Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

Reference3 Interface

Extends the Reference2 interface of the VSLangProj2 namespace.

Namespace:  VSLangProj80
Assembly:  VSLangProj80 (in VSLangProj80.dll)


<GuidAttribute("5021602E-2025-4299-88D2-0A92E8B41ADF")> _
Public Interface Reference3 _
    Inherits Reference2
public interface Reference3 : Reference2
public interface class Reference3 : Reference2
type Reference3 =  
        interface Reference2
public interface Reference3 extends Reference2

The Reference3 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Aliases Gets or sets the aliased names for the specified reference. This property applies to Visual C# only.
Public property AutoReferenced Gets whether the reference is automatically referenced by the compiler.
Public property BuildNumber Gets the build number of the reference.
Public property Collection Gets a collection of References.
Public property ContainingProject Gets the Project containing the reference.
Public property CopyLocal Gets or sets whether the reference is copied to the local bin path.
Public property Culture Gets the culture string of a reference.
Public property Description Gets a text description of the reference.
Public property DTE Gets the top-level extensibility object.
Public property Extender Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public property ExtenderCATID Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public property ExtenderNames Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public property Identity Gets the unique identifier of the reference.
Public property Isolated Gets or sets whether the COM reference is isolated, that is, not registered with Windows.
Public property MajorVersion Gets the major version number of the reference.
Public property MinorVersion Gets the minor version number of the reference.
Public property Name Gets the name of the object.
Public property Path Gets the path to the reference file.
Public property PublicKeyToken Gets the public key token from a strongly signed reference.
Public property RefType Gets the type of reference: assembly, COM, or native.
Public property Resolved Gets whether the current reference was resolved.
Public property RevisionNumber Gets the revision number of the reference.
Public property RuntimeVersion Gets the version of the runtime against which the reference was built. This is applicable only for .NET references.
Public property SourceProject Gets a Project object if the reference is a project. Otherwise, it returns Nothing (a null object).
Public property SpecificVersion Gets or sets whether only a specific version of the reference is used.
Public property StrongName Gets whether the reference is signed with a public/private key pair.
Public property SubType Sets or Gets the assembly subtype.
Public property Type Obsolete. Included for backward compatibility only. Use RefType instead.
Public property Version Gets the version of the specified reference.



  Name Description
Public method Remove Removes the reference from the References object that contains it.



Reference3 defines the following new parameters:







The following example adds two references to an open Visual Basic or Visual C# project. It then calls a function, GetRefTypeName, to display the reference type and calls a function, ReportReferences, to display additional reference properties. To run this example as an add-in, see How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples.

The default paths for the added references are : <installation root>\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies for adodb.dll, and <installation root>\Program Files\Common Files\SpeechEngines\Microsoft for spcommon.dll. Replace the <file path> in the example with these or other appropriate file paths.

Imports VSLangProj
Imports VSLangProj2
Imports VSLangProj80
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object,_
 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
 ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
    applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
    addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub AddNewReference(ByVal dte As DTE2)
    Dim aProject As Project
    Dim aVSProject As VSProject2
    aProject = applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1)
    aVSProject =_
 CType(applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1).Object, VSProject2)
    ' Add an Assembly reference and display its type and additional
    ' information.
    Dim newRef As Reference3
    ' Replace <file path> with an actual path.
    newRef = aVSProject.References.Add("<file path>\adodb.dll")
    MsgBox("The " & newRef.Name() & " added, is of type:" & vbCr _
    & GetRefTypeName(newRef))
    MsgBox("A report on " & newRef.Name() & ":" & vbCr & _
    ' Add a COM reference and display its type and a report.
    ' Replace <file path> with an actual path.
    newRef = aVSProject.References.Add("<file path>\spcommon.dll")
    MsgBox("The " & newRef.Name() & " added, is of type:" & vbCr _
    & GetRefTypeName(newRef))
    MsgBox("A report on " & newRef.Name() & ":" & vbCr & _
End Sub
Private Function GetRefTypeName(ByVal ref As Reference3) _
    As String
    Dim type As String
    Select Case ref.Type
        Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeActiveX
            type = "COM"
         Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeAssembly
            type = "Assembly"
    End Select
    Return type
End Function
Function ReportReferences(ByVal aRef As Reference3) As String
    Dim report As String = ""
    Dim type As String
    ' Each entry in the ArrayList contains a label and a value.
    Dim ht As System.Collections.ArrayList = _
    New System.Collections.ArrayList
    With aRef
        ht.Add(New String() {"Name", .Name})
        ht.Add(New String() {"Description", .Description})
        ht.Add(New String() {"Version",  -
        String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", _
        .MajorVersion, .MinorVersion, .BuildNumber, .RevisionNumber)})
        ht.Add(New String() {"Location", .ContainingProject.FullName})
            Select Case .Type
            Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeActiveX
                type = "COM"
            Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeAssembly
                type = "Assembly"
            End Select
            ht.Add(New String() {"Type", type})
            ht.Add(New String() {"Culture", .Culture})
    End With
    Dim datas() As String
    For Each datas In ht
        report &= datas(0) & ControlChars.Tab & datas(1) & _
    Return report
End Function
using System.Windows.Forms;
using VSLangProj;
using VSLangProj2;
using VSLangProj80;
public void OnConnection(object application,
 ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;

public void AddNewReference(DTE2 dte)
    Project aProject = null;
    VSProject2 aVSProject = null;
    aProject = applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1);
    aVSProject = 
    // Add an Assembly reference and display its type and a report.
    Reference3 newRef = null;
    // Replace <file path> with an actual file path.
    newRef = ((Reference3)(aVSProject.References.Add(@"
<file path>\adodb.dll")));
    MessageBox.Show("The " + newRef.Name + " added, is of type:" 
+ "\n" + GetRefTypeName(newRef));
    MessageBox.Show("A report on " + newRef.Name + ":" + "\n" 
+ ReportReferences(newRef)); 
    // Add a COM reference and display its type and a report.
    // Replace <file path> with an actual file path.
    newRef = ((Reference3)(aVSProject.References.Add(@"
<file path>\spcommon.dll")));
    MessageBox.Show("The " + newRef.Name + " added, is of type:" 
+ "\n" + GetRefTypeName(newRef));
    MessageBox.Show("A report on " + newRef.Name + ":" + "\n" 
+ ReportReferences(newRef)); 
private string GetRefTypeName(Reference3 refIdent)
    string type = null;
    switch (refIdent.Type)
     case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeActiveX:
        type = "COM";
    case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeAssembly:
        type = "Assembly";
    return type;
public string ReportReferences(Reference3 aRef)
    string report = "";
    string type = null;
    // Each entry in the ArrayList contains a label and a value.
    System.Collections.ArrayList ht = 
new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    VSLangProj.Reference temp = aRef;
    ht.Add(new string[] { "Name", temp.Name });
    ht.Add(new string[] { "Description", temp.Description });
   ht.Add(new string[] { "Version", string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}"
, temp.MajorVersion, temp.MinorVersion, 
temp.BuildNumber, temp.RevisionNumber) });
    ht.Add(new string[] { "Location", 
temp.ContainingProject.FullName });
    switch (temp.Type)
        case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeActiveX:
            type = "COM";
        case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeAssembly:
            type = "Assembly";
    ht.Add(new string[] { "Type", type });
    ht.Add(new string[] { "Culture", temp.Culture });
    string[] datas = null;
    foreach (string[] temp1 in ht)
        datas = temp1; 
        report += datas[0] + "\t" + datas[1] + "\n";
    return report;

See Also


VSLangProj80 Namespace
