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Writing custom GPU-based Effects for WPF

The last few posts in this series on Effects have focused on the perspective of those using Effects.  These Effects have to come into being somehow, and that's where we turn to now. 

In this post we showed how to apply a ColorComplementEffect to go from this to this:

image image

ColorComplementEffect, which very much looks like a photographic negative, is just about the simplest Effect one can imagine.  Conceptually, all it does is take the RGB color components and create a new color with each component subtracted from 1.0.  Let's first show what it takes to write it and add it to your app, then we'll expand and generalize from there in the next post.

Creating the HLSL for color complement

Here's some simple HLSL for doing the color complement.  Note that this series is not in the least intended to be an HLSL tutorial.  There are a bunch out on the Net, and there is also a Programmer's Guide and Reference Guide on MSDN that can be a good place to start.  Also starting from existing examples (like those included here) and tweaking and experimenting is always a good approach.

 sampler2D implicitInput : register(s0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D(implicitInput, uv);

    float4 complement;
    complement.r = color.a - color.r;
    complement.g = color.a - color.g;
    complement.b = color.a - color.b;
    complement.a = color.a;

    return complement;

There are a few initial things worth noting here:

  • The "implicitInput" shader constant is what's in shader constant sampler register S0.  That's going to be the "original" composition of the textbox and button over the image, all converted to a "sampler".  We'll see in a bit how the association to register s0 happens.
  • "main" is the entrypoint to the pixel shader.  It receives as input the texture coordinate (of type 'float2') of where we're currently outputting in the texture coordinate space of the element being applied to.  This varies from 0-1 in u and v.  Note again that while HLSL in general provides more flexibility on input types to shaders, for WPF currently, this is always a float2-valued texture coordinate.
  • Only a pixel shader is being provided here.  No vertex shader.

Given these, we now get to the body of the function.  The first line "tex2D" samples our input texture at the current sampling position uv, and receives a float4 (a 4-component vector with each value a float) that represents the color.  After declaring a local 'complement' float4, we proceed to assign it's R, G, and B values to A minus the corresponding sampled value.  The A value (alpha) receives the corresponding sampled value's alpha directly.  Finally, we return that value.

[May 1, 2009: My esteemed colleagues Ashraf and Don pointed out that my earlier incarnation of this of (1 - component) was wrong, and it should be (A - component). That's because color RGB has their alpha value premultiplied through already. (1 - component) would work for non-premultiplied. The reason it hasn't come up when I used it was the images I supplied were all opaque (A = 1) images, and in this case (1 - component) == (A - component).]

When the Effect runs, this main() function is executed on every pixel affected.  It's run very fast, and quite a bit in parallel, but it is run.

The above isn't the best way to express this HLSL.  The thing is that HLSL drives a SIMD vector processor, so rather than have these three separate RGB calculations, we can use HLSL to combine them:

 float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D(implicitInput, uv);

    float4 complement;
    complement.rgb = color.a - color.rgb;
    complement.a = color.a;

    return complement;

The syntax "complement.rgb = color.a - color.rgb" will treat the "color.a" as replicated into each element of a 3-vector, and then do the subtraction on each element, all with a single PS 2.0 instruction.  (Actually, the HLSL compiler deduces this without me being explicit so the two above shaders generate the same number of instructions, but I never like to count on understanding exactly when compiler optimizations will or won't kick in in super performance sensitive code.)

Compiling the HLSL

WPF Effects do not take the HLSL text directly.  You need to compile it into the binary bytecode that DirectX natively accepts, which is how WPF passes it along.  To do this, you run fxc.exe on your shader file.  Fxc.exe is the shader compiler that comes with the Microsoft DirectX SDK.  You can find it at Utilities\Bin\x86\fxc.exe in the SDK.

Say your HLSL was in 'cc.fx', the following command line would generate the compiled bytecode int '' in the same directory:

> fxc /T ps_2_0 /E main / cc.fx

This says to compile to the PS 2.0 profile, and to look for the entrypoint named "main".

(We have a rough prototype that adds the fxc.exe compilation as a MSBuild build task so that it can be incorporated directly into projects without having to break out to a command line shader compiler.  When that's further along, we'll post this out there for all to use.)

Writing your managed code Effect subclass

Now it's time to write our managed code that will expose this Effect out to WPF developers.  We'll use C# here. 

 using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;

namespace MyEffects
    public class ColorComplementEffect : ShaderEffect
        public ColorComplementEffect()
            PixelShader = _shader;

        public Brush Input
            get { return (Brush)GetValue(InputProperty); }
            set { SetValue(InputProperty, value); }

        public static readonly DependencyProperty InputProperty =
         private static PixelShader _shader =
            new PixelShader() { UriSource = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/MyEffects;component/") };


Here's basically how this works: 

  • We derive from ShaderEffect, itself a subclass of Effect.  Most importantly, ShaderEffect exposes a PixelShader property of type PixelShader.

  • We define a static PixelShader instance which references the compiled bytecode.  It's static because the same PixelShader object can be shared amongst all instances of the Effect.

  • We define a Brush-valued DependencyProperty called InputProperty, and the corresponding Input CLR property.  This is almost identical to how we define other DPs in WPF.  The difference is that we use a helper method called ShaderEffect.RegisterPixelShaderSamplerProperty.  As in other DP definitions, both the name and the owning type are specified.  But the third parameter here (0, in this case) represents the sampler register that the Input property will be able to be accessed from in the shader.  Note that this 0 matches the s0 in the HLSL above:


     sampler2D implicitInput : register(s0);
  • The instance constructor just assigns in the static _shader to the per-instance PixelShader property, and calls UpdateShaderValue() on any DPs that are associated with shader registers.  In this case, just the InputProperty.  This latter is necessary to ensure it's set for the first time, since DPs don't call their PropertyChangedCallbacks on the setting of their default values.

The other thing worth mentioning here is the gibberish in the "pack://" URI when we reference our pixel shader bytecode file,  Since we don't want to reference a loose file on disk, and we'd like the shader bytecode to live in whatever packaging the C# ColorComponentEffect class goes into (since they should travel together), we use the WPF "pack://" URI syntax.  In this case, we're building a library called "MyEffects", which is why that appears in the pack URI. 

In order for this "pack://" URI to work, the bytecode needs to make its way into the built component.  You do this by adding the shader bytecode file into your project, and ensuring that its Build Action is set to "Resource" as this snip from the Solution Explorer shows:


I have a little helper function that lets me express this URI string without hardwiring in "MyEffects", and without re-generating this same gibberish each time:

 new PixelShader() { UriSource = Global.MakePackUri("") }

I include the code for the Global helper class at the bottom of this post.

(Note also that PixelShader objects can also be defined via a Stream, which enables, for instance, authoring tools to construct shader bytecode on the fly and pass it to WPF without ever having to persist it to the file system.)

<Geek-Out-Alert--Somewhat-Esoteric-Stuff-Here> (as if this whole topic isn't geeky enough to start with)

Recall that we considered ColorComplementEffect to be a zero-parameter effect.  So what's with this "Input" DP?  Note that the Effect is invoked via this XAML:

   <Grid >
        <eff:ColorComplementEffect />


The "sampler" that the shader works on is the rasterization of the Grid itself into a bitmap.  You can think of the implementation as creating a VisualBrush of the Grid, then providing that Brush as the value for the Input DP.  It doesn't quite work like that, and we expose a new type of Brush called ImplicitInput to represent this usage.  ImplicitInput is the default value for DPs that defined using "RegisterPixelShaderSamplerProperty", meaning that they automatically receive the "brush" of the element that they're applied to as their shader sampler (register 0 in this case, since that's what we specified).

We'll see in later posts why exposing these as Brushes, and having the ability to control whether ImplicitInput is used is important.  Hint: it has to do with multi-input effects.


OK, that's it for this post...  in the next one we'll get into somewhat more complicated Effect definition.  In particular, parameterized effects.

Appendix: Global.MakePackUri

This is the MakePackUri helper I referenced above.  It's nice in that it's not verbose (like the pack:// URI itself), and, more importantly, it doesn't hardwire in a module name.

 internal static class Global
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper method for generating a "pack://" URI for a given relative file based on the
    /// assembly that this class is in.
    /// </summary>
    public static Uri MakePackUri(string relativeFile)
        string uriString = "pack://application:,,,/" + AssemblyShortName + ";component/" + relativeFile;
        return new Uri(uriString);

    private static string AssemblyShortName
            if (_assemblyShortName == null)
                Assembly a = typeof(Global).Assembly;

                // Pull out the short name.
                _assemblyShortName = a.ToString().Split(',')[0];

            return _assemblyShortName;

    private static string _assemblyShortName;