To create a full-text search stop list
- Open a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, and create a text file.
- Type in any words or numbers you want to exclude from a search, one word per line.
- Save the file, and then rename it with .stp as the file name extension.
- Add the .stp file to the same directory as your project (.hhp) file.
- Add the stop list to your project file.
Sample stop list
Copy any words from the following sample that you want to include in your stop list:
- a
- about
- after
- against
- all
- also
- among
- an
- and
- are
- as
- at
- be
- became
- because
- been
- between
- but
- by
- can
- come
- do
- during
- each
- early
- for
- form
- found
- from
- had
- has
- have
- he
- her
- his
- however
- in
- include
- into
- is
- it
- its
- late
- later
- me
- med
- made
- many
- may
- more
- most
- near
- no
- non
- not
- of
- on
- only
- or
- other
- over
- several
- she
- some
- such
- than
- that
- the
- their
- then
- there
- these
- they
- this
- through
- to
- under
- until
- use
- was
- we
- were
- when
- where
- which
- who
- with
- you
- A stop list decreases the size of the full-text search index, which results in a smaller compiled help (.chm) file because fewer words are indexed. This is especially important if you have a large documentation set. All words in the stop list are omitted from the search. These are usually commonly occurring words, such as "the," "and," or "1" that a user is unlikely to search for.
- Numbers can also be used in a stop list.
- For the 1.3 release of HTML Help, the size of this file is limited to 512 bytes.
- Do not set the stop list as read-only, it will not function if this property is set.
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