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Mengelola Azure Cosmos DB untuk sumber daya NoSQL dengan Bicep


Dalam artikel ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan Bicep untuk menerapkan dan mengelola akun, database, dan kontainer Azure Cosmos DB Anda.

Artikel ini memperlihatkan sampel Bicep untuk API untuk akun NoSQL. Anda juga dapat menemukan contoh templat untuk Cassandra, Gremlin, MongoDB, dan Tabel API.


  • Nama akun dibatasi hingga 44 karakter, semuanya huruf kecil.
  • Untuk mengubah nilai throughput, sebarkan ulang file Bicep dengan RU yang diperbarui.
  • Saat menambahkan atau menghapus lokasi ke akun Azure Cosmos DB, Anda tidak dapat mengubah properti lain secara bersamaan. Operasi ini harus dilakukan secara terpisah.
  • Untuk menyediakan throughput di tingkat database dan berbagi di semua kontainer, terapkan nilai throughput ke properti opsi database.

Untuk membuat salah satu sumber daya Azure Cosmos DB di bawah ini, menyalin contoh berikut ke dalam file json baru. Anda dapat secara opsional membuat parameter file json untuk digunakan saat menyebarkan beberapa instans dari sumber daya yang sama dengan nama dan nilai yang berbeda. Ada banyak cara untuk menerapkan template Azure Resource Manager, termasuk, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell dan Cloud Shell.

Akun Azure Cosmos DB dengan throughput skala otomatis

Buat akun Azure Cosmos DB di dua wilayah dengan opsi untuk konsistensi dan failover, dengan database dan kontainer yang dikonfigurasi untuk throughput skala otomatis yang mengaktifkan sebagian besar opsi kebijakan indeks.

@description('Cosmos DB account name, max length 44 characters, lowercase')
param accountName string = 'sql-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The secondary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param secondaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 2147483647. Multi Region: 100000 to 2147483647.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (minutes). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84600. Multi Region: 300 to 86400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable system managed failover for regions')
param systemManagedFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the database')
param databaseName string

@description('The name for the container')
param containerName string

@description('Maximum autoscale throughput for the container')
param autoscaleMaxThroughput int = 1000

var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
    locationName: secondaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 1
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-05-15' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  location: location
  properties: {
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: systemManagedFailover

resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: account
  name: databaseName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName

resource container 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: database
  name: containerName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: containerName
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
      indexingPolicy: {
        indexingMode: 'consistent'
        includedPaths: [
            path: '/*'
        excludedPaths: [
            path: '/myPathToNotIndex/*'
            path: '/_etag/?'
        compositeIndexes: [
              path: '/name'
              order: 'ascending'
              path: '/age'
              order: 'descending'
        spatialIndexes: [
            path: '/path/to/geojson/property/?'
            types: [
      defaultTtl: 86400
      uniqueKeyPolicy: {
        uniqueKeys: [
            paths: [
    options: {
      autoscaleSettings: {
        maxThroughput: autoscaleMaxThroughput

Akun Azure Cosmos DB dengan penyimpanan analitis

Buat akun Azure Cosmos DB di satu wilayah dengan kontainer dengan TTL Analitik diaktifkan dan opsi untuk throughput manual atau skala otomatis.

@description('Azure Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = 'sql-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Azure Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The name for the database')
param databaseName string = 'database1'

@description('The name for the container')
param containerName string = 'container1'

@description('The partition key for the container')
param partitionKeyPath string = '/partitionKey'

@description('The throughput policy for the container')
param throughputPolicy string = 'Autoscale'

@description('Throughput value when using Manual Throughput Policy for the container')
param manualProvisionedThroughput int = 400

@description('Maximum throughput when using Autoscale Throughput Policy for the container')
param autoscaleMaxThroughput int = 1000

@description('Time to Live for data in analytical store. (-1 no expiry)')
param analyticalStoreTTL int = -1

var locations = [
    locationName: location
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
var throughput_Policy = {
  Manual: {
    throughput: manualProvisionedThroughput
  Autoscale: {
    autoscaleSettings: {
      maxThroughput: autoscaleMaxThroughput

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-05-15' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  location: location
  properties: {
    consistencyPolicy: {
      defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    locations: locations
    enableAnalyticalStorage: true

resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: account
  name: databaseName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName

resource container 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: database
  name: containerName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: containerName
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
      analyticalStorageTtl: analyticalStoreTTL
    options: throughput_Policy[throughputPolicy]

Akun Azure Cosmos DB dengan throughput standar yang disediakan

Buat akun Azure Cosmos DB di dua wilayah dengan opsi untuk konsistensi dan failover, dengan database dan kontainer yang dikonfigurasi untuk throughput standar yang mengaktifkan sebagian besar opsi kebijakan.

@description('Azure Cosmos DB account name, max length 44 characters')
param accountName string = 'sql-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Azure Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary region for the Azure Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The secondary region for the Azure Cosmos DB account.')
param secondaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 2147483647. Multi Region: 100000 to 2147483647.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (minutes). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84600. Multi Region: 300 to 86400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable system managed failover for regions')
param systemManagedFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the database')
param databaseName string = 'myDatabase'

@description('The name for the container')
param containerName string = 'myContainer'

@description('The throughput for the container')
param throughput int = 400

var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
    locationName: secondaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 1
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2024-02-15-preview' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  location: location
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  properties: {
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: systemManagedFailover
    disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess: true

resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2024-02-15-preview' = {
  parent: account
  name: databaseName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName

resource container 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2024-02-15-preview' = {
  parent: database
  name: containerName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: containerName
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
      indexingPolicy: {
        indexingMode: 'consistent'
        includedPaths: [
            path: '/*'
        excludedPaths: [
            path: '/myPathToNotIndex/*'
            path: '/_etag/?'
        compositeIndexes: [
              path: '/name'
              order: 'ascending'
              path: '/age'
              order: 'descending'
        spatialIndexes: [
            path: '/location/*'
            types: [
      defaultTtl: 86400
      uniqueKeyPolicy: {
        uniqueKeys: [
            paths: [
    options: {
      throughput: throughput

output location string = location
output name string =
output resourceGroupName string = resourceGroup().name
output resourceId string =

Kontainer Azure Cosmos DB dengan fungsionalitas sisi server

Buat akun, database, dan kontainer Azure Cosmos DB dengan prosedur tersimpan, pemicu, dan fungsi yang ditentukan pengguna.

@description('Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = 'sql-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The primary region for the Cosmos DB account.')
param primaryRegion string

@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'

@description('Max stale requests. Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 10 to 2147483647. Multi Region: 100000 to 2147483647.')
param maxStalenessPrefix int = 100000

@description('Max lag time (seconds). Required for BoundedStaleness. Valid ranges, Single Region: 5 to 84600. Multi Region: 300 to 86400.')
param maxIntervalInSeconds int = 300

@description('Enable system managed failover for regions')
param systemManagedFailover bool = true

@description('The name for the database')
param databaseName string = 'database1'

@description('The name for the container')
param containerName string = 'container1'

@description('The throughput for the container')
param throughput int = 400

var consistencyPolicy = {
  Eventual: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Eventual'
  ConsistentPrefix: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'ConsistentPrefix'
  Session: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
  BoundedStaleness: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'BoundedStaleness'
    maxStalenessPrefix: maxStalenessPrefix
    maxIntervalInSeconds: maxIntervalInSeconds
  Strong: {
    defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Strong'
var locations = [
    locationName: primaryRegion
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-05-15' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  location: location
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  properties: {
    consistencyPolicy: consistencyPolicy[defaultConsistencyLevel]
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: systemManagedFailover

resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: account
  name: databaseName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName

resource container 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: database
  name: containerName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: containerName
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
      indexingPolicy: {
        indexingMode: 'consistent'
        includedPaths: [
            path: '/*'
        excludedPaths: [
            path: '/_etag/?'
    options: {
      throughput: throughput

resource storedProcedure 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/storedProcedures@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: container
  name: 'myStoredProcedure'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: 'myStoredProcedure'
      body: 'function () { var context = getContext(); var response = context.getResponse(); response.setBody(\'Hello, World\'); }'

resource trigger 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/triggers@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: container
  name: 'myPreTrigger'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: 'myPreTrigger'
      triggerType: 'Pre'
      triggerOperation: 'Create'
      body: 'function validateToDoItemTimestamp(){var context=getContext();var request=context.getRequest();var itemToCreate=request.getBody();if(!(\'timestamp\'in itemToCreate)){var ts=new Date();itemToCreate[\'timestamp\']=ts.getTime();}request.setBody(itemToCreate);}'

resource userDefinedFunction 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/userDefinedFunctions@2022-05-15' = {
  parent: container
  name: 'myUserDefinedFunction'
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: 'myUserDefinedFunction'
      body: 'function tax(income){if(income==undefined)throw\'no input\';if(income<1000)return income*0.1;else if(income<10000)return income*0.2;else return income*0.4;}'

Akun Azure Cosmos DB dengan ID Microsoft Entra dan RBAC

Buat akun Azure Cosmos DB, Definisi Peran yang dikelola secara asli, dan Penetapan Peran yang dikelola secara asli untuk identitas Microsoft Entra.

@description('Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('Cosmos DB account name, max length 44 characters')
param accountName string = toLower('sql-rbac-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}')

@description('Friendly name for the SQL Role Definition')
param roleDefinitionName string = 'My Read Write Role'

@description('Data actions permitted by the Role Definition')
param dataActions array = [

@description('Object ID of the AAD identity. Must be a GUID.')
param principalId string

var locations = [
    locationName: location
    failoverPriority: 0
    isZoneRedundant: false
var roleDefinitionId = guid('sql-role-definition-', principalId,
var roleAssignmentId = guid(roleDefinitionId, principalId,

resource databaseAccount 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2021-04-15' = {
  name: accountName
  kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
  location: location
  properties: {
    consistencyPolicy: {
      defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
    locations: locations
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    enableAutomaticFailover: false
    enableMultipleWriteLocations: false

resource sqlRoleDefinition 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleDefinitions@2021-04-15' = {
  name: '${}/${roleDefinitionId}'
  properties: {
    roleName: roleDefinitionName
    type: 'CustomRole'
    assignableScopes: [
    permissions: [
        dataActions: dataActions

resource sqlRoleAssignment 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleAssignments@2021-04-15' = {
  name: '${}/${roleAssignmentId}'
  properties: {
    principalId: principalId

Akun Azure Cosmos DB tingkat gratis

Buat akun Azure Cosmos DB tingkat gratis dan database dengan throughput bersama yang dapat dibagikan dengan hingga 25 kontainer.

@description('Cosmos DB account name')
param accountName string = 'cosmos-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

@description('Location for the Cosmos DB account.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The name for the SQL API database')
param databaseName string

@description('The name for the SQL API container')
param containerName string

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2023-11-15' = {
  name: toLower(accountName)
  location: location
  properties: {
    enableFreeTier: true
    databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
    consistencyPolicy: {
      defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session'
    locations: [
        locationName: location

resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2023-11-15' = {
  parent: account
  name: databaseName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: databaseName
    options: {
      throughput: 1000

resource container 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2023-11-15' = {
  parent: database
  name: containerName
  properties: {
    resource: {
      id: containerName
      partitionKey: {
        paths: [
        kind: 'Hash'
      indexingPolicy: {
        indexingMode: 'consistent'
        includedPaths: [
            path: '/*'
        excludedPaths: [
            path: '/_etag/?'

output location string = location
output name string =
output resourceGroupName string = resourceGroup().name
output resourceId string =

Langkah berikutnya

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