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Update TestSettings utility

In dev10/dev11, test settings in MTM does not expose all the configuration options which are present in Visual Studio. These configuration options include bucket size, deployment timeout among few others.

I have created a small utility named UpdateTestSettings which you can use to update these parameters. To start with, it provides options to update/view the bucket size, update/view the deployment timeout and going forward I will add more options to this list based on your requirements. In case you want to extend it your selves, you can use the 2010 source code from here or 2012 source code from here or 2013 source code from here.

Here are the steps which you need to do to use this utility: -

- Download/extract this utility from here for 2010 version, from here for 2012 version and from here for 2013 version. Ensure that the machine has appropriate version of Visual Studio or Microsoft Test Manager installed.

- Open a command prompt, change the directory to the one where you have extracted this utility and run it using the following syntax.

UpdateTestSettings /collection:<ProjectCollectionUri> /teamProject:<ProjectName> /settingsname:<TestSettingsName> [/bucketSize:<value>] [/deploymentTimeout:<value>]


UpdateTestSettings /collection:https://abc:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /teamProject:myProject /settingsname:My2_0_App /bucketSize:200 /deploymentTimeout:600000

UpdateTestSettings /collection:https://abc:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /teamProjec:myProject /settingsname:My2_0_App