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Search solutions for SharePoint

Search in SharePoint combines ease of configuration and deployment with the scalability and extensibility of the FAST Search Server on a single enterprise search platform.

SharePoint includes common patterns in the search platform to help you customize search for different scenarios. For example:

  • Video search and conversation search are included as out-of-the-box search verticals.
  • Topic pages and Content-by-Search enhance web content management capabilities and scenarios such as search-driven sites and knowledge management sites.
  • My tasks pulls together project tasks so that users can track tasks assigned in multiple sites in a central location: their OneDrive for Business site.

SharePoint search architecture

The search architecture in SharePoint includes components and databases that work together.

Search components in SharePoint

Component Description
Crawl Crawls content sources to collect properties and metadata and sends this information to the content processing component.
Content processing Transforms the crawled items and sends them to the index component.
This component also maps crawled properties to managed properties.
Analytics processing Carries out search analytics and usage analytics.
Index Receives the processed items from the content processing component and writes them to the search index.
This component also handles incoming queries, retrieves information from the search index, and sends back the result set to the query processing component.
Query processing Analyzes incoming queries. This helps optimize precision, recall, and relevance.
The queries are sent to the index component, which returns a set of search results for the query.
Search administration Runs the system processes for search, and adds and initializes new instances of search components.

Search databases in SharePoint

Database Description
Crawl Stores tracking information and historical information about crawled items such as documents and URLs.
It also stores information such as the last crawl time, the last crawl ID, and the type of update (add, update, delete) during the last crawl.
Link Stores unprocessed information that is extracted by the content processing component and information about search clicks.
The analytics processing component analyzes this information.
Analytics reporting Stores the results of usage analysis.
Search administration Stores search configuration data.

Crawl and content processing

The crawl process starts with the different sources of content (for example HTTP, file shares, and SharePoint). For content to be added to the index, the crawler uses connectors that tell the crawler how to connect to the content source and access the content items within the source. After the crawler has found the content items, it uses an applicable format handler to parse the content.

After retrieving the content, the crawl component passes crawled items to the content processing component, which processes the items and sends them to the index component. This includes document parsing, mapping crawled properties to their associated managed properties, and linguistics processing, such as language detection and entity extraction. The content processing component also writes information about links and URLs to the link database.

Query processing

The query processing component analyzes and processes search queries to optimize precision, recall, and relevance, including performing linguistics processing such as word breaking and stemming. The processed query is then submitted to the index component, which returns a result set based on the processed query to the query processing component, which in turn processes that result set.

Search analytics

SharePoint analyzes both the content itself (search analytics) and also the way that users interact with it (usage analytics), and uses this information to improve search.

Search analytics is about extracting information, such as links, the number of times an item is clicked, anchor text, data related to people, and metadata, from the link database. Search analytics forms the basis of determining relevance.

Usage analytics, on the other hand, is about analyzing usage log information received from the front-end via the event store. Usage analytics forms the basis of usage and statistics reports.

The results from the analyses are added to the items in the search index. In addition, results from usage analytics are stored in the analytics reporting database.

Building blocks for customizing the search experience

Search in SharePoint and SharePoint Online includes new functionality and improvements that allow you to customize the search experience. Many of the improvements do not require you to write code. SharePoint search includes CSOM and REST APIs to help when you do need to write code for your customization, or if you want to create add-ins to access SharePoint search results outside of SharePoint.

The new functionality and improvements include the following:

  • Search Center site
  • Search Center web parts
  • Result sources
  • Query rules
  • Query transforms
  • Result types and display templates

Search Center site

The Search Center is a SharePoint site set up for search. It is a portal where you can search for content on your organization's intranet, and it provides a centralized and highly customizable user interface. This section describes the Search Center's pages and web parts, along with the search configuration settings that you can modify to create custom search applications or search experiences without writing a lot of code.

When you create a Search Center site, SharePoint creates a default search home page and a default search results page. In addition, several pages known as search verticals are also created. Search verticals are search results pages that are customized to search specific content types, such as People and Videos, and they display search results that are filtered and formatted for a specific content type or class.

The following pages are created in a Search Center site collection, in the Pages library:

  • default.aspx – The home page for the Search Center, and the page where end users enter their queries.
  • results.aspx – The default search results page for the Search Center. It is also the search results page for the Everything search vertical.
  • peopleresults.aspx – The search results page for the People search vertical.
  • conversationresults.aspx – The search results page for the Conversations search vertical.
  • videoresults.aspx – The search results page for the Videos search vertical.
  • advanced.aspx – The search page where end users can apply restrictions to their search phrases, for example, limiting the search to an exact phrase.

All the search vertical pages contain the Search Results web part, although the web part is configured differently for each search vertical. For each, the query in the Search Results web part is directed to a specific result source, applicable to that search vertical. For example, the query in the Search Results web part on the peopleresults.aspx page is limited to the Local People Results result source. Understanding how the default search verticals in SharePoint are configured can help you create your own search vertical or customize the Search Center.

The following are additional resources to help you work with the Search Center:

Search Center web parts

Search Center pages contain four types of web parts: Search Box, Search Results, Search Navigation, and Refinement.

Search Box web part

The Search Box web part shows a text box where users enter text on which to search. By default, the Search Box web part is used on the Search Center home page (default.aspx), as well as on all default search results pages (results.aspx, peopleresults.aspx, conversationresults.aspx, and videoresults.aspx).

You can customize the Search Box web part by editing properties in the web part tool pane. This allows you to do the following:

  • Change where the search results are displayed. For example, you can show results in a custom Search Results web part or on a custom search results page.
  • Turn off query suggestions and people suggestions.
  • Show links to a search preference page and an advanced search page.
  • Change the display template for the web part.

For more information, see:

Search Results web part

The Search Results web part displays the results of a search query. By default, the Search Results web part is used on all default search vertical pages (results.aspx, peopleresults.aspx, conversationresults.aspx, and videoresults.aspx). The Search Results web part also sends the search results to the Refinement web part and the Search Navigation web part, so there must be a Search Results web part on a search results page for the other search web parts to work.

You can edit the Search Results web part properties in the web part tool pane to change the search query, as well as to alter the behavior and appearance of results on the search results page.

By changing property values, you can do the following:

  • Change the result source to specify which content should be searched.
  • Add query variables or property filters to customize search results for different users or user groups.
  • Promote or demote items or pages within the search results.
  • Change the sorting of the search results.
  • Change the display template.

For more information about the Search Results web parts, see:

Search Navigation web part

The Search Navigation web part shows links that let users move quickly between the different search verticals (Everything, People, Conversations, and Videos). The Search Navigation web part uses search results from the Search Results web part so that when users choose a search vertical link, the search results are filtered and displayed according to how the search vertical is set up.

By editing the Search Navigation web part properties in the web part tool pane, you can customize the web part as follows:

  • Specify a different web part from which to get the results.
  • Change the number of search vertical links to show.
  • Change the appearance and layout of the web part.

Additionally, on the ribbon, you can select Site Settings > Search Settings to make the following changes:

  • Change the link display names.
  • Change the link order.

Refinement web part

The Refinement web part filters search results into categories called refiners. Users can choose these refiners to narrow search results. Refiners are managed properties that are marked as Refinable and Queryable. For information about these settings, see the Managed property settings overview in Overview of the search schema in SharePoint Server.

You can edit the Refinement web part properties in the web part tool pane to specify the following:

  • Which Search Results web part to filter search results from.
  • The refiners to use in the Refinement web part.
  • The display template that is applied to each refiner.
  • The appearance, layout, and behavior of the Refinement web part.

By default, the Refinement web part doesn't show the number of results for each refiner value. You can add refiner counts by modifying the display template for the refiner.

For more information about this feature, see Configure properties of the Refinement web part in SharePoint Server.

For more information about the Refinement web part and refiners, see:

Result sources

Result sources limit searches to certain content or to a subset of search results. You can define a result source by specifying the following:

  • A search provider or source URL to get search results from; for example, the search index of the local SharePoint Search service.
  • A protocol to use to get search results; for example, the OpenSearch protocol.
  • A query transform, which can narrow results from the given search provider or URL to a specific subset of results; for example, to a set of results that has a particular content type.

SharePoint provides sixteen preconfigured result sources, including Local SharePoint Results, Conversations, and Items related to current user. You can view details about result sources from the Manage Result Sources page (Site Settings > Search > Result Sources).

From the Manage Result Sources page, you can create new result sources in either of the following two ways:

  • Choose New Result Source and select the result source that you want. For more information, see Configure result sources for search in SharePoint Server.
  • Point to the arrow next to an existing result source, choose Copy, and then modify the copy as necessary and save it with a new name.

A result source specifies one of four protocols to obtain search results. If the result source uses a protocol other than Local SharePoint, the result source must also specify a URL from which to get search results.

Result source protocols and their providers

Result source protocol Provider URL
Local SharePoint The search index of the local Search service. N/A
Remote SharePoint The search index of a Search service hosted in another farm. The address of the root site collection of the remote SharePoint farm.
OpenSearch 1.0/1.1 An external search provider (such as a remote search engine or feed) that uses the OpenSearch protocol to provide search results. The URL of the RSS feed of a search provider that uses the OpenSearch protocol.
Exchange Exchange Web Services (EWS). An EWS URL.

For more information, see the following:

Query rules

Use query rules to customize the search experience for queries that are particularly important to your users. In a query rule, you specify the context, conditions, and correlated actions. Then, in the specified context, and when a query meets the specified conditions, search performs its correlated actions to improve the relevance of the search results.

With respect to context, you can restrict query rule queries that are:

  • Performed on a specified result source.
  • From a specified topic category.
  • Performed by a user matching a specified user segment.

The following table lists conditions that you can specify that cause a query rule to run.

Query rule conditions

Condition Description
Query matches keyword exactly Apply the query rule when the query exactly matches a word or phrase that you specify.
Query contains action term Apply the query rule when the query contains a term in the form of a single word or phrase that indicates that the user is trying to do something.
The term must be at the beginning or end of the query and might be a verb, a command, or a filter.
Query matches dictionary exactly Apply the query rule when the query exactly matches a dictionary entry.
This entry can be a term in the term store, or an entry in the people names dictionary.
Query more common in source Apply the query rule if the user's query is more commonly performed against a different result source than the current one.
This condition uses an analysis of queries that users entered in the various result sources.
Result type commonly clicked Apply the query rule if the query often ends in users choosing results of a particular result type.
When you create a new result type, you can indicate that these selections should be recorded to be used in query rules.
Advanced query text match Apply the query rule if the query matches a regular expression.
It also allows you to use variations of the keyword, action term, and dictionary conditions explained earlier, but with more advanced control.

A query rule can specify three kinds of actions:

  • Add Promoted Results (formerly called Best Bets) that appear above ranked results. For example, for the query sick leave, a query rule could specify a particular Promoted Result, such as a link to a site that has a statement of company policy regarding time off work.

  • Add one or more groups of results, called result blocks. A result block contains a small subset of results that are related to a query in a particular way. Like individual results, you can promote a result block or rank it with other search results.

  • Change the ranking of results by changing the query. For example, for a query that contains download toolbox, a query rule could recognize the word download as an action term and boost search results that point to a particular download site on your intranet.

For more information about query rules, see Manage query rules in SharePoint Server.

Query transforms

To provide search results that are appropriate for a user query, sometimes the query needs to be modified. You do this with query transforms. Default search verticals included with SharePoint, such as Videos, People, and Conversations, all contain predefined query transforms to optimize the search experience for that vertical.

You can configure query transforms in three places:

  • In a web part, such as a Search Results web part.
  • In a query rule, which specifies that certain actions are performed only if certain conditions are satisfied.
  • In the result source that the query uses to get search results.

A user query is transformed first by the web part, then by any query rules that apply, and finally by the result source. When you configure a transform in a result source, you know that the transform changes will not be discarded or overridden because the result source transforms the query last. You can reuse a result source query transform in web parts or result blocks, and you can create query rules or result types that are only applied to results from certain result sources.

You can use the Query Builder to help you write and test query transforms. You can test the query from within the Query Builder by setting temporary test values for the query variables, running the query, and previewing the search results.

For more information about query transforms, see Plan to transform queries and order results in SharePoint Server.

Result types and display templates

SharePoint search includes a new results framework that makes it easy to customize the way search results are displayed. Now, instead of writing custom XSLT to change how search results are displayed, you can customize the appearance of important types of results by using display templates and result types.

Result types

To display search results differently, search results have to be sorted into different result types. A result type is a classification of a search result that distinguishes one search result from another. It is comprised of a collection of the following:

  • Rules – One or more characteristics or conditions to compare each search result against, such as the result source or content type of the search result. Rule conditions can be joined by using equality, comparison, and logical operators.

  • Properties – The list of managed properties for the search result. You must add managed properties to the properties list before you map the managed property to a display template.

  • Display templates – Controls the way in which all results that meet the conditions appear and behave on a search results page.

SharePoint search includes several default result types. To see them, go to Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Search Result Types. You cannot edit any of the default result types. You can create new result types by copying existing ones and modifying them.

For more information about the default result types included with SharePoint, see Result types and display templates that are used to display search results in SharePoint Server.

Display templates

Display templates define the visual layout and behavior of search results. They control which managed properties are shown in search results and how they appear. SharePoint stores display templates in the Search subfolder of the Display Templates folder in the Master Page Gallery. Each display template consists of two files:

  • An HTML version of the display template that you can edit in your HTML editor.
  • A .js file that SharePoint uses.

When you work with display templates, you modify the HTML file. The .js file is created and modified by SharePoint. You do not edit this file at all.

There are two primary types of display templates:

  • Control display templates – Determine the overall structure of how the results are presented.
  • Item display templates – Determine how each result in the set is displayed.

The control display template provides HTML to structure the overall layout for how you want to present the search results. For example, the control display template might provide the HTML for a heading and the beginning and end of a list. The control display template is rendered only once in the web part.

The item display template provides HTML that determines how each item in the result set is displayed. For example, the item display template might provide the HTML for a list item that contains a picture, and three lines of text that are mapped to different managed properties associated with the item. The item display template is rendered one time for each item in the result set. So, if the result set contains ten items, the item display template creates its section of HTML ten times.

For details about display templates and their structure, see:

For more information about display templates available in SharePoint, see Display template reference in SharePoint Server.

Customize display templates

If you want to customize display templates included with SharePoint, create a new display template by copying the content from the one you want to modify, and then customize the new version. Starting from a copy of an existing display template is also the easiest way to create a new one because it ensures that you are starting with all the required elements.

Another tip when working with display templates is to map a network drive to the Master Page Gallery. For details, see Map a network drive to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery.

The HTML file that is used for a display template is a fully-formed HTML document with head and body elements. Within the head element, there's a title element that specifies the display name for the display template. The text in this tag is what is shown when you do configurations in the SharePoint UI; for example, when you configure a result type.

After the title element, there's a custom document properties element, mso:CustomDocumentProperties. In item display templates, this element contains an mso:ManagedPropertyMapping element, which is where the managed properties used by SharePoint search are mapped to values used by the display template.

The following is the syntax for this: <display template reference name>:<managed property name>, as shown in the following example.

<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'Title':'Title','Path':'Path','Description':'Description'

Within the body element, there's a script element where you can include external resources such as CSS files or JavaScript files outside of the display template. For examples that show how to include external resources in the script element, see the Script block section in SharePoint Design Manager display templates.

The next element is a div element. This is where you place any HTML or script that you want as part of the display template. A good way to become familiar with the display template structure is to download copies of the default display templates for search results, Control_SearchResults.html (the control display template) and Item_Default.html (the item display template).

The following are some additional resources for display templates and result types:

Query APIs and search add-ins

SharePoint search includes .NET and JavaScript client object models and a REST service that enables access to search results for online, on-premises, and mobile development.

Search query APIs

API Class library or schema path Example
.NET CSOM Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search.dll

SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\ISAPI

SharePoint Online Client Components SDK
%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\16\ISAPI
Query Search with the Managed Client Object Model (Code Gallery)
JavaScript CSOM
%ProgramFiles%\SharePoint Client Components\Scripts
Query Search with the JavaScript Client Object Model (Code Gallery)
REST service http://server/_api/search/query


Using the search REST service from a SharePoint Add-in (Code Gallery)

Search query .NET CSOM

To use the query .NET CSOM, create a new instance of the T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext class, which is located in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll. Then use the query object model in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Client.Query namespace.

The following is a simple example.

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search.Query;
using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(""))
    KeywordQuery keywordQuery = new KeywordQuery(clientContext);
    keywordQuery.QueryText = "Argument";
    SearchExecutor searchExecutor = new SearchExecutor(clientContext);
    ClientResult<ResultTableCollection> results = searchExecutor.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery);

Now you can iterate through the search results. The following example writes out the title of each result.

foreach (var row in results.Value[0].ResultRows) 

Search query REST service

The Search query REST service supports both HTTP POST and GET requests. When you make a call to the Search REST service, you specify query parameters with the request, and search uses these query parameters to construct the search query. With a GET request, you specify the query parameters in the URL. For POST requests, you pass the query parameters in the body in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

JSON GET and POST requests

Verb URI
GET requests http://server/_api/search/query
POST requests http://server/_api/search/postquery

Sample GET requests for Search REST service

Request type Request URL
Keywords http://server/site/_api/search/query?querytext='{KQL Query}'
Selecting properties http://server/site/_api/search/query?querytext='test'&selectproperties='Title,Rank'
Sorting http://server/site/_api/search/query?querytext='test'&sortlist='LastModifiedTime:descending'


For a complete list of the query parameters available and how to use them, see SharePoint workflow fundamentals.

For sample code, see Using the search REST service from a SharePoint Add-in.

Search add-ins

SharePoint Add-ins (formerly known as apps for SharePoint) are self-contained pieces of functionality that extend the capabilities of a SharePoint website. Search add-ins (formerly known as search apps) are SharePoint Add-ins that use search functionality. In a search add-in, you can use the search query APIs to retrieve search results. In addition, you can also use it to distribute search configurations from one SharePoint installation to another.

For information about setting up a development environment to create search add-ins, see Set up an on-premises development environment for SharePoint Add-ins or Set up a development environment for SharePoint Add-ins on Office 365.


Search add-ins require only user-level permissions, where the attribute value is QueryAsUserIgnoreAppPrincipal. This permission lets you query the search add-ins based on the user's permissions. This means that search results are returned based on the user's ACLs. To grant permissions to the add-ins to use search:

  1. In Solution Explorer, open AppManifest.xml.

  2. On the Permissions tab, select Search for Scope, and then select QueryAsUserIgnoreAppPrincipal.

For more information, see Add-in permissions in SharePoint.

Query APIs

You can use the .NET CSOM, JavaScript CSOM, or search REST service to retrieve search results in a search add-in. The following example shows how to use the query .NET CSOM to retrieve search results in a search add-in.

var spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(Context);
using (var clientContext = spContext.CreateUserClientContextForSPHost())
    KeywordQuery keywordQuery = new KeywordQuery(clientContext);
    keywordQuery.QueryText = "Argument";
    SearchExecutor searchExecutor = new SearchExecutor(clientContext);
    ClientResult<ResultTableCollection> results = searchExecutor.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery);

See also