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Enable SSL for managed socket on windows mobile

I recently had to implement an application on windows mobile that would talk to a service via an SSL socket. This wasn’t just doing https requests so HttpWebRequest was not an option. And unfortunately the compact framework doesn’t include the SslStream class (which would have made my life easier).

I found windows mobile sockets support SSL through winsock so I decided to explore this route. Since my application was mostly managed it took a little interop dancing but I finally got it to work. What I came up with is a helper class that can take an existing socket and will enable SSL on it. For example:


var socket = new Socket(ipaddr, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);

using (var sslHelper = new SslHelper(socket, host))



     //at this point the SSL handshake has occurred and you can

    //send and receive normally



Below is the code for this class. This is not meant to be production ready but can serve as an illustration on how to hook things up. In my case this was used as part of a proof of concept prototype.

It took me some time to figure out how all the pieces work together since the documentation is a little scattered but hopefully if you have to do something similar it can save you some time.

Another option might be to use SSPI, although I haven’t looked into that yet.


using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Net.Sockets;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Security.Cryptography;

using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

using System.Text;

using System.Globalization;


namespace SslTest


    class SslHelper : IDisposable


        private const ushort SO_SECURE = 0x2001;

        private const ushort SO_SEC_SSL = 0x2004;

        private const int _SO_SSL_FLAGS = 0x02;

        private const int _SO_SSL_VALIDATE_CERT_HOOK = 0x08;

        private const int SO_SSL_FAMILY = 0x00730000;

        private const long _SO_SSL = ((2L << 27) | SO_SSL_FAMILY);

        private const uint IOC_IN = 0x80000000;


        private const long SO_SSL_SET_FLAGS = (IOC_IN | _SO_SSL | _SO_SSL_FLAGS);


        private const int SSL_CERT_X59            = 1;

        private const int SSL_ERR_OKAY            = 0;

        private const int SSL_ERR_FAILED          = 2;

        private const int SSL_ERR_BAD_LEN         = 3;

        private const int SSL_ERR_BAD_TYPE        = 4;

        private const int SSL_ERR_BAD_DATA        = 5;

        private const int SSL_ERR_NO_CERT         = 6;

        private const int SSL_ERR_BAD_SIG         = 7;

        private const int SSL_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED    = 8;

        private const int SSL_ERR_CERT_REVOKED    = 9;

        private const int SSL_ERR_CERT_UNKNOWN    = 10;

        private const int SSL_ERR_SIGNATURE       = 11;

        private const int SSL_CERT_FLAG_ISSUER_UNKNOWN = 0x0001;



        public delegate int SSLVALIDATECERTFUNC(uint dwType, IntPtr pvArg, uint dwChainLen, IntPtr pCertChain, uint dwFlags);       

        private IntPtr ptrHost;

        private IntPtr hookFunc;


        public SslHelper(Socket socket, string host)


            //The managed SocketOptionName enum doesn't have SO_SECURE so here we cast the integer value

            socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, (SocketOptionName)SO_SECURE, SO_SEC_SSL);


            //We need to pass a function pointer and a pointer to a string containing the host

            //to unmanaged code

            hookFunc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new SSLVALIDATECERTFUNC(ValidateCert));


            //Allocate the buffer for the string

            ptrHost = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(host.Length + 1);

            WriteASCIIString(ptrHost, host);


            //Now put both pointers into a byte[]

            var inBuffer = new byte[8];

            var hookFuncBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(hookFunc.ToInt32());

            var hostPtrBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(ptrHost.ToInt32());

            Array.Copy(hookFuncBytes, inBuffer, hookFuncBytes.Length);

            Array.Copy(hostPtrBytes, 0, inBuffer, hookFuncBytes.Length, hostPtrBytes.Length);




                socket.IOControl((int)SO_SSL_SET_VALIDATE_CERT_HOOK, inBuffer, null);




        private static void WriteASCIIString(IntPtr basePtr, string s)


            byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s);

            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)

                Marshal.WriteByte(basePtr, i, bytes[i]);


            //null terminate the string

            Marshal.WriteByte(basePtr, bytes.Length, 0);



        #region IDisposable Members







        public void Dispose()






        private void ReleaseHostPointer()


            if (ptrHost != IntPtr.Zero)



                ptrHost = IntPtr.Zero;






        private int ValidateCert(uint dwType, IntPtr pvArg, uint dwChainLen, IntPtr pCertChain, uint dwFlags)


            //According to


            //- dwChainLen is always 1

            //- Windows CE performs the cert chain validation

            //- pvArg is the context data we passed into the SO_SSL_SET_VALIDATE_CERT_HOOK call so in our

            //- case is the host name


            //So here we are responsible for validating the dates on the certificate and the CN



            if (dwType != SSL_CERT_X59)

                return SSL_ERR_BAD_TYPE;


            //When in debug mode let self-signed certificates through ...

#if !DEBUG

            if ((dwFlags & SSL_CERT_FLAG_ISSUER_UNKNOWN) != 0)

                return SSL_ERR_CERT_UNKNOWN;



            Debug.Assert(dwChainLen == 1);


            //Note about the note: an unmanaged long is 32 bits, unlike a managed long which is 64. I was missing

            //this fact when I wrote the comment. So the docs are accurate.

            //NOTE: The documentation says pCertChain is a pointer to a LPBLOB struct:


            // {ulong size, byte* data}


            //in reality the size is a 32 bit integer (not 64).

            int certSize = Marshal.ReadInt32(pCertChain);

            IntPtr pData = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(new IntPtr(pCertChain.ToInt32() + sizeof(int)));


            byte[] certData = new byte[certSize];


            for (int i = 0; i < certSize; i++)

                certData[i] = Marshal.ReadByte(pData, (int)i);


            X509Certificate2 cert;



                cert = new X509Certificate2(certData);


            catch (ArgumentException) { return SSL_ERR_BAD_DATA; }

            catch (CryptographicException) { return SSL_ERR_BAD_DATA; }


            //Validate the expiration date

            if (DateTime.Now > DateTime.Parse(cert.GetExpirationDateString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))

                return SSL_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED;


            //Validate the effective date

            if (DateTime.Now < DateTime.Parse(cert.GetEffectiveDateString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))

                return SSL_ERR_FAILED;


            string certName = cert.GetName();



            //Validate the CN

            string host = ReadAnsiString(pvArg);

            if (!certName.Contains("CN=" + host))

                return SSL_ERR_FAILED;


            return SSL_ERR_OKAY;



        private static string ReadAnsiString(IntPtr pvArg)


            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

            int j = 0;



                buffer[j] = Marshal.ReadByte(pvArg, j);


            } while (buffer[j - 1] != 0);

            string host = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, j - 1);

            return host;


