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Azure sysbench CPU performance meter

Azure Public Test Date Azure Public Test Result

Azure US Gov Last Test Date Azure US Gov Last Test Result

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This template allows you to run a CPU performance test using sysbench utility.

Upon template deployment you will have the CPU performance automatically measured. You can see the measurements like this:

OutputsString           :
                          Name             Type                       Value
                          ===============  =========================  ==========
                          totaltime        String                     36.8515s
                          perrequestmin    String                     2.96ms
                          perrequestavg    String                     7.37ms
                          perrequestmax    String                     22.26ms
                          perrequest95percentile  String                     11.48ms

alt text

To re-measure and get full ouput you can login to the test VM with credentials you provided during deployment and use this a command like this:

sysbench --test=cpu --num-threads=10 --cpu-max-prime=20000 run

In case you don't need to re-measure, it is safe to delete the created resource group.

Tags: Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces, Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, extensions, CustomScriptForLinux