Blended learning lesson


Blended learning environments combine the importance of face-to-face interaction with students and the convenience of online resources to provide direct and personalized instruction. Often, finding a resource that can deliver flipped instructional models is a challenge for educators, as these resources are often fee-based or require student accounts.

Sway lets educators create online learning resources that their students follow. For example, if you want to teach students about documenting their sources using MLA format, consider building the lesson in Sway and OneNote together. The Sway can contain screenshots of websites, images of publication information for print resources, and instructions for crafting an MLA citation. Students use the resources in Sway to practice creating citations, and they can demonstrate their learning in a OneNote Class Notebook. Students don't need copies of the resources because they're all in the Sway. The educator doesn't need to create accounts for students to access the blended learning resources because a Sway can be shared with anyone. Sway becomes the perfect vehicle for hosting flipped and blended learning activities.

Get more ideas by scrolling through this example of a flipped lesson using Sway.

To enhance the Sway, educators can also add verbal instructions or prompts to guide students. Simply add an audio card (under the media section) and select the Record button to add your voice. A pre-existing audio file can also be uploaded by selecting Add an audio file. Voice directions can support students who need extra guidance or who may not be able to read instructions.

Another way to use Sway as a blended learning resource is to embed a Microsoft Form onto a card. The Form could be used for formative, ongoing, or summative assessment during the activity. Select the Embed card (located in the media section of cards) and paste the embed code from the Microsoft Form. Students complete the Form in the Sway and educators see the results in their Forms dashboard.

The same features that make Sway an excellent digital storytelling resource also make it ideal for creating and delivering instruction. The blended learning activity becomes the story.

Professional journal

Go back to the "Who am I?" section of your Sway and add a short audio recording. Use it to talk about something that isn't in print. It could be a memory, a funny story, or further details about your biography. Just make it something that your audience hears and not reads.