Bagikan melalui

ArrayList.IndexOf Metode


Mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama nilai dalam ArrayList atau dalam bagiannya.



Mencari yang ditentukan Object dan mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dalam seluruh ArrayList.

IndexOf(Object, Int32)

Mencari yang ditentukan Object dan mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dalam rentang elemen dalam ArrayList yang meluas dari indeks yang ditentukan ke elemen terakhir.

IndexOf(Object, Int32, Int32)

Mencari yang ditentukan Object dan mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dalam rentang elemen dalam ArrayList yang dimulai pada indeks yang ditentukan dan berisi jumlah elemen yang ditentukan.



Mencari yang ditentukan Object dan mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dalam seluruh ArrayList.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::Object ^ value);
public virtual int IndexOf (object value);
public virtual int IndexOf (object? value);
abstract member IndexOf : obj -> int
override this.IndexOf : obj -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (value As Object) As Integer



Object untuk menemukan di ArrayList. Nilainya bisa .null


Indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dari value seluruh ArrayList, jika ditemukan; jika tidak, -1.



Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menentukan indeks kemunculan pertama elemen tertentu.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
void PrintIndexAndValues( IEnumerable^ myList );
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
   ArrayList^ myAL = gcnew ArrayList;
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "quick" );
   myAL->Add( "brown" );
   myAL->Add( "fox" );
   myAL->Add( "jumps" );
   myAL->Add( "over" );
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "lazy" );
   myAL->Add( "dog" );
   myAL->Add( "in" );
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "barn" );
   // Displays the values of the ArrayList.
   Console::WriteLine( "The ArrayList contains the following values:" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myAL );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
   String^ myString = "the";
   int myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
   myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString, 4 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
   myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString, 6, 6 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

void PrintIndexAndValues( IEnumerable^ myList )
   int i = 0;
   IEnumerator^ myEnum = myList->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      Object^ obj = safe_cast<Object^>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( "   [{0}]:    {1}", i++, obj );


 This code produces the following output.
 The ArrayList contains the following values:
    [0]:    the
    [1]:    quick
    [2]:    brown
    [3]:    fox
    [4]:    jumps
    [5]:    over
    [6]:    the
    [7]:    lazy
    [8]:    dog
    [9]:    in
    [10]:    the
    [11]:    barn

 The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
 The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
 The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesArrayList

    public static void Main()

        // Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
        ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "quick" );
        myAL.Add( "brown" );
        myAL.Add( "fox" );
        myAL.Add( "jumps" );
        myAL.Add( "over" );
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "lazy" );
        myAL.Add( "dog" );
        myAL.Add( "in" );
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "barn" );

        // Displays the values of the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine( "The ArrayList contains the following values:" );
        PrintIndexAndValues( myAL );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
        string myString = "the";
        int myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 4 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 6, 6 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a small section at the end of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 11 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 11 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(IEnumerable myList)
        int i = 0;
        foreach (Object obj in myList)
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:    {1}", i++, obj);
This code produces output similar to the following:

The ArrayList contains the following values:
   [0]:    the
   [1]:    quick
   [2]:    brown
   [3]:    fox
   [4]:    jumps
   [5]:    over
   [6]:    the
   [7]:    lazy
   [8]:    dog
   [9]:    in
   [10]:    the
   [11]:    barn

The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 11 and the end is at index -1.
Imports System.Collections

Public Class SamplesArrayList

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
        Dim myAL As New ArrayList()

        ' Displays the values of the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine("The ArrayList contains the following values:")

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
        Dim myString As [String] = "the"
        Dim myIndex As Integer = myAL.IndexOf(myString)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 4)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 6, 6)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a small section at the end of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 11)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 11 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(ByVal myList As IEnumerable)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim obj As [Object]
        For Each obj In myList
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:    {1}", i, obj)
            i = i + 1
        Next obj
    End Sub

End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' The ArrayList contains the following values:
' 	[0]:	the
' 	[1]:	quick
' 	[2]:	brown
' 	[3]:	fox
' 	[4]:	jumps
' 	[5]:	over
' 	[6]:	the
' 	[7]:	lazy
' 	[8]:	dog
' 	[9]:	in
' 	[10]:	the
' 	[11]:	barn
' The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 11 and the end is at index -1.


ArrayList dicari maju mulai dari elemen pertama dan berakhir pada elemen terakhir.

Metode ini melakukan pencarian linier; oleh karena itu, metode ini adalah O(n) operasi, di mana n adalah Count.

Metode ini menentukan kesetaraan dengan memanggil Object.Equals.

Dimulai dengan .NET Framework 2.0, metode ini menggunakan objek Equals dan CompareTo metode item koleksi untuk menentukan apakah item ada. Dalam versi .NET Framework sebelumnya, penentuan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Equals metode item dan CompareTo parameter pada objek dalam koleksi.

Lihat juga

Berlaku untuk

IndexOf(Object, Int32)


Mencari yang ditentukan Object dan mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dalam rentang elemen dalam ArrayList yang meluas dari indeks yang ditentukan ke elemen terakhir.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::Object ^ value, int startIndex);
public virtual int IndexOf (object value, int startIndex);
public virtual int IndexOf (object? value, int startIndex);
abstract member IndexOf : obj * int -> int
override this.IndexOf : obj * int -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (value As Object, startIndex As Integer) As Integer



Object untuk menemukan di ArrayList. Nilainya bisa .null


Indeks awal berbasis nol dari pencarian. 0 (nol) valid dalam daftar kosong.


Indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan value pertama dalam rentang elemen dalam ArrayList yang meluas dari startIndex ke elemen terakhir, jika ditemukan; jika tidak, -1.


startIndex berada di luar rentang indeks yang valid untuk ArrayList.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menentukan indeks kemunculan pertama elemen tertentu.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
void PrintIndexAndValues( IEnumerable^ myList );
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
   ArrayList^ myAL = gcnew ArrayList;
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "quick" );
   myAL->Add( "brown" );
   myAL->Add( "fox" );
   myAL->Add( "jumps" );
   myAL->Add( "over" );
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "lazy" );
   myAL->Add( "dog" );
   myAL->Add( "in" );
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "barn" );
   // Displays the values of the ArrayList.
   Console::WriteLine( "The ArrayList contains the following values:" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myAL );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
   String^ myString = "the";
   int myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
   myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString, 4 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
   myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString, 6, 6 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

void PrintIndexAndValues( IEnumerable^ myList )
   int i = 0;
   IEnumerator^ myEnum = myList->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      Object^ obj = safe_cast<Object^>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( "   [{0}]:    {1}", i++, obj );


 This code produces the following output.
 The ArrayList contains the following values:
    [0]:    the
    [1]:    quick
    [2]:    brown
    [3]:    fox
    [4]:    jumps
    [5]:    over
    [6]:    the
    [7]:    lazy
    [8]:    dog
    [9]:    in
    [10]:    the
    [11]:    barn

 The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
 The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
 The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesArrayList

    public static void Main()

        // Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
        ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "quick" );
        myAL.Add( "brown" );
        myAL.Add( "fox" );
        myAL.Add( "jumps" );
        myAL.Add( "over" );
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "lazy" );
        myAL.Add( "dog" );
        myAL.Add( "in" );
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "barn" );

        // Displays the values of the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine( "The ArrayList contains the following values:" );
        PrintIndexAndValues( myAL );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
        string myString = "the";
        int myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 4 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 6, 6 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a small section at the end of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 11 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 11 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(IEnumerable myList)
        int i = 0;
        foreach (Object obj in myList)
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:    {1}", i++, obj);
This code produces output similar to the following:

The ArrayList contains the following values:
   [0]:    the
   [1]:    quick
   [2]:    brown
   [3]:    fox
   [4]:    jumps
   [5]:    over
   [6]:    the
   [7]:    lazy
   [8]:    dog
   [9]:    in
   [10]:    the
   [11]:    barn

The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 11 and the end is at index -1.
Imports System.Collections

Public Class SamplesArrayList

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
        Dim myAL As New ArrayList()

        ' Displays the values of the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine("The ArrayList contains the following values:")

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
        Dim myString As [String] = "the"
        Dim myIndex As Integer = myAL.IndexOf(myString)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 4)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 6, 6)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a small section at the end of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 11)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 11 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(ByVal myList As IEnumerable)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim obj As [Object]
        For Each obj In myList
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:    {1}", i, obj)
            i = i + 1
        Next obj
    End Sub

End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' The ArrayList contains the following values:
' 	[0]:	the
' 	[1]:	quick
' 	[2]:	brown
' 	[3]:	fox
' 	[4]:	jumps
' 	[5]:	over
' 	[6]:	the
' 	[7]:	lazy
' 	[8]:	dog
' 	[9]:	in
' 	[10]:	the
' 	[11]:	barn
' The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 11 and the end is at index -1.


ArrayList dicari ke depan mulai dari startIndex dan berakhir pada elemen terakhir.

Metode ini melakukan pencarian linier; oleh karena itu, metode ini adalah O(n) operasi, di mana n adalah jumlah elemen dari startIndex hingga akhir ArrayList.

Metode ini menentukan kesetaraan dengan memanggil Object.Equals.

Dimulai dengan .NET Framework 2.0, metode ini menggunakan objek Equals dan CompareTo metode item koleksi untuk menentukan apakah item ada. Dalam versi .NET Framework sebelumnya, penentuan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Equals metode item dan CompareTo parameter pada objek dalam koleksi.

Lihat juga

Berlaku untuk

IndexOf(Object, Int32, Int32)


Mencari yang ditentukan Object dan mengembalikan indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan pertama dalam rentang elemen dalam ArrayList yang dimulai pada indeks yang ditentukan dan berisi jumlah elemen yang ditentukan.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::Object ^ value, int startIndex, int count);
public virtual int IndexOf (object value, int startIndex, int count);
public virtual int IndexOf (object? value, int startIndex, int count);
abstract member IndexOf : obj * int * int -> int
override this.IndexOf : obj * int * int -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (value As Object, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer



Object untuk menemukan di ArrayList. Nilainya bisa .null


Indeks awal berbasis nol dari pencarian. 0 (nol) valid dalam daftar kosong.


Jumlah elemen di bagian untuk dicari.


Indeks berbasis nol dari kemunculan value pertama dalam rentang elemen dalam ArrayList yang dimulai pada startIndex dan berisi count jumlah elemen, jika ditemukan; jika tidak, -1.


startIndex berada di luar rentang indeks yang valid untuk ArrayList.


count kurang dari nol.


startIndex dan count jangan tentukan bagian yang valid di ArrayList.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menentukan indeks kemunculan pertama elemen tertentu.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
void PrintIndexAndValues( IEnumerable^ myList );
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
   ArrayList^ myAL = gcnew ArrayList;
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "quick" );
   myAL->Add( "brown" );
   myAL->Add( "fox" );
   myAL->Add( "jumps" );
   myAL->Add( "over" );
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "lazy" );
   myAL->Add( "dog" );
   myAL->Add( "in" );
   myAL->Add( "the" );
   myAL->Add( "barn" );
   // Displays the values of the ArrayList.
   Console::WriteLine( "The ArrayList contains the following values:" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myAL );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
   String^ myString = "the";
   int myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
   myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString, 4 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );
   // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
   myIndex = myAL->IndexOf( myString, 6, 6 );
   Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

void PrintIndexAndValues( IEnumerable^ myList )
   int i = 0;
   IEnumerator^ myEnum = myList->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      Object^ obj = safe_cast<Object^>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( "   [{0}]:    {1}", i++, obj );


 This code produces the following output.
 The ArrayList contains the following values:
    [0]:    the
    [1]:    quick
    [2]:    brown
    [3]:    fox
    [4]:    jumps
    [5]:    over
    [6]:    the
    [7]:    lazy
    [8]:    dog
    [9]:    in
    [10]:    the
    [11]:    barn

 The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
 The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
 The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesArrayList

    public static void Main()

        // Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
        ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "quick" );
        myAL.Add( "brown" );
        myAL.Add( "fox" );
        myAL.Add( "jumps" );
        myAL.Add( "over" );
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "lazy" );
        myAL.Add( "dog" );
        myAL.Add( "in" );
        myAL.Add( "the" );
        myAL.Add( "barn" );

        // Displays the values of the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine( "The ArrayList contains the following values:" );
        PrintIndexAndValues( myAL );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
        string myString = "the";
        int myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 4 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 6, 6 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

        // Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a small section at the end of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf( myString, 11 );
        Console.WriteLine( "The first occurrence of \"{0}\" between index 11 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex );

    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(IEnumerable myList)
        int i = 0;
        foreach (Object obj in myList)
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:    {1}", i++, obj);
This code produces output similar to the following:

The ArrayList contains the following values:
   [0]:    the
   [1]:    quick
   [2]:    brown
   [3]:    fox
   [4]:    jumps
   [5]:    over
   [6]:    the
   [7]:    lazy
   [8]:    dog
   [9]:    in
   [10]:    the
   [11]:    barn

The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
The first occurrence of "the" between index 11 and the end is at index -1.
Imports System.Collections

Public Class SamplesArrayList

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Creates and initializes a new ArrayList with three elements of the same value.
        Dim myAL As New ArrayList()

        ' Displays the values of the ArrayList.
        Console.WriteLine("The ArrayList contains the following values:")

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value.
        Dim myString As [String] = "the"
        Dim myIndex As Integer = myAL.IndexOf(myString)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the last section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 4)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 4 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a section of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 6, 6)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 6 and index 11 is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

        ' Search for the first occurrence of the duplicated value in a small section at the end of the ArrayList.
        myIndex = myAL.IndexOf(myString, 11)
        Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of ""{0}"" between index 11 and the end is at index {1}.", myString, myIndex)

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(ByVal myList As IEnumerable)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim obj As [Object]
        For Each obj In myList
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:    {1}", i, obj)
            i = i + 1
        Next obj
    End Sub

End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' The ArrayList contains the following values:
' 	[0]:	the
' 	[1]:	quick
' 	[2]:	brown
' 	[3]:	fox
' 	[4]:	jumps
' 	[5]:	over
' 	[6]:	the
' 	[7]:	lazy
' 	[8]:	dog
' 	[9]:	in
' 	[10]:	the
' 	[11]:	barn
' The first occurrence of "the" is at index 0.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 4 and the end is at index 6.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 6 and index 11 is at index 6.
' The first occurrence of "the" between index 11 and the end is at index -1.


ArrayList dicari ke depan mulai dari startIndex dan berakhir pada startIndex plus count minus 1, jika count lebih besar dari 0.

Metode ini melakukan pencarian linier; oleh karena itu, metode ini adalah O(n) operasi, di mana n adalah count.

Metode ini menentukan kesetaraan dengan memanggil Object.Equals.

Dimulai dengan .NET Framework 2.0, metode ini menggunakan objek Equals dan CompareTo metode item koleksi untuk menentukan apakah item ada. Dalam versi .NET Framework sebelumnya, penentuan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Equals metode item dan CompareTo parameter pada objek dalam koleksi.

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