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Benjamin Guinebertière

This blog is about Microsoft Azure. Older stuff include architecture, SOA, BizTalk, ...

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Bonjour, Les billets suivants de ce blog sont sur Je tweete chaque nouveau...

Date: 12/02/2015

Hadoop : Comment réduire ses coûts HDInsight pour le développement

  Comme on le voit dans ce diagramme, HDInsight est au cœur de la plateforme Big Data de...

Date: 11/16/2015

Azure Camp 9 DEC 2014: quelques démos IoT + Big Data (vidéos)

Lors de l’Azure Camp du 9 décembre dernier, j’ai eu l’occasion de montrer...

Date: 12/11/2014

How to retrieve R data visualization from Azure Machine Learning

As you may know, Azure Machine Learning can execute R scripts. You can interactively see the output...

Date: 10/24/2014

How to upload an R package to Azure Machine Learning

Azure Machine Learning ( has a number of packages already installed by default....

Date: 09/24/2014

Sample code: create an HDInsight cluster, run job, remove the cluster

In a previous post, I gave an example of a simple automation job. Here is a more interesting one....

Date: 07/24/2014

Azure Automation: What is running on my subscriptions

the result I regulalry need to check if my Azure virtual machines are turned off before leaving....

Date: 07/24/2014

start a Pig + Jython job in HDInsight thru WebHCat

You can also use HDInsight with Hive + Python. The drawback of the latter is that you use streaming...

Date: 03/21/2014

HDInsight + PowerBI: un exemple simple

En octobre dernier, j’ai eu l’occasion de montrer comment analyser des données venant de logs Web et...

Date: 03/18/2014

Why can’t I remove my storage account ?

You may want to remove a storage account you’ve created and get a message like this one: Storage...

Date: 03/17/2014

How to deploy a Python module to Windows Azure HDInsight

Introduction In a previous post, I explained how to run Hive + Python in HDInsight (Hadoop as a...

Date: 03/03/2014

A simple example: how to call Python from Hive in HDInsight

Introduction Hadoop framework distributes code execution automatically in a multi node cluster. This...

Date: 03/03/2014

How to use HDInsight from Linux

HDinsight is very easy to use from PowerShell, but how would you create and delete a cluster from...

Date: 02/18/2014

Windows Azure, PowerShell: How to start virtual machines in parallel

In Windows Azure, I sometimes have several virtual machines that are part of the same vNet but are...

Date: 10/18/2013

Azure Camp 100% en ligne

L’Azure Camp 100% en ligne avec de nombreux témoignages de partenaires commence à 15h sur...

Date: 07/01/2013

Sample automation script | exemple de script d’automatisation

27-MAY-2013 Update: A much more complete set of scripts has just been released last Friday. Please...

Date: 05/23/2013

Do I have VM Roles that I should migrate?

You may have received this kind of e-mail and wonder if you have already VM Roles deployed. There...

Date: 04/19/2013

How to install Hadoop on Windows Azure Linux virtual machines

Windows Azure HDInsight is the simplest option to get a Hadoop cluster up and running very quickly...

Date: 04/05/2013

How to use Windows Azure with a Windows Azure Active Directory account

There has been some news about Windows Azure Active Directory recently. Yesterday an announce has...

Date: 03/05/2013

Sample Windows Azure Virtual Machines PowerShell Scripts

I sometimes show a platform that requires a bunch of Windows Azure virtual machines. It has 1 Active...

Date: 12/18/2012

Avoid sending a partially written e-mail | Eviter d’envoyer un e-mail en cours d’écriture

I regularly use the following trick while writing an e-mail so that I don’t send it by error before...

Date: 11/07/2012

Installing HDInsight (Hadoop) on a single Windows box | Installation d’HDInsight (Hadoop) sur une machine Windows

Announced at the //build conference, HDInsight is available as a Web Platform Installer...

Date: 10/31/2012

Hadoop + SSIS, SSIS + Windows Azure Blob Storage

I worked on a white paper which has just been published on MSDN J’ai travaillé sur un livre blanc...

Date: 10/18/2012

How to download a blob on a linux machine | Comment télécharger un blob sur une machine Linux

I suppose you have a Windows machine and a Linux machine. You want to get a blob directly from Blob...

Date: 10/12/2012

Installing MediaWiki to free Windows Azure Web Sites | Installation de MediaWiki vers les Windows Azure Web Sites gratuits

One of the most famous wiki engines is MediaWiki; You may not know its name, but you may know...

Date: 09/25/2012

Migrating TailspinSpyworks Web Forms to Windows Azure | Migration de l’appli Web Forms TailspinSpyworks vers Windows Azure

Windows Azure Web Sites makes it easy to create new Web Sites. A site can be empty, created from a...

Date: 09/18/2012

Encoding an MP4 file to Smooth Streaming and Apple HLS in the cloud | Encodage en nuage d’un fichier MP4 vers du smooth streaming et de l’Apple HLS

Since June 2012, a preview of Windows Azure Media Services is available. This post provides sample...

Date: 07/06/2012

Windows Azure PowerShell: The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request

A few days ago, I was using Windows Azure PowserShell cmdlets to create a new virtual machine, and I...

Date: 07/02/2012

Deploying the Need Facebook canvas app. to Windows Azure Web Sites |Déploiement de l’appli. canvas Facebook dans les Web Sites Windows Azure

With the new release of Windows Azure Web Sites in June 2012, it is now possible to have free...

Date: 06/22/2012

Need: A Canvas Facebook Application hosted in Windows Azure | Need: une application Facebook de type Canvas hébergée sur Windows Azure

This post is to share some source code of a sample application that shows how to develop a Facebook...

Date: 06/14/2012

Windows Azure tables: partitioning guid row keys | Windows Azure tables: partionnement de clefs de type GUID

    This post is about using a partition key while the rowkey is a GUID in Windows Azure...

Date: 05/18/2012

How to request/buy a certificate and use it in Windows Azure | Comment demander/acheter un certificat et l’utiliser dans Windows Azure

  Some domain registrars may let you request an SSL certificate for your domain. It is also...

Date: 04/14/2012

Lab: Deploy an Azure App. and explore the deployment thru RDP | Exercice: Déployer une App. Azure et explorer son déploiement via RDP

  In this post, we’ll see how a Windows Azure application can be packaged from within Visual...

Date: 03/29/2012

SQL Server 2012 RTM: installing SSDT | installation des SSDT

On my development machine, I wanted to install the SQL Server Data Tools. With Visual Studio 2010...

Date: 03/27/2012

TechDays 2012: JavaScript aussi sur le serveur et jusque dans le cloud?

The session about server side JavaScript is available online with its slides and its video. Here are...

Date: 03/08/2012

HADOOP, HIVE, ODBC, SSIS, SQL Azure, SQL Azure Reporting

In a previous post, I talked about analyzing 1 TB of IIS logs with JavaScript thru Hadoop...

Date: 03/06/2012

Create a SQL Azure database | Créer une base SQL Azure

In order to create a SQL Azure database from the Windows Azure Portal, one first needs to create a...

Date: 03/06/2012

Use SSIS to push data to SQL Azure | Utiliser SSIS pour pousser des données vers SQL Azure

The goal of this blog post is to show that it is as easy with SQL Azure as with SQL Server to push...

Date: 01/31/2012

B2B: SQL Azure as a meeting point | B2B: SQL Azure comme point de rencontre

  FABRIKAM is a manufacturing company who has CONTOSO as one of its resellers. FABRIKAM would...

Date: 01/22/2012

SQL Azure: create a login that has only access to one database | SQL Azure: créer un login qui n’a accès qu’à une base de données

You have a SQL Azure Server. You can access the databases thru the administrator login you specified...

Date: 01/20/2012

On demand map reduce cluster and persistent storage | un cluster map reduce à la demande et des données persistantes

Here is one of the use cases of Hadoop on Azure: you have a few applications accumulating data over...

Date: 01/11/2012

Azure: Performance

Here are a few links about Windows Azure Platform performance Voici quelques liens sur les...

Date: 12/21/2011

Hadoop on Azure: word count in Java and JavaScript | Hadoop sur Azure: comptons les mots en Java et JavaScript

A preview version of Hadoop on Windows Azure is available. The details of that availability is at...

Date: 12/19/2011

Windows Azure 12/12/11 Announcement | Annonces Windows Azure du 12 décembre 2011

This afternoon, Microsoft announced a number of updates and improvements to Windows Azure that will...

Date: 12/12/2011

Install Visual Studio 2010 SP1 | Installer Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Here is how to install Visual Studio 2010 SP1, typically after having installed the Windows Azure...

Date: 12/08/2011

Install the Windows Azure SDK for PHP with Windows Azure SDK 1.6 | Installer le SDK Windows Azure pour PHP avec le SDK Windows Azure 1.6

Before using Windows Azure with PHP, you will need the SDK for PHP. Instructions to install it are...

Date: 12/08/2011

Deploying Drupal 7 on Windows Azure | Déploiement de Drupal 7 sur Windows Azure

English Français This article shows most of the steps decribed on the Interoperability Bridges web...

Date: 12/07/2011

Create Windows Azure remote desktop configuration | créer une configuration Azure pour le bureau d’accès à distance

English Français In this post, the goal is to have the configuration lines to set remote...

Date: 12/07/2011
