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Mainframe - Printing the job(JCL) output to a file

Sometimes we  want to preserve the output of jobs ( JCL ) run sucessfully so that we can refer to them in future. The way I like to use these results is to convince my mainframe Admin that I am referring to the correct  environment settings and the job log saved previously is the benchmark that we compare against.

The other way to make use of this log information is if your shop face  the similar upgrade issues over and over you can refer to failed jobs for failure messages, return codes  etc.

these are the steps that would work for most of the shops:

1) go to the SDSF panel

2) locate the job you want to copy

3) in the command line print XD

4) this will pull  the  SDSF  open print dataset  , which looks like :

                         SDSF Open Print Data Set                          
 COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> CSR 
 Data set name  ===> 'HQ.SPROC.OUT'                                       
 Member to use  ===>                                                           
 Disposition    ===> NEW        (OLD, NEW, SHR, MOD)                           
 If the data set is to be created, specify the following.                      
 Volume serial will be used to locate existing data sets if specified.         
 Management class     ===>           (Blank for default management class)      
 Storage class        ===>           (Blank for default storage class)         
   Volume serial      ===>           (Blank for authorized default volume)     
   Device type        ===>           (Generic unit or device address)          
 Data class           ===> DBCLASS   (Blank for default data class)            
   Space units        ===> TRKS      (BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, BY, KB, or MB)         
   Primary quantity   ===> 75        (In above units)                          
   Secondary quantity ===> 5         (In above units)                          
   Directory blocks   ===>           (Zero for sequential data set)            
   Record format      ===> VBA                                                 
   Record length      ===> 240                                                 
   Block size         ===> 3120                                                 

5)  hit enter, it will take you to the  SDSF again. On the command line print "PRINT CLOSE" and hit enter.

6)  Now you should be able to see the job log captured in dataset - 'HQ.SPROC.OUT'

thanks !


  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2010