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These alerts are activated as a result of an issue that is device-specific. It isn't specific to the combination of a specific update and a specific device. Like UpdateAlerts, the AlertType indicates where the Alert comes from (ServiceDeviceAlert, ClientDeviceAlert). For example, an EndOfService alert is a ClientDeviceAlert, as a build no longer being serviced (EOS) is a client-wide state. Meanwhile, DeviceRegistrationIssues in Windows Autopatch will be a ServiceDeviceAlert, as it's a device-wide state in the service to not be correctly registered.

Schema for UCDeviceAlert

Field Type Enumerated type Example Description
AlertClassification string Yes Error Whether this alert is an Error, a Warning, or Informational
AlertData string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. An optional string formatted as a json payload containing metadata for the alert.
AlertId string No 9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6 The unique identifier of this alert
AlertRank int No 1000 Integer ranking of alert for prioritization during troubleshooting
AlertStatus string Yes Active Whether this alert is Active, Resolved, or Deleted
AlertSubtype string Yes DiskFull The subtype of alert.
AlertType string Yes ClientUpdateAlert The type of alert such as ClientUpdateAlert or ServiceUpdateAlert. Indicates which fields are present.
AzureADDeviceId string No 71db1a1a-f1a6-4a25-b88f-79c2f513dae0 Microsoft Entra Device ID
AzureADTenantId string No 69ca04b0-703d-4b3a-9184-c4e3c15d6f5e Microsoft Entra tenant ID
Description string No Disk full A localized string translated from a combination of other alert fields + language preference that describes the issue in detail.
DeviceName string No JohnPC-Contoso The given device's name
ErrorCode string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. The Error Code, if any, that triggered this Alert. In the case of Client-based explicit alerts, error codes can have extended error codes, which are appended to the error code with an underscore separator.
ErrorSymName string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. The symbolic name that maps to the Error Code, if any. Otherwise empty.
GlobalDeviceId string No g:1298371934870 Internal Microsoft global identifier, if available.
Recommendation string No Free up disk space. A localized string translated from RecommendedAction, Message, and other fields (depending on source of alert) that provides a recommended action.
ResolvedTime [UTC] datetime No 2020-05-14 09:26:03.478039 The time this alert was resolved, else empty.
SCCMClientId string No 5AB72FAC-93AB-4954-9AB0-6557D0EFA245 Configuration Manager client ID of the device, if available.
SourceSystem string No Azure
StartTime [UTC] datetime No 2020-05-14 09:26:03.478039 The time this alert was activated.
TenantId string No 69ca04b0-703d-4b3a-9184-c4e3c15d6f5e Microsoft Entra tenant ID of the device.
TimeGenerated [UTC] datetime No 2020-05-14 09:26:03.478039 The time the snapshot generated this specific record. This is to determine to which batch snapshot this record belongs.
Type string No UCDeviceAlert The entity type
URL string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. An optional URL to get more in-depth information related to this alert.