Megosztás a következőn keresztül:


Gets the control property specified by dwDispID.

virtual void GetProperty( 
   DISPID dwDispID, 
   VARTYPE vtProp, 
   void* pvProp  
) const;


  • dwDispID
    Identifies the dispatch ID of the property, found on the control's default IDispatch interface, to be retrieved.

  • vtProp
    Specifies the type of the property to be retrieved. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

  • pvProp
    Address of the variable that will receive the property value. It must match the type specified by vtProp.


The value is returned through pvProp.


Header: afxocc.h

See Also


COleControlSite Class

Hierarchy Chart

Other Resources

COleControlSite Members