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List of HTML5 Presentation Resources

I’ve been running sessions on HTML5, Internet Explorer 9/10, CSS3 and more at recent Web Camps, Code Camps, and user group meetings.  Many resources are shown or mentioned in those sessions, so I’ve compiled a list of them for you here.

I hope you find these useful!


  • HTML5 at W3C – Specifications and learning materials
  • HTML5 W3C Logo – HTML5 and related logos
  • HTML5 LabsHTML5 Labs – Prototypes of early web specifications (e.g. IndexedDB, FileAPI, etc.)
  • – Articles and information on web development
  • – Details support by browser for HTML5, CSS3, and other technologies
  • Modernizr – HTML5 & CSS3 feature detection made easy
  • HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills – Shims, polyfills helpful for implementing features while supporting a range of browsers
  • HTML5 Boilerplate – An HTML5 template. Useful also as a reference.
  • Initializr – HTML5 template builder
  • Yepnope.js – Conditional resource loader that utilizes asynchronous calls

HTML5 Sample Applications/Sites

Internet Explorer


Canvas & SVG

  • Canvas PadCanvas Pad – Great way to see/learn canvas capabilities
  • Easel.js – A library to help create HTML5 Canvas graphics
  • UN Systems Org Chart – SVG example showing effects of zooming
  • SVG-Oids – SVG game example (Fire up the F12 dev tools with this one)
  • Raphael – A library to help create vector graphics - SVG/VML

Microsoft Web Platform


Presentation Slides

And finally, here are slides I’ve used at some point for various presentations. 

  • SkyDrive folder share.  Contains:
    • HTML5 and Friends
    • HTML5 Web Camp – Graphics and UI with CSS3, SVG, and Canvas
    • HTML5 Web Camp – Practices and Adoption Techniques

My teammate Rachel Appel has posted materials from her HTML5 Web Camp sessions as well.
