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Mengambil informasi tentang penyebaran Azure Cloud Services Anda (dukungan yang diperluas)

Sampel ini mencakup berbagai untuk mengambil informasi tentang penyebaran Azure Cloud Services (dukungan yang diperluas).

Dapatkan semua Cloud Services di bawah grup sumber daya

Get-AzCloudService -ResourceGroupName "ContosOrg"

ResourceGroupName Name              Location    ProvisioningState
----------------- ----              --------    -----------------
ContosOrg         ContosoCS         eastus2euap Succeeded
ContosOrg         ContosoCSTest     eastus2euap Failed

Dapatkan Cloud Services tunggal

Get-AzCloudService -ResourceGroupName "ContosOrg" -CloudServiceName "ContosoCS"

ResourceGroupName Name              Location    ProvisioningState
----------------- ----              --------    -----------------
ContosOrg         ContosoCS         eastus2euap Succeeded

PS C:\> $cloudService = Get-AzCloudService -ResourceGroupName "ContosOrg" -CloudServiceName "ContosoCS"
PS C:\> $cloudService | Format-List
ResourceGroupName : ContosOrg
Configuration     : xxxxxxxx
ConfigurationUrl  :
ExtensionProfile  : xxxxxxxx
Id                : xxxxxxxx
Location          : East US
Name              : ContosoCS
NetworkProfile    : xxxxxxxx
OSProfile         : xxxxxxxx
PackageUrl        : xxxxxxxx
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
RoleProfile       : xxxxxxxx
StartCloudService :
Tag               : {
                      "Owner": "Contos"
Type              : Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices
UniqueId          : xxxxxxxx
UpgradeMode       : Auto

Dapatkan tampilan instans Cloud Services

PS C:\>$cloudServiceInstanceView = Get-AzCloudServiceInstanceView -ResourceGroupName "ContosOrg" -CloudServiceName "ContosoCS"

PS C:\>$cloudServiceInstanceView
RoleInstanceStatusesSummary                                   Statuses
---------------------------                                   --------
{{ProvisioningState/succeeded : 4}, {PowerState/started : 4}} {Provisioning succeeded, Started, Current Upgrade Domain of cloud service is -1., Max Upgrade Domain of cloud service is 1.}

PS C:\>$cloudServiceInstanceView.ToJsonString()
  "roleInstance": {
    "statusesSummary": [
        "code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded",
        "count": 4
        "code": "PowerState/started",
        "count": 4
  "statuses": [
      "code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded",
      "displayStatus": "Provisioning succeeded",
      "level": "Info",
      "time": "2020-10-28T13:26:48.8109686Z"
      "code": "PowerState/started",
      "displayStatus": "Started",
      "level": "Info",
      "time": "2020-10-28T13:26:48.8109686Z"
      "code": "CurrentUpgradeDomain/-1",
      "displayStatus": "Current Upgrade Domain of cloud service is -1.",
      "level": "Info"
      "code": "MaxUpgradeDomain/1",
      "displayStatus": "Max Upgrade Domain of cloud service is 1.",
      "level": "Info"

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