Introducing: Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio Code
Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools preview for Visual Studio Code, an extension for developing U-SQL projects against Microsoft Azure Data Lake! This extension provides you a cross-platform, light-weight, keyboard-focused authoring experience for U-SQL while maintaining a full set of development functions.
Want to make this extension even more awesome? Share your feedback .
Primary Features:
- U-SQL language sample package
- U-SQL language editing support, including Syntax Highlighting, IntelliSense, and error markers
- U-SQL scripting, code behind programming, local compilation and assembly handling
- Azure Data Lake Analytics U-SQL job submission, execution and job status monitoring
- Azure Data Lake compute account object navigation for objects such as databases, schemas, and other metadata
Runtime prerequisites:
- Mono 4.2.X (Only for Linux and Mac OS)
- Java JRE 1.8 or above
- .NET Core 1.0 or above
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows
- MacOS
- Ubuntu 14.04
Quick Start:
ADL Tools for VSCode will only be activated when you either create a new U-SQL File or open an existing U-SQL file.
Create a new U-SQL File
Open a Working U-SQL Folder
- Video: Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio Code
- User Manual: Use the Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio Code
Azure Data Lake Commands
- Press F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P to open Visual Studio Code Command Palette
- Enter ADL: to list the customized commands, which begin with “ADL: ” prefix.
Customized commands:
- ADL: Generate Code Behind – Create a code-behind file with the same name as the U-SQL file for authoring C# extensions
- ADL: Open Sample Script – Open and view a U-SQL Sample script
- ADL: Register Assembly – Register custom code assembly into the ADLA metadata store
- ADL: Set Script Parameters – Set up ADLA account and job execution parameters (e.g. parallelism, runtime, etc.)
- ADL: Compile Script – Submit U-SQL file and code behind (if any) to ADLA for compilation
- ADL: Submit Job – Submit U-SQL job to ADLA for execution
Azure Data Lake Metadata Navigation to view different objects:
- ADL: List Accounts
- ADL: List Assemblies
- ADL: List Credentials
- ADL: List Databases
- ADL: List External Data Sources
- ADL: List Procedures
- ADL: List Schemas
- ADL: List Table Partitions
- ADL: List Table Statistics
- ADL: List Table Types
- ADL: List Table Valued Functions
- ADL: List Tables
- ADL: List Types
- ADL: List Views
More Information
- For the getting started information on Data Lake Analytics, see Tutorial: get started with Azure Data Lake Analytics
- For information on using Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio, see Tutorial: develop U-SQL scripts using Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio