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Mengaktifkan dan mengonfigurasi Microsoft Antimalware untuk VM Azure Resource Manager

Anda dapat mengaktifkan dan mengonfigurasi Microsoft Antimalware untuk VM Azure Resource Manager. Artikel ini menyediakan sampel kode menggunakan cmdlet PowerShell.

Menyebarkan Microsoft Antimalware di VM Azure Resource Manager


Sebelum menjalankan sampel kode ini, Anda harus membatalkan penguraian variabel dan memberikan nilai yang sesuai.

# Script to add Microsoft Antimalware extension to Azure Resource Manager VMs
# Specify your subscription ID
$subscriptionId= " SUBSCRIPTION ID HERE "
# specify location, resource group, and VM for the extension
$location = " LOCATION HERE " # eg., “Southeast Asia” or “Central US”
$resourceGroupName = " RESOURCE GROUP NAME HERE "
$vmName = " VM NAME HERE "

# Enable Antimalware with default policies
$settingString = ‘{"AntimalwareEnabled": true}’;
# Enable Antimalware with custom policies
# $settingString = ‘{
# "AntimalwareEnabled": true,
# "RealtimeProtectionEnabled": true,
# "ScheduledScanSettings": {
#                             "isEnabled": true,
#                             "day": 0,
#                             "time": 120,
#                             "scanType": "Quick"
#                             },
# "Exclusions": {
#            "Extensions": ".ext1,.ext2",
#                  "Paths":"",
#                  "Processes":"sampl1e1.exe, sample2.exe"
#             },
# "SignatureUpdates": {
#                               "FileSharesSources": “”,
#                               "FallbackOrder”: “”,
#                               "ScheduleDay": 0,
#                               "UpdateInterval": 0,
#                       },
# "CloudProtection": true         
# }’;
# Login to your Azure Resource Manager Account and select the Subscription to use
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
# retrieve the most recent version number of the extension
$allVersions= (Get-AzureRmVMExtensionImage -Location $location -PublisherName “Microsoft.Azure.Security” -Type “IaaSAntimalware”).Version
$versionString = $allVersions[($allVersions.count)-1].Split(“.”)[0] + “.” + $allVersions[($allVersions.count)-1].Split(“.”)[1]
# set the extension using prepared values
# ****—-Use this script till cmdlets address the -SettingsString format issue we observed ****—-
Set-AzureRmVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -VMName $vmName -Name "IaaSAntimalware" -Publisher “Microsoft.Azure.Security” -ExtensionType “IaaSAntimalware” -TypeHandlerVersion $versionString -SettingString $settingString  

Menambahkan Microsoft Antimalware ke Kluster Azure Service Fabric

Azure Service Fabric menggunakan kumpulan skala komputer virtual Azure untuk membuat Kluster Service Fabric. Saat ini templat kumpulan skala komputer virtual yang digunakan untuk membuat Kluster Service Fabric tidak diaktifkan dengan ekstensi Antimalware. Oleh karenanya, Antimalware perlu diaktifkan secara terpisah pada kumpulan skala. Saat Anda mengaktifkannya pada kumpulan skala, semua simpul yang dibuat di bawah kumpulan skala komputer virtual mewarisi dan mendapatkan ekstensi secara otomatis.

Sampel kode di bawah ini menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat mengaktifkan ekstensi IaaS Antimalware menggunakan cmdlet AzureRmVmss PowerShell.


Sebelum menjalankan sampel kode ini, Anda harus membatalkan penguraian variabel dan memberikan nilai yang sesuai.

# Script to add Microsoft Antimalware extension to VM Scale Set(VMSS) and Service Fabric Cluster(in turn it used VMSS)
# Login to your Azure Resource Manager Account and select the Subscription to use
# Specify your subscription ID
$subscriptionId="SUBSCRIPTION ID HERE"
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
# Specify location, resource group, and VM Scaleset for the extension
$location = "LOCATION HERE" # eg., “West US or Southeast Asia” or “Central US”
$resourceGroupName = "RESOURCE GROUP NAME HERE"
$vmScaleSetName = "YOUR VM SCALE SET NAME"

# Configuration.JSON configuration file can be customized as per MSDN documentation:
$settingString = ‘{"AntimalwareEnabled": true}’;
# Enable Antimalware with custom policies
# $settingString = ‘{
# "AntimalwareEnabled": true,
# "RealtimeProtectionEnabled": true,
# "ScheduledScanSettings": {
#                             "isEnabled": true,
#                             "day": 0,
#                             "time": 120,
#                             "scanType": "Quick"
#                             },
# "Exclusions": {
#            "Extensions": ".ext1,.ext2",
#                  "Paths":"",
#                  "Processes":"sampl1e1.exe, sample2.exe"
#             } ,
# "SignatureUpdates": {
#                               "FileSharesSources": “”,
#                               "FallbackOrder”: “”,
#                               "ScheduleDay": 0,
#                               "UpdateInterval": 0,
#                       },
# "CloudProtection": true
# }’;

# retrieve the most recent version number of the extension
$allVersions= (Get-AzureRmVMExtensionImage -Location $location -PublisherName “Microsoft.Azure.Security” -Type “IaaSAntimalware”).Version
$versionString = $allVersions[($allVersions.count)-1].Split(“.”)[0] + “.” + $allVersions[($allVersions.count)-1].Split(“.”)[1]
$VMSS = Get-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -VMScaleSetName $vmScaleSetName
Add-AzureRmVmssExtension -VirtualMachineScaleSet $VMSS -Name “IaaSAntimalware” -Publisher “Microsoft.Azure.Security” -Type “IaaSAntimalware” -TypeHandlerVersion $versionString
Update-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $vmScaleSetName -VirtualMachineScaleSet $VMSS 

Menambahkan Microsoft Antimalware ke Azure Cloud Service menggunakan Dukungan Perpanjangan

Sampel kode di bawah ini menunjukkan cara menambahkan atau mengonfigurasi Microsoft Antimalware ke Azure Cloud Service menggunakan dukungan perpanjangan (CS-ES) melalui cmdlet PowerShell.


Sebelum menjalankan sampel kode ini, Anda harus membatalkan penguraian variabel dan memberikan nilai yang sesuai.

# Create Antimalware extension object, where file is the AntimalwareSettings
$xmlconfig = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\path\to\file.xml")
$extension =  New-AzCloudServiceExtensionObject  -Name "AntimalwareExtension" -Type "PaaSAntimalware" -Publisher "Microsoft.Azure.Security" -Setting $xmlconfig -TypeHandlerVersion "1.5" -AutoUpgradeMinorVersion $true

# Get existing Cloud Service
$cloudService = Get-AzCloudService -ResourceGroup "ContosOrg" -CloudServiceName "ContosoCS"

# Add Antimalaware extension to existing Cloud Service extension object
$cloudService.ExtensionProfile.Extension = $cloudService.ExtensionProfile.Extension + $extension

# Update Cloud Service
$cloudService | Update-AzCloudService

Berikut adalah contoh file XML konfigurasi privat

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ScheduledScanSettings isEnabled="true" day="1" time="120" scanType="Full" />

Menambahkan Microsoft Antimalware untuk server yang didukung Azure Arc

Sampel kode berikut menunjukkan bagaimana Anda dapat menambahkan Microsoft Antimalware untuk server yang didukung Azure Arc melalui cmdlet PowerShell.


Sebelum menjalankan sampel kode ini, Anda harus membatalkan penguraian variabel dan memberikan nilai yang sesuai.

#Before using Azure PowerShell to manage VM extensions on your hybrid server managed by Azure Arc-enabled servers, you need to install the Az.ConnectedMachine module. Run the following command on your Azure Arc-enabled server:
#If you have Az.ConnectedMachine installed, please make sure the version is at least 0.4.0
install-module -Name Az.ConnectedMachine
Import-Module -name Az.ConnectedMachine

# specify location, resource group, and VM for the extension
$subscriptionid =" SUBSCRIPTION ID HERE "
$location = " LOCATION HERE " # eg., “Southeast Asia” or “Central US”
$resourceGroupName = " RESOURCE GROUP NAME HERE "
$machineName = "MACHINE NAME HERE "

# Enable Antimalware with default policies
$setting = @{"AntimalwareEnabled"=$true}
# Enable Antimalware with custom policies
$setting2 = @{
"ScheduledScanSettings"= @{
"Exclusions"= @{
           "Extensions"=".ext1, .ext2";
                 "Processes"="sampl1e1.exe, sample2.exe"
"SignatureUpdates"= @{
# Will be prompted to login 
# Enable Antimalware with the policies
New-AzConnectedMachineExtension -Name "IaaSAntimalware" -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -MachineName $machineName -Location $location -SubscriptionId $subscriptionid -Publisher “Microsoft.Azure.Security” -Settings $setting -ExtensionType “IaaSAntimalware”

Langkah berikutnya

Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Microsoft Antimalware untuk Azure.