selected, and List properties (which determine the number of items in the list and the items you chose).


DIMENSION gaMyListArray(10)
FOR gnCount = 1 to 10  && Fill the array with letters
   STORE REPLICATE(CHR(gnCount+64),6) TO gaMyListArray(gnCount)

frmMyForm = CREATEOBJECT('Form')  && Create a Form
frmMyForm.Closable = .f.  && Disable the Control menu box

frmMyForm.Move(150,10)  && Move the form

frmMyForm.AddObject('cmbCommand1','cmdMyCmdBtn')  && Add "Quit" Command button
frmMyForm.AddObject('lstListBox1','lstMyListBox')  && Add ListBox control

frmMyForm.lstListBox1.RowSourceType = 5  && Specifies an array
frmMyForm.lstListBox1.RowSource = 'gaMyListArray' && Array containing listbox items

frmMyForm.cmbCommand1.Visible =.T.  && "Quit" Command button visible
frmMyForm.lstListBox1.Visible =.T.  && "List Box visible

frmMyForm.SHOW  && Display the form
READ EVENTS  && Start event processing

DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmdBtn AS CommandButton  && Create Command button
   Caption = '\<Quit'  && Caption on the Command button
   Cancel = .T.  && Default Cancel Command button (Esc)
   Left = 125  && Command button column
   Top = 210  && Command button row
   Height = 25  && Command button height

      CLEAR EVENTS  && Stop event processing, close Form
      CLEAR  && Clear main Visual FoxPro window

DEFINE CLASS lstMyListBox AS ListBox  && Create ListBox control
   Left = 10  && List Box column
   Top = 10  && List Box row
   MultiSelect = .T.  && Allow selecting more than 1 item

   ? "Selected items:"
   ? "---------------"
   FOR nCnt = 1 TO ThisForm.lstListBox1.ListCount
      IF ThisForm.lstListBox1.Selected(nCnt)  && Is item selected?
         ? SPACE(5) + ThisForm.lstListBox1.List(nCnt) && Show item


See Also

ListBox Control | ListCount Property | Form Designer | Using Controls