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Understand Microsoft Entra Connect 1.4.xx.x and device disappearance

With the implementation of version 1.4.xx.x of Microsoft Entra Connect, customers may see some or all of their Windows devices disappear from Microsoft Entra ID. This isn't a cause for concern, as these device identities aren't used by Microsoft Entra ID during Conditional Access authorization. This change won't delete any Windows devices that were correctly registered with Microsoft Entra ID for Microsoft Entra hybrid join.

If you see the deletion of device objects in Microsoft Entra ID exceeding the Export Deletion Threshold, allow the deletions to go through. How To: allow deletes to flow when they exceed the deletion threshold


Windows devices registered as Microsoft Entra hybrid joined are represented in Microsoft Entra ID as device objects, and they can be used for Conditional Access. Windows 10 devices are synchronized to the cloud via Microsoft Entra Connect, while down level Windows devices are registered directly using either Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) or seamless single sign-on.

Windows 10 devices

Only Windows 10 devices with a specific userCertificate attribute value that's configured by Microsoft Entra hybrid join should be synchronized to the cloud by Microsoft Entra Connect. In previous versions of Microsoft Entra Connect, this requirement was not rigorously enforced, and unnecessary device objects were added to Microsoft Entra ID. Such devices in Microsoft Entra ID always stayed in the "pending" state, as these devices were not intended to be registered with Microsoft Entra ID.

This version of Microsoft Entra Connect will only synchronize Windows 10 devices that are correctly configured to be Microsoft Entra hybrid joined. Windows 10 device objects without the Microsoft Entra join specific userCertificate will be removed from Microsoft Entra ID.

Down-Level Windows devices

Microsoft Entra Connect should never synchronize down-level Windows devices. Any devices in Microsoft Entra ID previously synchronized incorrectly will be deleted from Microsoft Entra ID. If Microsoft Entra Connect attempts to delete down-level Windows devices, then the device isn't the one that was created by the Microsoft Workplace Join for non-Windows 10 computers MSI, and it can't be consumed by any other Microsoft Entra feature.

Some customers might need to revisit How To: Plan your Microsoft Entra hybrid join implementation to register their Windows devices correctly and ensure that those devices can participate in device-based Conditional Access.

How can I verify which devices are deleted with this update?

To verify which devices are deleted, use the PowerShell script in PowerShell certificate report script.

This script generates a report about certificates stored in Active Directory Computer objects, and specifically certificates issued by the Microsoft Entra hybrid join feature.

The script also checks the certificates present in the UserCertificate property of a Computer object in AD. For each non-expired certificate present, the script validates whether or not the certificate was issued for the Microsoft Entra hybrid join feature; for example, Subject Name matches CN={ObjectGUID}.

Before this update, Microsoft Entra Connect would synchronize to Microsoft Entra any Computer that contained at least one valid certificate. Beginning with Microsoft Entra Connect version 1.4, the synchronization engine identifies Microsoft Entra hybrid join certificates, and will use the cloudfilter filter to prevent the computer object from synchronizing to Microsoft Entra ID unless there's a valid Microsoft Entra hybrid join certificate.

Microsoft Entra devices that were previously synchronized to AD, but don't have a valid Microsoft Entra hybrid join certificate, will be deleted by the synchronization engine using the filter CloudFiltered=TRUE.

PowerShell certificate report script


Filename:    Export-ADSyncToolsHybridAzureADjoinCertificateReport.ps1.

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This script is made available to you without any express, implied or statutory warranty, not even the implied warranty of  merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or the warranty of title or non-infringement. The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this script remains with you.
This script generates a report about certificates stored in Active Directory Computer objects, specifically, 
certificates issued by the Microsoft Entra hybrid join feature.
It checks the certificates present in the UserCertificate property of a Computer object in AD and, for each 
non-expired certificate present, validates if the certificate was issued for the Microsoft Entra hybrid join feature 
(i.e. Subject Name matches CN={ObjectGUID}).
Before, Microsoft Entra Connect would synchronize to Microsoft Entra ID any Computer that contained at least one valid 
certificate but starting on Microsoft Entra Connect version 1.4, the sync engine can identify Hybrid 
Microsoft Entra join certificates and will 'cloudfilter' the computer object from synchronizing to Microsoft Entra ID unless 
there's a valid Microsoft Entra hybrid join certificate.
Microsoft Entra Device objects that were already synchronized to AD but do not have a valid Microsoft Entra hybrid join 
certificate will be deleted (CloudFiltered=TRUE) by the sync engine.
.\Export-ADSyncToolsHybridAzureADjoinCertificateReport.ps1 -DN 'CN=Computer1,OU=SYNC,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com'
.\Export-ADSyncToolsHybridAzureADjoinCertificateReport.ps1 -OU 'OU=SYNC,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com' -Filename "MyHybridAzureADjoinReport.csv" -Verbose

       # Computer DistinguishedName

       # AD OrganizationalUnit

       # Output CSV filename (optional)


   # Generate Output filename if not provided
   If ($Filename -eq "")
       $Filename = [string] "$([string] $(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddHHmmss))_ADSyncAADHybridJoinCertificateReport.csv"
   Write-Verbose "Output filename: '$Filename'"
   # Read AD object(s)
   If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SingleObject')
       $directoryObjs = @(Get-ADObject $DN -Properties UserCertificate)
       Write-Verbose "Starting report for a single object '$DN'"
       $directoryObjs = Get-ADObject -Filter { ObjectClass -like 'computer' } -SearchBase $OU -Properties UserCertificate
       Write-Verbose "Starting report for $($directoryObjs.Count) computer objects in OU '$OU'"

   Write-Host "Processing $($directoryObjs.Count) directory object(s). Please wait..."
   # Check Certificates on each AD Object
   $results = @()
   ForEach ($obj in $directoryObjs)
       # Read UserCertificate multi-value property
       $objDN = [string] $obj.DistinguishedName
       $objectGuid = [string] ($obj.ObjectGUID).Guid
       $userCertificateList = @($obj.UserCertificate)
       $validEntries = @()
       $totalEntriesCount = $userCertificateList.Count
       Write-verbose "'$objDN' ObjectGUID: $objectGuid"
       Write-verbose "'$objDN' has $totalEntriesCount entries in UserCertificate property."
       If ($totalEntriesCount -eq 0)
           Write-verbose "'$objDN' has no Certificates - Skipped."

       # Check each UserCertificate entry and build array of valid certs
       ForEach($entry in $userCertificateList)
               $cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] $entry
               Write-verbose "'$objDN' has an invalid Certificate!"
           Write-verbose "'$objDN' has a Certificate with Subject: $($cert.Subject); Thumbprint:$($cert.Thumbprint)."
           $validEntries += $cert

       $validEntriesCount = $validEntries.Count
       Write-verbose "'$objDN' has a total of $validEntriesCount certificates (shown above)."
       # Get non-expired Certs (Valid Certificates)
       $validCerts = @($validEntries | Where-Object {$_.NotAfter -ge (Get-Date)})
       $validCertsCount = $validCerts.Count
       Write-verbose "'$objDN' has $validCertsCount valid certificates (not-expired)."

       # Check for Microsoft Entra hybrid join Certificates
       $hybridJoinCerts = @()
       $hybridJoinCertsThumbprints = [string] "|"
       ForEach ($cert in $validCerts)
           $certSubjectName = $cert.Subject
           If ($certSubjectName.StartsWith($("CN=$objectGuid")) -or $certSubjectName.StartsWith($("CN={$objectGuid}")))
               $hybridJoinCerts += $cert
               $hybridJoinCertsThumbprints += [string] $($cert.Thumbprint) + '|'

       $hybridJoinCertsCount = $hybridJoinCerts.Count
       if ($hybridJoinCertsCount -gt 0)
           $cloudFiltered = 'FALSE'
           Write-verbose "'$objDN' has $hybridJoinCertsCount Microsoft Entra hybrid join Certificates with Thumbprints: $hybridJoinCertsThumbprints (cloudFiltered=FALSE)"
           $cloudFiltered = 'TRUE'
           Write-verbose "'$objDN' has no Microsoft Entra hybrid join Certificates (cloudFiltered=TRUE)."
       # Save results
       $r = "" | Select ObjectDN, ObjectGUID, TotalEntriesCount, CertsCount, ValidCertsCount, HybridJoinCertsCount, CloudFiltered
       $r.ObjectDN = $objDN
       $r.ObjectGUID = $objectGuid
       $r.TotalEntriesCount = $totalEntriesCount
       $r.CertsCount = $validEntriesCount
       $r.ValidCertsCount = $validCertsCount
       $r.HybridJoinCertsCount = $hybridJoinCertsCount
       $r.CloudFiltered = $cloudFiltered
       $results += $r

   # Export results to CSV
       $results | Export-Csv $Filename -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';'
       Write-Host "Exported Hybrid Microsoft Entra Domain Join Certificate Report to '$Filename'.`n"
       Throw "There was an error saving the file '$Filename': $($_.Exception.Message)"

Next Steps

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