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Microsoft Management Summit 2009

I just got back from another great MMS in Las Vegas and I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by the booth, attended the Group Policy-related sessions, and asked great questions about Group Policy and AGPM (thanks to Chris for Tweeting about it!). I’m so glad to see that more and more people are using Group Policy Preferences.

Are you using Group Policy Preferences in your environment? Do you have an interesting example of targetting? A great drive mapping? Post your examples in the comments. (just copy and paste the relevant XML and/ or describe what you did)

For those of you who are curious about the specific blog posts I mentioned with script samples, here they are:

Drive Mapping with GP Preferences

Find any setting in every GPO (part 1, part 2) (PowerShell script)

Set a registry key (PowerShell cmdlet)

Backup all GPO’s modified in the last month (PowerShell script)

Troubleshooting using the Event Viewer

TechEd is right around the corner and we Group Policy folks will be there to keep talking about these topics, answer questions, and be our charming Group Policy selves. Come say hi to Michael, and be sure to ask him about his New Zealand accent.

LiliaG, Group Policy PM