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Troubleshoot guide: Azure Monitor Application Insights for Java

This article provides troubleshooting information to resolve common issues that might occur when you're instrumenting a Java application by using the Java agent for Application Insights. Application Insights is a feature of the Azure Monitor platform service.

Check the self-diagnostic log file

By default, Application Insights Java 3.x produces a log file that's named applicationinsights.log in the same directory that holds the applicationinsights-agent-3.2.11.jar file.

This log file is the first place to check for hints about any issues that you might be experiencing.

If Application Insights doesn't generate a log file, check to make sure that your Java application has the Write permission to the directory that holds the applicationinsights-agent-3.2.11.jar file.

If Application Insights still doesn't generate a log file, check the stdout log from your Java application for errors. Application Insights Java 3.x should log any errors that would prevent it from logging to its usual location in the stdout log.

Troubleshoot connectivity issues

Application Insights SDKs and agents send telemetry to be ingested as REST calls at our ingestion endpoints. To test connectivity from your web server or application host computer to the ingestion service endpoints, use raw REST clients from PowerShell or run curl commands. See Troubleshoot missing application telemetry in Azure Monitor Application Insights.

If the Application Insights Java agent causes the connectivity issue, consider the following options:

  • Verify the connection string for the Application Insights configuration.

  • Use Application Insights Java version 3.4.6 or a later version to verify that the Java keystore contains a required certificate. To do this, enable the self-diagnostics feature at the TRACE level. In the Application Insights logs, do you see the following entry?

    TRACE c.m.applicationinsights.agent - Application Insights root certificate in the Java keystore: false

    If you see this entry, refer to Import SSL certificates to import a root certificate in the Java keystore.

  • If you use the -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false option, try to run the agent without that option. From Application Insights Java version 3.4.5, if you specify -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false, the following error entry appears in the logs:

    WARN c.m.applicationinsights.agent - System property -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false is detected. If you have connection issues with Application Insights, please remove this.

  • If none of the previous options are helpful, you can use troubleshooting tools.

Java virtual machine (JVM) fails to start

If the Java virtual machine (JVM) doesn't start, it might return an "Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing" message. To troubleshoot this problem, see the following table.

Problem Action
The Java archive (JAR) file for the agent isn't found. Make sure that you specify a valid agent JAR path in the -javaagent JVM argument.
The agent JAR file might have been corrupted during file transfer. Try to download the agent JAR file again.

Tomcat Java apps take several minutes to start

If you enabled Application Insights to monitor your Tomcat application, there might be a several-minute delay in the time that it takes to start the application. This delay is caused because Tomcat tries to scan the Application Insights JAR files during application startup. To speed up the application start time, you can exclude the Application Insights JAR files from the list of scanned files. Scanning these JAR files isn't necessary.

Upgrade from the Application Insights Java 2.x SDK

If you're already using the Application Insights Java 2.x SDK in your application, you can keep using it. The Application Insights Java 3.x agent detects, captures, and correlates any custom telemetry that you send through the 2.x SDK. It also prevents duplicate telemetry by suppressing any auto-collection that the 2.x SDK does. For more information, see Upgrade from the Java 2.x SDK.

Upgrade from Application Insights Java 3.0 preview

If you're upgrading from the Java 3.0 Preview agent, review all the configuration options carefully. The JSON structure is changed in the 3.0 general availability (GA) release.

These changes include:

  • The configuration file name changed from ApplicationInsights.json to applicationinsights.json.

  • The instrumentationSettings node is no longer present. All content in instrumentationSettings is moved to the root level.

  • Configuration nodes such as sampling, jmxMetrics, instrumentation, and heartbeat are moved out of preview to the root level.

Some logging isn't auto-collected

Logging is captured only if it meets the following criteria:

  • It meets the level that's configured for the logging framework.

  • It meets the level that's configured for Application Insights.

For example, if your logging framework is configured to log WARN (and above) from the com.example package, and Application Insights is configured to capture INFO (and above), then Application Insights only captures WARN (and above) from the com.example package.

To make sure that a particular logging statement meets the logging frameworks' configured threshold, verify that it appears in your usual application log (in the file or console).

Also notice that if an exception object is passed to the logger, the log message (and exception object details) appears in the Azure portal in the exceptions table instead of the traces table. To see the log messages across both the traces and exceptions tables, run the following Logs (Kusto) query:

union traces, (exceptions | extend message = outerMessage)
| project timestamp, message, itemType

For more information, see the auto-collected logging configuration.

Import SSL certificates

This section helps you to troubleshoot and possibly fix the exceptions that are related to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates when you use the Java agent.

There are two different paths for resolving this issue:

  • If you're using a default Java keystore
  • If you're using a custom Java keystore

If you aren't sure which path to follow, check to see whether you have the JVM argument, If you don't have this JVM argument, then you're probably using the default Java keystore. If you do have this JVM argument, then you're probably using a custom keystore, and the JVM argument points you to your custom keystore.

If you're using the default Java keystore

The default Java keystore typically already has all the CA root certificates. However, there might be some exceptions. For example, a different root certificate might sign the ingestion endpoint certificate. We recommend that you follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check whether the SSL certificate that was used to sign the Application Insights endpoint is already present in the default keystore. By default, the trusted CA certificates are stored in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. To list certificates in a Java keystore, use the following command:

    keytool -list -v -keystore <path-to-keystore-file>

    You can redirect the output to a temporary file so that it's easy to search on later:

    keytool -list -v -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts > temp.txt

  2. After you have the list of certificates, follow the steps to download the SSL certificate that was used to sign the Application Insights endpoint.

    After you download the certificate, generate an SHA-1 hash on the certificate by using the following command:

    keytool -printcert -v -file "<downloaded-ssl-certificate>.cer"

    Copy the SHA-1 value, and check whether this value is present in the temp.txt file that you saved previously. If you can't find the SHA-1 value in the temporary file, then the downloaded SSL certificate is missing in the default Java keystore.

  3. Import the SSL certificate to the default Java keystore by using the following command:

    keytool -import -file "<certificate-file>" -alias "<some-meaningful-name>" -keystore "<path-to-cacerts-file>"

    In this example, the command reads as follows:

    keytool -import -file "<downloaded-ssl-certificate-file>" -alias "<some-meaningful-name>" -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

If you're using a custom Java keystore

If you're using a custom Java keystore, you might have to import the SSL certificates for the Application Insights endpoints into that keystore. We recommend the following two steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Follow these steps to download the SSL certificate from the Application Insights endpoint.

  2. Run the following command to import the SSL certificate to the custom Java keystore:

    keytool -importcert -alias <your-ssl-certificate> -file "<your-downloaded-ssl-certificate-name>.cer" -keystore "<your-keystore-name>" -storepass "<your-keystore-password>" -noprompt

Steps to download the SSL certificate


The following SSL certificate download instructions were validated on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  1. Open the URL address in a web browser.

  2. In the browser's address bar, select the View site information icon (a lock symbol that's next to the address).

  3. Select Connection is secure.

  4. Select the Show certificate icon.

  5. In the Certificate Viewer dialog box, select the Details tab.

  6. In the Certificate Hierarchy list, select the certificate that you want to download. (The CA root certificate, the intermediate certificate, and the leaf SSL certificate are shown.)

  7. Select the Export button.

  8. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the directory to which you want to save the certificate (.crt) file, and then select Save.

  9. To exit the Certificate Viewer dialog box, select the Close (X) button.


You'll have to repeat these steps to get the new certificate before the current certificate expires. You can find the expiration information on the Details tab of the Certificate Viewer dialog box.

After you select the certificate in the Certificate Hierarchy list, find the Validity node in the Certificate Fields list. Select Not Before within that node, and then examine the date and time that's shown in the Field Value box. This time stamp indicates when the new certificate becomes valid. Similarly, select Not After within the Validity node to learn when the new certificate expires.

Understanding UnknownHostException

If you see this exception after you upgrade to a Java agent version that's later than 3.2.0, you might be able to fix the exception by upgrading your network to resolve the new endpoint that's shown in the exception. The reason for the difference between Application Insights versions is that versions that are later than 3.2.0 point to the new ingestion endpoint v2.1/track, as compared to the older v2/track. The new ingestion endpoint automatically redirects you to the ingestion endpoint (new endpoint that's shown in exception) that's nearest to the storage for your Application Insights resource.

Missing cipher suites

If the Application Insights Java agent detects that you don't have any of the cipher suites that are supported by the endpoints that it connects to, the agent alerts you and provides a link to the missing cipher suites.

Background on cipher suites

Cipher suites come into play before a client application and server exchange information over an SSL or Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. The client application initiates an SSL handshake. Part of that process involves notifying the server about which cipher suites it supports. The server receives that information, and compares the cipher suites that are supported by the client application with the algorithms it supports. If the server finds a match, it notifies the client application, and a secure connection is established. If it doesn't find a match, the server refuses the connection.

How to determine client side cipher suites

In this case, the client is the JVM on which your instrumented application is running. Starting in version 3.2.5, Application Insights Java logs a warning message if missing cipher suites could be causing connection failures to one of the service endpoints.

If you're using an earlier version of Application Insights Java, compile and run the following Java program to get the list of supported cipher suites in your JVM:


public class Ciphers {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SSLServerSocketFactory ssf = (SSLServerSocketFactory) SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault();
        String[] defaultCiphers = ssf.getDefaultCipherSuites();
        for (int i = 0; i < defaultCiphers.length; ++i) {

The Application Insights endpoints support the following cipher suites:


How to determine server side cipher suites

In this case, the server side is the Application Insights ingestion endpoint or the Application Insights Live metrics endpoint. You can use an online tool such as SSLLABS to determine the expected cipher suites that are based on the endpoint URL.

How to add the missing cipher suites

If you're using Java 9 or a later version, check to make sure that the JVM includes the jdk.crypto.cryptoki module in the jmods folder. Also, if you're building a custom Java runtime by using jlink, make sure that you include the same module.

Otherwise, these cipher suites should already be part of modern Java 8+ distributions. We recommend that you check the source of your installed Java distribution to investigate why the security providers in that Java distribution's configuration file differ from standard Java distributions.

Slow startup time in Application Insights and Java 8

Java 8 has a known issue that's related to the JAR file signature verification of Java agents. This issue can increase the startup time in Application Insights. To fix this issue, you can apply one of the following options:

Alternatively, you can try the following experimental feature: Startup time improvement for a limited number of CPU cores. If you experience any issues while using this feature, send us feedback.

Third-party information disclaimer

The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.

Contact us for help

If you have questions or need help, create a support request, or ask Azure community support. You can also submit product feedback to Azure feedback community.